She's special

First encounters


I was daydreaming away in the bus alone. As the bus stopped, people started filling in. I got up and stood in front of the entrance so that it won’t be difficult for me to get out later. Sure enough, some stood by the seats as there weren’t enough seats.

The bus started moving again. It was quite a boring day for me. Another day of school. I just stood there, listening to my ipod, bobbing my head to the music. When I reach home, I’m so going to hit the bed.

The bus stopped again at another stop and I looked to my sides to see if there was anyone getting off. Some people squeezed through the crowds and managed to get off the bus. A girl about my age or maybe 1 year younger, was limping down the stairs beside me, trying to alight from the bus. My attention was on her as I was afraid that she might fall. One of her foot was already out of the bus when suddenly the door started closing. My eyes widened in shocked when her leg was caught in between the opening of the door.

I took off my headphone and pressed on the bell quickly non-stop. She wanted to shout but she seems to have difficulty voicing out. She was struggling when I held her hand to prevent her from falling.

“Yah! Open the damn door! Someone is stuck!” I shouted angrily to the bus driver. Fortunately the bus had not moved and the doors opened immediately.


I helped her to get down from the bus while holding her hand. As the bus drove off, she limped off away from me, letting go of my hand. I saw a wound on her knee that is still quite fresh and has not been treated. No wonder she was limping. I got close to her but she kept on limping away.

“Let me help you. Your knee is bleeding,” I said gently. She shook her head and then bowed as if trying to thank me. As she turned away from me, I grabbed hold of her arm. She turned, her expression clearly shocked.

“Please.. I don’t mean any harm. You don’t expect me to just walk away when I’ve obviously see you like this right?” I raised my eyebrows.

She blinked her eyes a few times, unsure of what to do. Eventually she nodded. I smiled and went to the bus stand where there were some metallic benches. I lead her to sit down.

“Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back soon. Arasso?” I said. She nodded.


There was a pharmacy not far from that bus stand. I know that I told her to wait and she nodded but I was still uncertain that she would stay. I ran quickly to the pharmacy and by the time I reached the place, I was already panting. I bought some tissue, bandages, cotton buds and antiseptic for the wound.

I ran back to the bus stand and sighed in relieved when I saw that she was still there. I walked to her and she looked up at me. I took off my bag and placed it beside her. I kneeled down in front of her and rolled up my sleeves. I took out my water bottle and squirted some on the tissue paper. Before I clean her wound, I looked up at her. She was really scared. Not of me, but the pain.


“It’s going to hurt a little but I promise to be gentle ok?” I said. She pursed her lips together and nodded slowly. I smiled to give her assurance.

I dabbed the wet tissue on her wound gently and soon I was finished cleaning her wound. I took the antiseptic from the plastic bag and opened the cap. I put some on a cotton bud and started applying it on the wound.

“Did you fall somewhere?” I asked, breaking the silence. I looked up at her and she nodded.

“I’m Junhyung by the way. What’s your name?” I didn’t hear any response so I looked up again. She just stared at me. Slowly she brought her hand up and did some sign language.

My guess was right. She is mute. I smiled politely. “Mianhe.. I don’t understand sign language.” I pursed my lips to the side, looking at her apologetically. I noticed there was a name tag on her wallet that she was holding.

“Hyuna? Is your name Hyuna?” I asked. She looked shocked. I guess I got her name right. I smiled and pointed to her wallet. She looked at her wallet and smiled. I didn’t realise that she looks like an angel. A sweet angel. Not that I’ve seen an angel before.


I continued applying the antiseptic and started bandaging her knee carefully. After that I examined her other leg that was stuck at the door just now.

“Did the bus hurt you?” I looked at her. She chuckled silently and shook her head. I smiled when I realised what I said did not really make sense. But I’m glad that made her smile.

I put the things in the plastic bag and stood up. I helped her up and she gave me my bag. I slung my bag over and smiled at her.


“Can I send you home? I just want to make sure you reach home safely,” I asked her in a friendly tone.

She smiled shyly and looked down. I bit my lip, waiting for her response. My smile was wide with happiness when she nodded.

I squatted in front of her. “Gaja, I give you a piggy back.” I turned and smiled at her.

She looked very shy and I could see her blushing. Slowly she put her arm around my neck. I supported both her legs with my arms and stood up.

“Hold on tightly arasso?” I said, tilting my head behind slightly to see her. She nodded and tightened her grip.

“Urggh.. not.. so.. tight..” I said, pretending to be choked. She quickly put her hand on my shoulders instead and she almost fell backwards but I held on her back with one hand just in time.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m just kidding Hyuna..” I smiled.

She put one arm around my neck and smacked my back lightly with her other hand. She wrapped her arms around my neck once again and I started walking.

I know I couldn’t possibly talk to her so I just stayed silent the whole way. She pointed me the directions to her house and I followed.

I reached the front of her house and put her down carefully. She stood infront of me and bowed slightly, thanking me. Before she turn, I spoke.

“Can I see you again?” I asked. She looked down shyly and I titled my head to look at her. Since she did not answer, I’ll take that as a yes. I took out a pen from my pocket and took her hand gently. She looked up as I wrote my handphone number and my name on her palm.

I smiled at her as I finished writing. “Text me whenever you’re free.”

She smiled shyly and ran quickly inside her house.



I've been doing alot of Junhyung and Hyuna lately on this oneshots. 
I decided to start doing on other members as well.
So according to the banner i just made aite??
After this would be Doojoon! :)

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--geeniee #1
dont delete>.<
please update*-*
Chapter 10: omg 1st chapter and the chaper 9 should be a sequel its awesome xDD i love alll actually but those 2 are my fav *-*
Chapter 1: Omg the first chapter was hilarious! The whole bus scenario? Lmao! Poor junhyung couldnt escape!! LOL
please update soon (:
waa so amazing~!
fanfictionlover97 #6
omgomg dongwoonxhyuna fanfics!! <3
I got goosebumps
Omo! Yoseob's story was amazing! Pleaae expand on it! Make it a little longer or write another one-shot for it! I beg of you!!! :O