The Art Shack

The Girls of Summer

"Hey girls," a soft feminine voice spoke. It was breakfast time and the girls looked up to see Tzuyu, the ten to twelves counselor, standing above their table. "My campers and I are going to do some pottery at the art shack today. Do you all wanna come along?" 

"Yes!" Haseul cheered, a little too loudly before sinking back into her seat. 

Tzuyu giggled. "Alright, just meet us there after breakfast."

And so they did. Lining up in front of the art shack, the girls stood next to the ten to twelve year olds and watched Tzuyu and the art counselor, Chaeyoung, explain to them all how to make the pottery at the wheel. As there weren't enough pottery wheels for everyone, the girls were asked to pair up, and were given their clay. 

Chaewon and Hyejoo excitedly slapped their clay down onto the wheel and started spinning. 

"Finally..." Hyejoo breathed out. "No physical activity." 

"I know!" Chaewon cheered, spinning the wheel with her foot as Hyejoo started to shape the clay according to the instructions the counselors gave. She stuck her thumb into the middle to start to shape the bowl. 

"Wow," Hyejoo mumbled. 

"It's actually working!" 

Hyejoo started to wrap her hands around the bowl to give it a better shape, and Chaewon looked over at her with a shy expression. 

"C-can I... can I help you?" 

Hyejoo nodded and smiled, not understanding why Chaewon was so nervous until she put her tiny hands on top of Hyejoo's. 


Hyejoo really wasn't sure where to look. If she looked at the ground she would up the bowl, but if she look at the bowl or at Chaewon she would blush even harder than she already was. Just looking at Chaewon's soft, small, warm hands on top of her own made her melt. 

Chaewon, too, was flustered. She was glad she had done it but she was surprised she'd had that much courage at all. She couldn't even look at Hyejoo, and quickly she realized this might up the bowl. 

She pulled her hands away quickly, sitting on them without even thinking about getting clay all over her dress. Hyejoo picked up the bowl and stared at the floor. 

"U-uh...I'm gonna go...bring this to the kiln," she stuttered out, running over to the art shack to put it in the cabin. When both of them were far away from each other, they secretly smiled. 

Meanwhile, Jiwoo and Sooyoung were concentrating hard on getting their bowl to look just right. Jiwoo was even trying out the little stick for making designs that Chaeyoung had shown to the older girls. Her eyebrows were furrowed and all her concentration was poured into this bowl, making it just right. It was interesting for Sooyoung to see her like this, not smiling and giggly and chatty like usual. Of course she liked Jiwoo's usual self, but it was nice to see this side of her too. She feels like she knows Jiwoo better, and really that's all she wants. 

When it was finally done she let out a great sigh, leaning back in the wheel's seat. "'s done. It looks pretty good!" She cheered, returning to her usual cheery self. 

"It's perfect..." 

"Thanks," Jiwoo answered, giving Sooyoung a tight side hug. "I wish I could take a picture of it." 

Sooyoung sighed. "I know...." 

"Our parents are going to kill us, aren't they? Even though we're getting new phones later?" 

"Yup. Are you going to wait to tell them until they pick you up or rip the band aid and tell them in a letter?" 

"Letter. So they have time to process," Jiwoo answered. "And I'm worried...what if all our followers leave us?" 

"I don't think so, we'll only be gone a couple weeks." 

"Multiple weeks is a lifetime in internet time!" She then smiled. "But actually, I like it! It's so peaceful without it. I feel like a boomer!" 

Sooyoung laughed loudly at that. "I agree with you completely. I'm worried, but it is really nice. And...Jiwoo, you know...I feel like I can be with you," she admitted, quietly looking down in her lap. 

"I like that too," Jiwoo answered in her bright tone, but Sooyoung could hear a hint of shyness behind it. 

Suddenly, she laughed. "Here with Chuu." Jiwoo quickly laughed along, and Sooyoung couldn't think of a sound she enjoyed more. 

On the other side of the line of pottery wheels, Jungeun and Jinsoul were making their own bowl too. 

"It'll be our couple bowl," Jinsoul said sweetly. 

"But which one of us will be able to take it home?" Jungeun asked. 

Jinsoul made a fierce expression. "It's mine." 

Jungeun glared back. "No way! It's mine." 

The two continued staring before they both burst into giggles, continuing to work. Jinsoul leaned forward to continue to shape the bowl and Jungeun slid in behind her, wrapping her hands over Jinsoul's delicate fingers. Jinsoul smiled softly to herself and Jungeun nestled her head in the crook of Jinsoul's shoulder, watching her shape it perfectly. 

Everything was so pretty about Jinsoul, Jungeun was noticing, even just the little details. Like her neck, long and perfect somehow, and Jungeun couldn't resist kissing it. Jinsoul let out a little giggle, trying to focus on the bowl, and Jungeun knew this was okay. 

She kept on kissing on Jinsoul's neck, noticing Jinsoul bite her lip out of the corner of her eye. 

"Oh my god Jinsoul and Jungeun are making out!" Yeojin suddenly screamed from her station, right next to theirs. 

Yerim looked over too and screamed, and Jungeun turned to glare at the younger girls. Jinsoul just giggled. 

In the quieter corner of the area by the art shack, Haseul and Vivi were working on their own bowl masterpiece. To Haseul's surprise, it was actually coming together okay, but that was probably more because of Vivi's work rather than her own. She had even etched designs into the the side; and it looked like art. 

"This is amazing!" Haseul cried. "Have you ever done this before?" 

Vivi shook her head and smiled at Haseul. "No, but it's really fun!" 

"Do you do art stuff at all?" 

Vivi shrugged. "Just doodles and all that, nothing serious." 

Haseul stamped her foot on the ground. "It's not nothing serious! You have a talent," she spoke firmly. 

Vivi shrugged again and looked shyly at the floor. "Well, I do practice it a lot..." 

"Has nobody ever noticed your talent before?" Haseul asked, her usually silly voice turning serious. 

Vivi shook her head, staring pointedly at the bowl. "You're the first person to ever say anything." She chuckled, her tone a bit sad. "Nobody's noticed before, I guess. You know, I'm a bit small, and quiet....people don't notice me a lot in general." 

Haseul stared into Vivi's eyes. "I notice you." 

Vivi looked up at her and Haseul just stared, somewhere in the zone between romantic and creepy. Vivi giggled awkwardly and Haseul sharply looked down at the floor. 

"Wanna make another?" Vivi asked quietly. 

Haseul finally got back control of herself. "Of course."

Despite the fact that Hyunjin and Heejin never did art activities, Heejin turned out to be shockingly good at the pottery. Of course, Hyunjin thought. Heejin's good at ing everything. 

They were on their second bowl now and Heejin was shaping it with her hands, just like before. But noticing the other girls around her  doing it, and gaining a burst of courage, she put her hands on top of Heejin's to help her shape it. 

Heejin giggled but Hyunjin could feel the platonic energy behind it, feel the lack of any butterflies or flustering, whereas her own heart was beating hard in her chest. Maybe this had been a bad idea. Maybe this just made her feel worse. 

"Oh gosh Hyunjin," Heejin cooed. "This is so...ugh. It's such a crime there's no boys at this camp. This would be so know, a cute boy's strong hands over my would be like that movie!" She laughed. 

But Hyunjin didn't feel that little jump in her stomach likeshe usually did when she heard Heejin laugh. Instead she only felt herself sink lower, and lower, and lower. 

She couldn't stand to hear another word of it. So suddenly, she got up. 

"I'm tired. I'm gonna go back to the cabin and take a nap," she said suddenly. 

Heejin looked up at her with furrowed brows. "Wait, what? Don't you wanna finish this bowl with me?" 

"Nah. I'm really tired, sorry," Hyunjin answered, letting her hair out of the tight ponytail. Heejin looked up at her with an almost pout, and Hyunjin felt almost guilty. But she steeled herself; this was too much torture. "Bye Heejin, see you later." 

She turned away and started walking back to the cabin, the gravel of the path crunching beneath her feet. 

"Wait!" Heejin called, and Hyunjin turned back to her. "Are you okay?" 

"Yup," Hyunjin answered. "I'm okay." She turned back to the path. "Just tired." 

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Chapter 2: loving everything about this story
LKLsoccer #2
Chapter 30: This is my 5th time rereading this and at this point I need a sequel with 1- yerim and yeojin become a couple and 2- more counselor couples. It would also be cool to see how all of their relationships have developed over time especially considering the long distance relationships
Chapter 30: this is one of my favorite fanfics istg it’s so good!! <3
LKLsoccer #4
Chapter 30: Please make a sequel!! I’m begging you
This fic was soooo good
Chapter 7: Every time Heejin mentions a boy someone in the world dies
Chapter 2: how cute they all are
YoonYul4Life #7
I read this fanfic awhile ago but I can’t stop thinking about it ! I just want you to know how much I love and adore this <33
Chapter 30: oh gosh..... i- wow... in tears rn for how freaking cute they were... gawd i hope there would be a sequel to this, or a part 2 (isn't that the same thing??? nvm) and i'd literally die from happiness jsjsjsjsjsjsjsjs i really likes this,,, so, so much...

thank you for making this great story~ lovelots!❤️
Chapter 28: why do they have to be so cute omg ??
Chapter 8: oh damn.... i- damn... this is- damn. WOW, DAMN, WOW