Hiking Hell

The Girls of Summer

During breakfast the next day, the twelve girls were approached by one of the counselors. 

"Hi ladies! I'm Nayeon and I'm in charge of the sixteen to eighteen year olds. Do you all want to come on a hike with us? At the end there's a beautiful lake with a view and we bring BLTs and brownies!" 

Chaewon and Hyejoo shared a fearful look and Haseul looked nervous. 

"Hiking isn't really my thing..." Sooyoung spoke with distain. 

"Come on! Let's all go!" Jiwoo cheered, clutching onto Sooyoung's arm. "It'll be fun!" 

"Alright then it's settled we're all going," Sooyoung spoke immediately. 

"What?" Hyejoo cried, the loudest Chaewon had ever heard her speak. 

"Yay! Glad to hear it ladies," Nayeon answered. "After breakfast get changed and come right back here." 

Haseul and Vivi shared a look and Hyejoo visibly deflated. Chaewon patted her back and pouted. 

"Maybe it won't be so bad?" 


It was that bad. It was actually a very strenuous hike, and even Nayeon was panting heavily. Chaewon and Hyejoo were at the very back, groaning their way up the massive hill. 

But Hyunjin and Heejin were having a great time. The sun was out, the air was fresh, and they were moving like they would normally. This hike wasn't so bad for them, and it felt really nice. Hyunjin had especially missed this; if she was at home she would be doing prep for all her teams for next year.

"How...far....are....we?" Haseul panted out. Vivi looked at her worriedly and Haseul forced a smile on her face, but Heejin and Hyunjin shared a smile. They had seen her weezing all the way up. 

"Actually...we're not too far!" Nayeon answered, panting heavily too, lugging all the food up as well.  

Heejin turned to Hyunjin, giving her an up and down look that sent a shiver down Hyunjin's spine for reasons she couldn't quite explain yet.

"I'll race you to the lake," she spoke mischeviously. 

Hyunjin grinned back. "It's a deal." Over the past three days of camp, Heejin often challenged Hyunjin like this. But Hyunjin loved a good competition, and it was probably the reason they had gotten so close in just three days. It was nice her now best friend at camp felt the same. 

"I'll count you all off," Yeojin said from behind, and Heejin and Hyunjin crouched in the grass. "Three, two, one, go!" 

The girls immediately sped off into the distance, running over the rough rocks and little patches of grass. Hyunjin knew Heejin had speed over her, but Hyunjin was best when it came to stamina. If she was patient, she knew she could win. 

Only a few moments later she was almost caught up, right behind Heejin, about to overtake her. But in that moment, Heejin whipped her long brown hair around to give Hyunjin a big smile. 

And Hyunjin froze in her tracks. 

Heejin is beautiful. That was obvious; Hyunjin had noticed from the first moment they had met that Heejin was beautiful, but she'd never really  noticed until now. Heejin is beautiful, and smart, and funny, and-

Oh no. 

"Dude, what happened?" Yeojin yelled from behind, and Hyunjin was pulled from her thoughts. The race, right. She sighed and continued running, quickly hitting the top of the hill over the lake, where Heejin was waiting for her. 

The view was beautiful. This shimmering blue lake, hidden between the walls of the mountain. A crack between the peaks showed the green woodlands, stretching out to what seemed like the end of the earth down below. It was beautiful. 

But when Hyunjin turned to look at Heejin, she saw something more beautiful standing right beside her. 

"I win," Heejin spoke quietly. 

"Yeah," Hyunjin answered, looking down as her cheeks turned a little bit pink. "You do." 

"Woooo!" Yeojin screamed behind them, running between the two girls and tearing off her hiking clothes into her swimsuit, about to jump into the water. 

"Yeojin!" Nayeon yelled. "Lunch first!" 

Yeojin frowned and froze, slowly walking back to the counselor. But the rest of the girls followed suit, getting into their bathing suits to go eat lunch. It had gotten super hot out, plus the hike had warmed them all up quite a bit, so they just wanted to hang out in their swimsuits. 

"You know what about this camp?" Heejin said to Hyunjin as they threw their clothes in a pile, jogging to Nayeon to get lunch. 


"There's no boys," Heejin groaned. "We spend so much time in our swimsuits; wouldn't it be so hot to hang out all day with a bunch of sporty shirtless guys like us? There aren't even any male counselors! I am so deprived." 

Hyunjin grimaced and nodded at Heejin before looking down at the ground. Nayeon handed her a BLT and a brownie, and Hyunjin just didn't know what to say, while Heejin just ate and chatted and didn't even realize anything was wrong. But all Hyunjin could think was oh no oh no oh no oh no. 


After all of the girls had finished their food, and after Nayeon made them rest for thirty minutes to make sure none of them got sick, the twelve girls sat on the cliff above the lake. It was a bit of a distance but definitely still safe, and Nayeon said that when her and her friends were campers, the best part of the hike was jumping into the lake.

"Who is going to be the first to jump in?" Yerim asked. 

Haseul's eyes widened and Jiwoo pouted and shook her head vigorously. Jinsoul stood up and smiled. "Hmm... why not?" she said, looking over the edge and grinning. The other girls looked at her with surprise, and Jungeun with a tinge of worry

"Do one of your cheer routines!" Yeojin yelled and Jinsoul laughed, turning to the girls and thinking for a moment. 

"Ready, okay! Go, go G-O, go lions go!" she yelled, doing the cheerleader motions before backflipping into the water. The other girls looked down into the water, with excitement and fear, when Jinsoul's little blonde head bobbed to the surface. 

"It's so cold!" She yelled up to them, giggling and rubbing her arms. After a moment Jungeun stood up too, jumping right into the lake. 

"!" Jungeun screamed, louder than the girls had heard her before. The all laughed loudly while Jinsoul and Jungeun swam to each other, teeth chattering. 

"Oh my god maybe we shouldn't have done this," Jungeun said. 

"Hopefully we'll warm up soon?" Jinsoul responded, hiding her pout at the cold water. The blonde cheerleader then looked up at Jungeun hopefully. "Huddle for warmth?" 

"Hell yeah," Jungeun answered, and the two girls tightly wrapped their arms around each other. Immediately it was like the cold of the water went away. Jinsoul's skin was so soft and she was so warm that Jungeun thought she might pass out. Jungeun tried to calm the rapid beating of her heart; it was so loud that Jinsoul could probably hear it. Jinsoul was trembling just a little in her arms, but Jungeun was sure it was just the cold water.  

"I can't believe you can do a backflip!" Jungeun cried and Jinsoul laughed. 

"I'm a cheerleader, aren't I? I have to know how to do a backflip," she answered. 

In that moment, all Jungeun wanted to do was tell Jinsoul her routine was cute, but she knew Jinsoul would probably think she was weird. But hadn't Jinsoul been the one obviously flirting with her yesterday at the pool? Maybe she wouldn't mind so much if Jungeun flirted back.

"You know, your cheer routine was really cute," Jungeun said quietly. 

"Really?" Jinsoul answered in a high pitched voice that made Jungeun smile. Jungeun nodded, and Jinsoul looked into her eyes. "Well, you're really cute." 

At that Jungeun really blushed, trying not to make an absolute fool of herself in front of the cutest girl she had probably ever seen in her entire life. Jungeun could hardly process the fact that the cutest girl she had probably ever seen in her entire life thought she was cute too. Jinsoul just hugged Jungeun tighter, probably trying to escape the cold, and Jungeun smiled into the crook of her neck. 

The sound of splashing and giggling and the feeling of droplets of water landing on her filled Jungeun's ears, probably the rest of the girls jumping into the water too, but Jungeun was not distracted in the slightest. Really, it felt like her and Jinsoul were alone together, no matter where they were. Maybe, just maybe, this could turn into more than just a camp friendship or camp flirtation.

"Jinsoul and Jungeun sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Yeojin chanted suddenly. Jungeun and Jinsoul were pulled out of their own little world, spinning around while still locked together to glare at her. 

"Aren't we a little too old for that?" Yerim asked quietly. 

"Yerimmie, we are never too old to make fun of couples."  

At the word 'couple', Jungeun hid her face so Jinsoul wouldn't see her blushing. So she couldn't see Jinsoul doing the same. 

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Chapter 2: loving everything about this story
LKLsoccer #2
Chapter 30: This is my 5th time rereading this and at this point I need a sequel with 1- yerim and yeojin become a couple and 2- more counselor couples. It would also be cool to see how all of their relationships have developed over time especially considering the long distance relationships
Chapter 30: this is one of my favorite fanfics istg it’s so good!! <3
LKLsoccer #4
Chapter 30: Please make a sequel!! I’m begging you
This fic was soooo good
Chapter 7: Every time Heejin mentions a boy someone in the world dies
Chapter 2: how cute they all are
YoonYul4Life #7
I read this fanfic awhile ago but I can’t stop thinking about it ! I just want you to know how much I love and adore this <33
Chapter 30: oh gosh..... i- wow... in tears rn for how freaking cute they were... gawd i hope there would be a sequel to this, or a part 2 (isn't that the same thing??? nvm) and i'd literally die from happiness jsjsjsjsjsjsjsjs i really likes this,,, so, so much...

thank you for making this great story~ lovelots!❤️
Chapter 28: why do they have to be so cute omg ??
Chapter 8: oh damn.... i- damn... this is- damn. WOW, DAMN, WOW