Scavenger Hunt

The Girls of Summer

At breakfast the next morning, the girls were suprised when Jihyo grabbed the loud speaker and started speaking to everyone. 

"Listen up ladies! Today is the annual scavenger hunt! Every age group is gonna get some clues and whichever group wins gets...drumroll please..." All of the campers started drumming on their laps. "Free passes to the store for the rest of camp!" 

"Scavenger hunt?" Hyejoo mumbled with a grimace. Her and Chaewon shared a look. 

"This is for little kids," Sooyoung mumbled, clutching Jiwoo's hand.

Jiwoo shrugged. "You don't wanna?" 

"I can think of better things you and I could do..." Sooyoung answered. 

"Ugh, you guys are worse than Jungeun and Jinsoul!" Yeojin yelled; Sooyoung and Jiwoo had announced their relationship last night at dinner. "Just know that when we win the scavenger hunt we will not be sharing our store passes with you guys." 

"Yeah!" Yerim added. 

"Hell yeah ladies! We're gonna win this thing, right?" Haseul said loudly. 

"Yes!" Yeojin and Yerim cheered simoultaneously. Vivi smiled at her, and Jihyo blew a whistle. The counselors began to hand out the first clue, and Sooyoung, Jiwoo, Chaewon, and Hyejoo snuck away. 

" to be them," Yeojin mumbled 

"Oh yeah, they're missing out on free ice cream!" Haseul cheered in an announcer style voice. 

"This ," Hyunjin whined. 

"But free ice cream?" Heejin piped up. 

Hyunjin looked Heejin over and let out a gentle sigh. "Free ice cream." 

"Are you two coming?" Yeojin asked a snuggling Jinsoul and Jungeun. 

They shared a look and shrugged. "Why not?" Jinsoul responded. 

"I mean, free ice cream," Jungeun added, just as Tzuyu handed them the first clue. 

"If I were a wish, where at camp would I be?" Yerim read out loud. 

"The pool?" Heejin spoke hesitantly. 

Haseul quickly stood up and pointed out of the dining hall. "To the pool!" She cheered, and everyone followed after her. 

"Isn't that a little obvious?" Jinsoul mumbled to Jungeun. 

"This game was made for five year olds to be able to do," Jungeun answered. 

"Hurry up stupid lovebirds!" Yeojin yelled, and the couple ran to catch up with the rest. 


With Haseul as their leader, the girls had managed to pick up about five clues thus far. None of them could really tell how well they were doing but even the hesitant girls were seeming to have a good time. However, it was clear that Yeojin, Yerim, and Haseul were putting in the most effort. 

"Haseul!" Yerim yelled. 

"Haseul! We wanna talk to private," Yeojin said with a smirk. 


"Let the other girls take over the hunt for a while," Yeojin said, her and Yerim flanking Haseul as the other girls began figuring out the clues. 

"What's this all about?" Haseul asked and the girls shushed her.

"You're gonna wanna be quieter, for your own sake," Yeojin answered. Slowly, the thirteen year olds smiled. 

"You like Vivi don't you," Yerim teased. 

"Wh-what? Who said that?" Haseul answered. 

"You did. You're so obvious," Yeojin said. 

"No, I don't like her," Haseul spoke with an uncomfortable chuckle. Both of the girls gave her a look and she sighed. "Fine, I do. But she's pretty and kind and draws well and she's perfect! What else was I supposed to do, not like her? You guys can't tell anyone. If she finds two are in big trouble." 

Yeojin snorted at Haseul's empty threat and Yerim pouted at her before turning to Haseul. "Of course we won't tell anyone." 

"We're here to discuss this with you, woman to woman. Not to spread any gossip," Yeojin added. 

"Actually, we've been analyzing her and we think she likes you back," Yerim spoke happily. 

Haseul laughed. "There's no way." 

"I didn't think so either but Yerim's right. She may like you."

"What?" Haseul cried. "Stop making things up. I know what a trickster you are Yeojin but this is a little mean." 

"I'm being serious!" Yeojin whined. 

"You should ask her to be your girlfriend!" Yerim suggested. 

"No. No no no no no," Haseul firmly answered. 

"Yes yes yes yes yes!" Yeojin answered. 

"What the does this mean?" Hyunjin spoke from off in the distance and Yeojin, Yerim, and Haseul turned to see the rest of the girls standing over a clue. 

Haseul chuckled awkwardly. "Whelp, it looks like I gotta go help the girls out! See ya!" She then ran away as quickly as she could. 

Yerim sighed deeply and Yeojin slowly shook her head. 

"She really is an idiot when it comes to this sort of thing, right? She's a scavenger hunt genius but..." Yeojin trailed off. 

Yerim nodded. "Then it's our job to help make her less of an idiot. Or at least give her a push in the right direction." The girls looked at each other and smiled. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Yeojin asked. 

"Of course!" Yerim answered. 

"Secret matchmaking alliance?" Yeojin whispered, and Yerim shook her hand. 

"Secret matchingmaking alliance." After an affirming nod the girls ran back over to the rest of the group, who were already heading to the next clue. 

"You two better not have been scheming!" Haseul whisper yelled. 

"Of course we weren't scheming!" Yerim easily lied. 

"No way Haseul, we weren't scheming," Yeojin terribly lied, and her and Yerim shared a giggle. Haseul groaned loudly. 

"Just don't tell her!" She whispered angrily before going back over to Vivi. 


"Aha!" Haseul cried, snatching the clue from the door of the five to sevens cabin. "We've got it." 

"Yes!" Yerim and Yeojin cheered. 

The girls all crowded around Haseul to read it. "I think it means we have to go to the bathrooms by our cabin," Haseul spoke. 

"That seems right," Jungeun responded. 

"Alright ladies let's hurry up and go! Come on!" Everyone started running off towards the bathroom, Yeojin and Yerim dragging along Jungeun and Jinsoul who were just trying to have a romantic moment. 

"Jungeun! Jinsoul! Come on!" Yeojin whined. 

"Yeah! We have to win this thing!" Haseul yelled. They finally got to the bathroom and filed inside, Vivi and Haseul holding the door open for everyone. 

"You're really taking this thing seriously, aren't you," Vivi teased. 

"Of course! Free ice cream is very important!" Haseul firmly answered back, before taking looking around herself to see if anyone was nearby. Once she realized all the other girls were in the bathroom she stepped in a bit closer to Vivi, letting the bathroom door shut behind her. She sighed softly. "You know...when some of the other girls left this thing today, I saw something in Yeojin and Yerim. You know, I was that kid. The one who wanted to do kid things a bit longer than everyone else, and I always felt bad about it. I didn't want Yeojin and Yerim to feel that they're lame, or childish, or unfun. It's summer camp. We're supposed to be like kids. It's supposed to be fun." Vivi stared up at Haseul with wonder in her eyes. "And anyways, it's free ice cream after all." 

Vivi let out a soft exhale. "It is." They just stared at each other for a moment. "Haseul, I hope you know what a wonderful person you are." 

Immediately she turned beet red. "No no no! I-it's just, I'm just, it's just-" 

"Haseul Haseul Haseul!" Yeojin yelled, bursting out of the door with a clue in her hand. 

"It was under the toilet seat," Yerim added proudly. 

"You got that? Good job!" Haseul cheered, shaking off her nervousness from before. "What does it say?" 

"Something about squirrel food..." The girls all crowded around to look at it.

"What about those trees that have all the weird seeds by them?" Yerim suggested. 

"Brilliant idea Yerim!" Haseul cried. "Let's go ladies!" 

The girls started to run except for Jinsoul and Jungeun, slowly walking and swinging their hands. 

"Come on, let's go!" Vivi yelled back to them, and they giggled and ran forward to catch up. Haseul looked at her with the biggest grin, and Vivi slowly smiled back. The butterfly that had been floating in her stomach since camp began exploded into a whole swarm and yet there was only one thing on her mind. 



"This one says head to the dining hall..." Heejin said, picking up their tenth clue on the trunk of a tree. 

"Then let's go!" Yeojin screamed, and the girls ran as fast as their legs would take them to the dining hall. Once they arrived Jihyo was there waiting for them with a smile on her face. Heejin ran over and delivered the last clue to her. 

"Congratulations ladies," Jihyo said. "You've won!" 

"Wait, seriously?" Yerim asked.

"Yep! There are how many of you?" Jihyo counted in her head. "So here are the eight passes!" 

"Yay!" Haseul yelled and the girls all gave each other a big hug before taking the passes. 

"That'll teach those lame girls," Yeojin cursed, and everyone laughed. 

"We couldn't have done it without you," Vivi mumbled in Haseul's ear, and they shared a smile. 

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Chapter 2: loving everything about this story
LKLsoccer #2
Chapter 30: This is my 5th time rereading this and at this point I need a sequel with 1- yerim and yeojin become a couple and 2- more counselor couples. It would also be cool to see how all of their relationships have developed over time especially considering the long distance relationships
Chapter 30: this is one of my favorite fanfics istg it’s so good!! <3
LKLsoccer #4
Chapter 30: Please make a sequel!! I’m begging you
This fic was soooo good
Chapter 7: Every time Heejin mentions a boy someone in the world dies
Chapter 2: how cute they all are
YoonYul4Life #7
I read this fanfic awhile ago but I can’t stop thinking about it ! I just want you to know how much I love and adore this <33
Chapter 30: oh gosh..... i- wow... in tears rn for how freaking cute they were... gawd i hope there would be a sequel to this, or a part 2 (isn't that the same thing??? nvm) and i'd literally die from happiness jsjsjsjsjsjsjsjs i really likes this,,, so, so much...

thank you for making this great story~ lovelots!❤️
Chapter 28: why do they have to be so cute omg ??
Chapter 8: oh damn.... i- damn... this is- damn. WOW, DAMN, WOW