
The Girls of Summer

"Ugh, how is it so hot out already?" Heejin groaned. The girls were sitting at breakfast, the sun already beatingdown on them through the windows. 

"What should we do then?" Haseul asked. 

Yeojin and Yerim shared a smile before slowly chanting, "Pool, pool, pool." Slowly, the rest of the girls joined in, until almost everyone was excitedly cheering about going to the pool. 

"Let's go!" Jiwoo cheered, and the girls raced to put away their trays and get changed into their swimsuits. 

All of them except for one. Jinsoul slowly stood up and made her way to put her trays, standing silently next to Jungeun. She deflated when she noticed Jinsoul's empty expression. 

"Is everything okay?" Jungeun asked. 

"Yeah!" Jinsoul responded, putting a smile on her face. "I don't think I'm gonna go to the pool today though. I'm pretty tired." 

"Can I stay with you?" Jungeun asked immediately. 

Jinsoul looked up in surprise. "Don't you wanna go to the pool? It is hot out today..." 

Jungeun shook her head and grinned. "I'd rather hang out with you." 

Slowly, Jinsoul grinned back, and the two headed out of the dining hall with a smile. 

"We're just gonna hang out at the cabin today!" Jungeun yelled, noticing the other girls running further down the path. 

Yeojin turned back to them. "Jinsoul and Jungeun sitting in a tree-" She was cut off by Haseul who gave her a look. "God Haseul you're so lame!" She yelled, and Jinsoul and Jungeun shared a grin.

"So, where should we go?" Jinsoul asked. 

"You know what sounds good? Ice cream." 

"You're a genius." The two girls immediately ran off to the store, throwing open the door with loud giggles. The bell rang and the counselor running the store sat up with a start; clearly she had been sleeping. 

Jinsoul and Jungeun immediately ran over to the ice cream fridge and the cashier gave them a look. "Ladies...it's nine am. Don't you think it's a bit early for ice cream?" 

Jungeun squinted at the name badge on her shirt. "On the contrary, Miss Jeongyeon, I think it's never too early for ice cream." 

Jeongyeon made a face before pulling out her phone, and Jungeun and Jinsoul opened the fridge to peek at the flavors.

"Ahh," Jinsoul groaned dramatically at the fridge's cool air. Jungeun laughed and they silently looked around. 

"Is there a reason you don't want to go to the pool?" Jungeun suddenly asked, pulling out an orange creamsicle. Jinsoul grabbed one for herself before sighing and shutting the fridge. 

"N-no, I'm just tired," she answered, but when Jungeun glanced at her hair, Jinsoul sighed. "Alright, fine. I didn't want to get fun of because of my hair again. Look, I know they weren't being mean, just teasing, but I know the green color it gets is gross and it's so dead..." 

"Do you like your hair?" Jungeun asked. 

"No! It's so unhealthy and it doesn't look good anymore but..." Suddenly, Jungeun looked up on a shelf, and Jinsoul followed her eyes to see a box of black hair dye

Jungeun turned back to her with a smile. "Do you wanna?" 

Jinsoul thought for a moment. It made her nervous but deep down, she knew she wanted it back to black like when she was a kid. "Yeah. Alright. Let's do it." Jungeun grabbed the dye off the shelf and the ice cream in Jinsoul's hand, paying for both of them with crumpled cash. 

Jeongyeon looked at the box of hair dye and then back at Jinsoul. "Good idea." Jinsoul pouted, Jungeun glared at her, and Jeongyeon handed back their change. 

The two girls raced out of the store and up to the bathroom by their cabin, starting immediately. 

"Wait...first let's eat our ice cream," Jinsoul said. 

"That's a good idea," Jungeun answered, and the girls paused by the sink to eat their orange creamsicles, eating in silence for a few moments "Are you excited?" 

"Um...yeah?" Jinsoul answered, both of them finishing off their ice creams and tossing the sticks in the trash. The girls then stepped into one of the showers, rinsing off their fingers and getting Jinsoul's hair nice and wet. 

When that was done Jungeun took a quick look at the box before opening it and setting up the materials, finding a large box for Jinsoul to sit on. "Don't worry, I've done these kits a couple of times before for my friends. I haven't messed it up." 

"Oh, I'm not worried about that." Jungeun began to stir the materials together with the little brush and bowl included in the box. Jinsoul turned and looked at the black goo sitting in the bowl, making an o face and giggling. 

"But you are worried." 

Jinsoul looked up at Jungeun's face briefly before sighing. "I...I..." 

"Hold still," Jungeun mumbled sweetly, starting to paint the dye into her hair. 

"I...I guess it's because...I've been blonde since the summer before seventh grade, right?" 

"Oh my god," Jungeun spoke under her breath.

"Yeah, and...it's part of my thing! I'm Jinsoul! I'm blonde, I'm peppy, I'm a cheerleader! I'm the blondest girl you'll ever meet! And, most people like me. But what happens when I'm not blonde anymore? When I'm not that blonde, peppy cheerleader? I know it's stupid to ask but...will people still like me?" 

Jungeun didn't speak for a long time, just putting the dye into Jinsoul's hair. She knew exactly what she meant. It wasn't about the hair. 

Jinsoul tried to look up at Jungeun but Jungeun held her head still, painting the roots of the lower layers of her hair. She could tell Jinsoul was getting nervous so she had to speak, no matter what she said. "Jinsoul...Jinsoul I've only known you for five days but I can already tell you're so much more than that blonde, peppy cheerleader. You're...you're an angel. Your whole self is perfect, the peppy cheerleader and the girl underneath that. No matter what you look like, Jinsoul...I can promise that I'll always like you." 

Both of them were frozen and silent for a few moments. Luckily Jungeun had finished Jinsoul's hair because when she did move she surprised Jungeun, whipping herself around to look her in the eye. 

She paused for just a moment. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" 

Jungeun dropped the bowl with the dye, too distracted to even thank god that it was empty. "Wait what?" 

It was so quiet in there that both of their breaths echoed through the stalls. Jinsoul looked down at the floor hurriedly before standing up. "N-never mind..." she mumbled, starting to walk out of the door. 

Jungeun didn't really know what was going on but she knew she had to stop Jinsoul. "Jinsoul, Jinsoul," she said, and she froze in the doorway. Seeing the confusion etched on Jungeun's face, she spoke. 

"I-I don't know, I guess I just misinterpreted everything...I thought you were hinting at it, that that was your confession...I don't know, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have assumed you liked me back or that you were ready..." 

Jungeun stared back at Jinsoul, looking down at the ground with her wet hair dripping black dye all over the floor and her t-shirt. She looked so pathetic that Jungeun's heart broke. She hadn't meant that to be a confession, in fact it was her greatest worry that it would come off that way, because even though she liked Jinsoul and she liked Jinsoul a lot, she thought the cheerleader would never like her back. But somehow, she did, and more than anything Jungeun was just surprised. 

"I-I'll go," she said quietly and Jungeun realized she'd been silent for too long. Jinsoul started to leave again but without thinking, Jungeun grabbed her wrist to pull her back. 

"Jinsoul, you didn't misinterpret things, I swear. I like you too, so much, I was just surprised because we did meet five days ago after all... but I do like you I really do." 

Jinsoul immediately perked up. "Really?" Jungeun shyly smiled and nodded back at her. "I thought about that too, about how it might be too fast, but these five days with you have felt like literally forever. And you know, we live really far apart during the school year and we only have this month...so I didn't want to waste that time. Do you think it's too fast?" 

Jungeun's shy smile turned into a full blown grin and she shook her head. "No. I think you're right. I'm just afraid we'll get roasted by the other girls." 

Jinsoul giggled. "Of course we will!" 

"But it's okay. It doesn't matter. I just want you to be my girlfriend now."

Jinsoul giggled and stepped in closer to Jungeun. "So... I'm your girlfriend?" 

Jungeun nodded. "And I'm yours?" 

"Yes!" Jinsoul cried, and the girls stepped in even closer. 

"Um..." Jungeun said awkwardly, looking at the floor. She wasn't really sure what came next. 

"Does...does that mean I can kiss you?" 

"Oh my god yes," Jungeun breathed out, and Jinsoul leaned in closer. Jungeun figured she should close the gap and it happened, the first kiss of her entire life. Of course, it was just as magical as she imagined, Jinsoul's lips so soft against her own, hands coming up to hold each other. They stayed like that for so long, not wanting a moment so perfect to ever end. 

"What the ?" Yeojin suddenly spoke. The girls rapidly pulled away from each other, looking around to see Yeojin standing in front of them with a shocked expression. Both Jungeun and Jinsoul were dripping with black dye and they were kissing in the middle of the girl's bathroom. They shared a laugh; they had a lot of explaining to do.

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Chapter 2: loving everything about this story
LKLsoccer #2
Chapter 30: This is my 5th time rereading this and at this point I need a sequel with 1- yerim and yeojin become a couple and 2- more counselor couples. It would also be cool to see how all of their relationships have developed over time especially considering the long distance relationships
Chapter 30: this is one of my favorite fanfics istg it’s so good!! <3
LKLsoccer #4
Chapter 30: Please make a sequel!! I’m begging you
This fic was soooo good
Chapter 7: Every time Heejin mentions a boy someone in the world dies
Chapter 2: how cute they all are
YoonYul4Life #7
I read this fanfic awhile ago but I can’t stop thinking about it ! I just want you to know how much I love and adore this <33
Chapter 30: oh gosh..... i- wow... in tears rn for how freaking cute they were... gawd i hope there would be a sequel to this, or a part 2 (isn't that the same thing??? nvm) and i'd literally die from happiness jsjsjsjsjsjsjsjs i really likes this,,, so, so much...

thank you for making this great story~ lovelots!❤️
Chapter 28: why do they have to be so cute omg ??
Chapter 8: oh damn.... i- damn... this is- damn. WOW, DAMN, WOW