
The Girls of Summer

It was a quiet sort of just after noon time when the girls all left the dining hall, sitting around the meadow nearby the kid's cabins. They all sat in a circle, trying to come up with what to do that day. There were only eight of them there though, since Sooyoung and Jiwoo had requested one cabin for private time that day, and Vivi and Haseul requested the other. 

"We should play something," Heejin suggested. 

"Like a board game?" Chaewon asked hopefully. 

Heejin and Hyunjin laughed. "No! Like...volleyball or soccer or something." As the rest of the girls cheered in excitement, Hyejoo and Chaewon gave each other worried looks. Their usually allies against physical activities (Vivi, Haseul, Sooyoung, and Jiwoo) had abadoned them. 

"Are you guys sure you wanna do that?" Hyejoo asked with a grimace. Everyone else cheered again, and Chaewon and Hyejoo let out sighs of defeat. 

"Fine then," Chaewon said with a pout. "We can do...sports." 

"We need referees and score counters anyways," Jungeun answered, and Chaewon and Hyejoo breathed sighs of relief. Yerim and Yeojin grabbed a soccer ball and the girls split into two teams: Yerim, Jinsoul, and Hyunjin versus Yeojin, Jungeun, and Heejin. 

Chaewon and Hyejoo helped the girls delineate the goal areas and sat down far from them but close enough to watch. 

"Do you know what the rules of soccer are?" Chaewon whispered to Hyejoo. 

Slowly, she shook her head. "I guess we'll just be the worst referees ever." 

"I honestly don't even know how scoring works?" 

"I mean, I would guess it's when they kick the ball into the goal area. But I could be wrong." 

"Do you think there are kicks worth more or less points?" Chaewon asked worriedly. 

Hyejoo gave her a worried look. "Oh my god there might be." 

"Oh no," Chaewon quietly whined, the two girls turning back to the game to try and pay attention. But this was neither of their thing, and they were quickly very bored. 

Suddenly, Chaewon was filled with a bit of courage. All she ever wanted was to touch Hyejoo, to be near her. And she thought of a way to do it without garnering suspicion about her crush from any of the other girls or Hyejoo herself. 

Since her and Hyejoo were just sitting there in the grass, Chaewon could just rest her head on her shoulder. Nobody would think anything of that, right? 

Trying to suppress the nervous beating of her heart (this was literally no big deal but it was a big deal and- ugh, Chaewon had to shut her brain off), she slowly started to lower her head down onto Hyejoo's shoulder. 

But to her dismay, Hyejoo had clearly had the exact same idea at the exact same time. So as soon as Chaewon's head got close to Hyejoo's slight shoulder, their heads smacked together. 

"Ow!" Hyejoo cried, sitting up and wincing. Chaewon pouted and began to rub her head.

"I'm sorry," she whined. 

"Me too," Hyejoo answered, looking at each other with pained expressions. 

But suddenly, Chaewon began to laugh. "Who does that?" 

"Us, I guess," Hyejoo answered, slowly laughing along too. 

Chaewon, in trying to make a semi romantic moment, had ended up making things even more awkward than before. But it was okay. It was better than okay, it was hilarious, and it was so them. 

"Guys! What's the score?" Yerim suddenly called, and Hyejoo and Chaewon gave each other nervous looks. They had completely forgotten about that. 

"Uh..." Hyejoo answered, still rubbing her head. 

"I told you guys they would be the worst referees ever!" Yeojin whined. 

"Give them a break," Jungeun answered as Jinsoul whispered something in Yeojin's ear that made her smirk. 

"Never mind guys! Keep doing what you're doing! Don't pay us any mind," Yeojin spoke and winked. And both of the girls pretended not to know what she was talking about. 


The game started up again quickly (Yerim had smartly also been keeping score on her phone), and Heejin kicked the ball around her girlfriend. 

"Ha! You will not be getting this thing back!" She yelled. 

"Like hell!" Hyunjin yelled back, both of the girls wearing serious expressions. Heejin and Hyunjin were both sporty girls, through and through. They were in multiple teams at their respective high schools and both of them had been soccer girls since the time they could even kick a ball. They both had something to prove, to the rest of the girls and to each other. Anyways, both of them loved a little friendly competition. It was basically the very foundation of their relationship. 

As Yerim watched on with a weirded out expression Heejin and Hyunjin fought for control of the ball, stealing it back and forth from each other. 

"Jinsoul!" Hyunjin yelled. Jinsoul came around and Hyunjin kicked the ball toward her. Suddenly, Yeojin jumped out, taking the ball from both of them and kicking it toward the goal. "!" Hyunjin screamed more roughly than anyone had ever seen. 

"Kim Hyunjin I will ing p'own you!" Heejin yelled back, laughing loudly and high fiving her teammates, who looked a little scared. 

"Next round guys let's ing win! We have to ing win!" Hyunjin firmly spoke and Jinsoul and Yerim shared another look. 

"Wait, pause, guys..." Jungeun spoke and everyone turned to her. "Are you two okay?" she asked, gesturing to Heejin and Hyunjin. 

"Yeah?" Hyunjin said. 

"Why do you ask?" Heejin added. 

"You two are awfully....competitive. Is something going on?" Jungeun asked. Heejin and Hyunjin shared a look and laughed. 

"No way. We're just like that," Hyunjin explained. 

"We still like each other," Heejin added. The two girls walked to each other and wrapped each other tight in their arms, leaning in for a couple of quick kisses. 

"My team is going to absolutely ing crush yours," Hyunjin mumbled in a sweet voice against Heejin's lips. 

"Well my team already is destroying yours," Heejin answered, just as sweetly. "We've basically already won." 

"Like I'd give you the chance, ," Hyunjin whispered. The two shared another peck before splitting apart. 

"Ready for the next round guys?" Heejin yelled to the rest of her team. They still looked weirded out by Heejin and Hyunjin's competitiveness, slightly less so though now, and smiled and nodded. 

"How about you all?" Hyunjin asked loudly. They cheered back and shared a glance with Heejin's team. 

"Can you guys count us off?" Yerim yelled to Chaewon and Hyejoo, deep in conversation. They shook their heads and paid back attention to the game. 

"Three, two, one, go!" 


Now Jungeun and Jinsoul were nothing like Heejin and Hyunjin when it came to casual sports games. Jungeun was just as sporty as Heejin and Hyunjin, if not more, but Jinsoul absolutely was not. She would go to her grave claiming that cheerleading absolutely was a sport but games like soccer and stuff were not that big of a deal to each other. And Jungeun was absolutely not the competitive type. 

So they spent the entire game cheating to help each other win. It had garnered giggles from Yerim and Yeojin and angry yelling from Heejin and Hyunjin but they couldn't really stop, just wanting to make the other smile. 

"Jinsoul!" Hyunjin cried when Jinsoul passed the ball to Jungeun. The couple ignored Hyunjin, and Jungeun gasped and passed the ball back to Jinsoul. 

"No you have it baby," Jungeun said softly. 

Jinsoul giggled. "But you should have it and make the goal!" 

"Babe, your team is losing, you guys need the points. Plus I make goals all the time back at home. You should have a chance to make one too." 

"You're so sweet, I love you so much," Jinsoul cooed. 

"I love you too," Jungeun mumbled, and suddenly Yeojin came up in between them, kicking the ball out from between both of them. 

"I do not know who is worse, you two or Heejin and Hyunjin!" Yeojin cried. "Can't we just play a normal ing game of soccer?" 

"Yeah!" Yerim yelled in agreement. 

"You're just jealous you don't have a girlfriend," Jinsoul teased as Heejin got the ball from Yeojin and kicked it into the goal. Hyunjin glared at the couple with all her might as Jungeun and Jinsoul pouted. 

"Look, Jungeun, and your girlfriend's team lost another point. Maybe if you two didn't cheat then your girlfriend would actually make a goal!" Yeojin cried. 

"I'm sorry baby. I wanted you to have that goal," Jungeun mumbled, ignoring everyone else's yelling around her. 

"It's okay. I'm just happy your team got a point!" Jinsoul answered cheerfully. 

"Oh my god how could anyone be so cheesy?" Heejin teased as the game continued. 

"You'll understand once you and Hyunjin have been together for eighteen days," Jungeun explained. 

"How has it only been eighteen days!" Yerim cried. 

"Lesbian relationship time moves a lot faster than straight relationship time," Hyunjin explained. 

Heejin scoffed. "Truly," she answered. "Now Jungeun pick up the pace! We've got to win!" 

Jungeun nodded at Heejin but turned back to her girlfriend. "I'll get you that point babe if it's the last thing I do." 

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Chapter 2: loving everything about this story
LKLsoccer #2
Chapter 30: This is my 5th time rereading this and at this point I need a sequel with 1- yerim and yeojin become a couple and 2- more counselor couples. It would also be cool to see how all of their relationships have developed over time especially considering the long distance relationships
Chapter 30: this is one of my favorite fanfics istg it’s so good!! <3
LKLsoccer #4
Chapter 30: Please make a sequel!! I’m begging you
This fic was soooo good
Chapter 7: Every time Heejin mentions a boy someone in the world dies
Chapter 2: how cute they all are
YoonYul4Life #7
I read this fanfic awhile ago but I can’t stop thinking about it ! I just want you to know how much I love and adore this <33
Chapter 30: oh gosh..... i- wow... in tears rn for how freaking cute they were... gawd i hope there would be a sequel to this, or a part 2 (isn't that the same thing??? nvm) and i'd literally die from happiness jsjsjsjsjsjsjsjs i really likes this,,, so, so much...

thank you for making this great story~ lovelots!❤️
Chapter 28: why do they have to be so cute omg ??
Chapter 8: oh damn.... i- damn... this is- damn. WOW, DAMN, WOW