In The Cabin

The Girls of Summer

It was a breezy afternoon and all of the girls were in one cabin doing absolutely nothing. 

The lunch bell had sounded an hour and a half ago but none of the girls were hungry enough (or not lazy enough) to go get food so there they stayed, still in their pajamas, hanging off of the bunk beds and laying down on the dusty floor. 

"We should at least do something," Heejin complained, laying down in her top bunk, reaching over to tickle Hyunjin (who was in the top bunk across from Heejin's) with her feet. 

"Nah," Hyejoo answered, sitting in her bed with her back against the wall, Chaewon's head in her lap. 

"I agree with Heejin," Haseul piped up. "But at the same time I don't wanna get up." The girls murmured their agreements with her. 

"I dunno, I need to move," Yerim said, hopping out of bed. "I'll go grab cereal from the dining hall and try to find something to do." 

"I'm coming with!" Yeojin called, sliding down the ladder of her top bunk and following Yerim out the door. Everyone thanked the girls and fifteen minutes later, they returned. 

They handed out little cups of cereal to everyone as well as a big pile of thread. 

"What's that?" Sooyoung asked. 

"We went to the art shack because we might find something there and counselor Chaeyoung gave us string for friendship bracelets," Yerim explained. 

"Does anyone know how to make them?" Hyunjin asked. 

"I do! But I don't know if I can explain it well..." Yerim mumbled. 

"Oh, don't worry guys, I know," Haseul answered, sitting up from the floor and picking up some string. "I work in an after school program for elementary school students and the program is so broke that this is just about the only activity we have." 

"Alright, I trust Haseul's explanation," Jinsoul spoke. Vivi smiled proudly at her girlfriend as everyone leaned forward, listening to Haseul's explanation. Everyone said it made sense, and Vivi gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Told you you're good at stuff," Vivi mumbled in Haseul's ear, and Haseul returned the kiss before shyly looking away. 

"Ask me if you need any help!" She cheered. 

Yeojin and Yerim climbed up to Yeojin's bed to make some, and Chaewon and Hyejoo stayed in their positions on Hyejoo's bed, making matching ones for each other (the one Chaewon was making for Hyejoo was all black, of course). 

Since this wasn't their cabin Jungeun and Jinsoul didn't have a bed of their own to relax on so they sat down on the floor in the space underneath the window, propping their legs up on the bottom of Hyejoo's bed. 

"Do you remember what Haseul just said?" Jinsoul whispered. 

Jungeun snorted and shrugged. "Sorta," she whispered back, quietly reexplaining. 

"That seems kind of right," Jinsoul spoke with a nod, the two girls focusing in on the bracelets. 

"This is so childish but somehow so fun," Jungeun said. 

Jinsoul giggled. "I know, right? Friendship bracelets...who knew? Anyways, who are you making yours for?" 

"You, duh." 

"But it's a friendship bracelet! Not a girlfriendship bracelet!" 

"But you're my friend and my girlfriend. You know, that's how relationships are supposed to be." 

Jinsoul hummed and smiled. "That's true." The two fell silent but each trying to look over at the other's handy work before they pushed them away. It was a surprise, after all. 

"At least tell me what color it is," Jungeun groaned. 

"It's a secret! I mean, you're not telling me what color mine is." 

Jungeun sighed. "True." 

Finally, Jungeun turned to Jinsoul. "I finished mine." 

"Hold on, one more stitch...okay I'm done too!" 

"Alright, should we exchange them?"

Jinsoul nodded. "Let's close our eyes, put our palms out, and put them in each other's palms. 

"Awfully dramatic, but okay." 

The couple chuckled and shut their eyes, counting to three and putting the bracelets in each other's hands. Both smiled and peered at them excitedly. 

"Blue, my favorite color! Ugh, yours is so good!" Jinsoul whined. "Mine is basically just all ugly knots." 

"Mine has ugly knots too! And yours is...charming. And my favorite color too!" Jungeun answered, holding up the bright red bracelet to the light

"So you're not denying I at friendship bracelet making." 

"I like that it's different!" Jungeun cried. Jinsoul chuckled at her and held out her wrist. 

"Come on, help me put mine on," Jinsoul mumbled, and Jungeun delicately helped her put it on. Jinsoul did the same for her, and the girls looked at the bracelets on their wrists, side by side. 

"It's like I'll always have a little piece of you with me," Jungeun mumbled so just Jinsoul could hear. 

"Cheesy," Jinsoul groaned, but gave her a kiss on the cheek anyways. 


By this point, Heejin had already crawled over into Hyunjin's bed, Heejin snuggled into Hyunjin's shoulder. When Heejin was coming over she had brought a pile of thread up into Hyunjin's bed, and now they were deciding how to divide it up. 

"I have an idea," Heejin said with a sly grin. Hyunjin smiled back; she always liked that look on Heejin's face. 

"What is it bun?" 

"What if we made it like a game? Whoever can make the most bracelets wins." 

Hyunjin grinned. "I'm down. What are the rules?" 

"Hm...we'll count them up at dinnertime," Heejin started. 

"And the loser has to bring the winner dinner in bed," Hyunjin added. "Plus we have to wear all of each other's bracelets. Even if there are a ton." 

"Agreed," Heejin said with a smile. The two girls picked up thread and tied them into the starting position. 

"One, two, three!" They spoke simoultaneously, and the game was on. 


With Chaewon over in Hyejoo's bed, being in a different cabin, Sooyoung and Jiwoo had decided to steal hers. Both of the girls were laying down in the strange bed, facing each other and slowly working on their friendship bracelets for each other. Most of the other girls had finished their first ones but (other than Haseul and Vivi's) they had all looked really bad, so they were taking their time on each other's. After all, at least hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people would see these bracelets on their wrists online. 

They locked eyes through the threads they twisted together and smiled. They were making exactly matching ones with both of their favorite colors, burgundy and peach, to wear always. Hopefully they would last; Yerim and Yeojin swore counselor Chaeyoung said she had one from her first year of camp as a ten year old. If not, Sooyoung and Jiwoo promised to keep them in a special spot forever, no matter how quickly they fell off. 

Sooyoung looked over at Jiwoo's pretty concentrated face and felt her heart melt. It was over two weeks since her and Jiwoo got together and she wasn't bored in the slightest, in fact, she was even more into her. She almost didn't want to spend time with anyone else, and she sure as hell didn't know how her heart was going to handle it when camp ended. 

These sixteen days together felt like forever and a minute all at once but in Sooyoung's heart it felt like the perfect amount of times to start feeling...too much. She knew. She knew it was too much too fast but she couldn't help it. She couldn't help but realize she was in love with Jiwoo. 

"Done!" Jiwoo cheered in her adorable, sweet voice and Sooyoung felt herself fall even deeper; every word and touch from Jiwoo meant another step down the ladder deeper into love. 

"Gimme one more second," Sooyoung mumbled, finishing it off. "Done too." 

Jiwoo gasped and Sooyoung smiled; both of their bracelets looked really good, almost professional even. 

"Let's put it on!" Jiwoo spoke excitedly. 

"Let me do it," Sooyoung softly answered and Jiwoo held out her delicate wrist. Testing to make sure her skin could breath but it wouldn't fall off, Sooyoung tied it tightly on. And after Jiwoo did the same, her pretty small fingers skitting across Sooyoung's skin. 

Once they were on Jiwoo reached for Sooyoung's hand and Sooyoung interlaced their fingers, the bracelets brushing against each other. 

"I wish I could take a picture," Jiwoo said softly, her voice full of disappointment. 

"Me too." 

Jiwoo hummed and snuggled closer and Sooyoung wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, deep in thought. Looking down at Jiwoo's face, she really didn't think she could help herself any longer. 

"Sooyoungie? I have something to tell you..." 

Sooyoung looked at her with surprise. "What is it baby?" 

"I...I hope you don't think this is too soon but I wanna tell you before camp ends, so bad...I...I love you." 

Sooyoung took in a breath and slowly smiled. 

"I was just about to tell you that," she answered. 

"Really?" Jiwoo squeaked excitedly, bouncing on Chaewon's bed. 

"Yeah. I love you too Jiwoo." 

Jiwoo squealed and squeezed Sooyoung tightly to her, Sooyoung laughing in her grip. This day could not have been any more perfect. 


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Chapter 2: loving everything about this story
LKLsoccer #2
Chapter 30: This is my 5th time rereading this and at this point I need a sequel with 1- yerim and yeojin become a couple and 2- more counselor couples. It would also be cool to see how all of their relationships have developed over time especially considering the long distance relationships
Chapter 30: this is one of my favorite fanfics istg it’s so good!! <3
LKLsoccer #4
Chapter 30: Please make a sequel!! I’m begging you
This fic was soooo good
Chapter 7: Every time Heejin mentions a boy someone in the world dies
Chapter 2: how cute they all are
YoonYul4Life #7
I read this fanfic awhile ago but I can’t stop thinking about it ! I just want you to know how much I love and adore this <33
Chapter 30: oh gosh..... i- wow... in tears rn for how freaking cute they were... gawd i hope there would be a sequel to this, or a part 2 (isn't that the same thing??? nvm) and i'd literally die from happiness jsjsjsjsjsjsjsjs i really likes this,,, so, so much...

thank you for making this great story~ lovelots!❤️
Chapter 28: why do they have to be so cute omg ??
Chapter 8: oh damn.... i- damn... this is- damn. WOW, DAMN, WOW