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“Leaving already, guys?” asked with disappointment Surim, who remained in the company of these extremely unfriendly to me girls. Sehun nodded lightly, after which Surim turned his gaze to me and gave me another dazzling smile. “Well, Changmi, I will look forward to meeting you again.”


As soon as I wanted to politely answer him, I stumbled upon Sehun's outstretched hand. What is he trying to say by that? Perplexed, I looked away from his hand and tried to find the answer in his eyes. No, wait… Does he want to take my hand? Due to my overlong hesitation, Sehun just grabbed me and led me to the exit.


Yet I am amazed at the spontaneity of his movement. First he opens his arms and says "Jump!" and now this. Why did he even take my hand? From his touch, a current ran through my body and the fingers which Sehun tightly intertwined with his own, gradually warmed up, which made me want to hold his hand tighter. But it’s hard to believe that Sehun decided to just hold my hand spontaneously.


As soon as we left the doors of this tavern and accordingly out of sight of people, he calmly unhooked our hands, continuing on his way.


“Sehun, wait! Why did you drag me by the hand?” I barely caught up with him and asked. At this time, Sehun took out a walkie-talkie, just like Chanyeol's, and began to tune in to the needed frequency.


“They wouldn’t believe otherwise.” He answered shortly and brought the radio to his lips, saying: “Phoenix, I'll deliver the package to you.”


He never answered any of the questions I asked. I'm already getting tired of all this secrecy. After all, the chosen one should know everything and there should be a proper attitude towards her, no? So why doesn't he want to answer my questions? I was distracted from my thoughts by slight crackling and then the muffled voice of the aforementioned Phoenix, or Chanyeol, was heard from the radio.


“Good. Watch her until I arrive.” After which Sehun answered in the affirmative and turned off the radio.


Commanding me to follow him, he walked towards what I understood to be Chanyeol's house, without slowing down. In general, he did not walk so fast but because of his giant steps, I literally had to run after him.


“By the way, Sehun, thanks for saving me from the suspicions of those people. Of course, to say that I am your girlfriend is a little too much, but thanks anyway.” I smiled gratefully, bowing my head slightly.


“It is not my desire to help you, but Chanyeol's order. I don’t need your gratitude.” He answered emotionlessly which, to be honest, hurt me a little. An order, then? Although, what else did I expect. I may have been foolish to trust them so quickly but in this world I have no one else to trust.


Shaking my head, I suppressed my disappointment and looked around, instantly plunging into this world. People who had dropped out of the Middle Ages were also rushing around us. A woman was sitting on a bench nearby, embroidering some intricate patterns with a cross and next to her children were running in a crowd, playing pirates with sticks. Sehun turned the corner of the building, which I followed, still looking around in amazement.


In this part of the street, there were dilapidated boutiques, somewhat reminiscent of modern ones. The interesting thing was that they were all demolished with broken windows and debris. And in general as I noticed this city or rather a village was all ruined and old…


I stopped near one of the boutiques, near the window frame where the glass was still intact. Through it were visible scattered bars and pieces of wood but, alas, they did not attract my eye. In this glass reflection I saw myself and hardly recognized.


It was like it was me but not really me. The facial features still remained mine but the face became smaller, more heart-shaped, the lips became plump, and even were covered with scarlet lipstick, which could not be erased by any efforts. The eyes have become larger, the eyelashes are thicker, and the skin has become pale, such skin is called porcelain.


Blinking several times, rubbing my eyes, comparing myself and pinching, I was finally convinced that it was me. Why have I changed so much? And is it even me? Only celebrities who do plastic surgery have such an appearance but clearly not me.


“Let’s go. It’s not safe for you to be out for long.” I shuddered and turned my gaze to the reflection of Sehun who approached and appeared in the glass. He was the same. So it's not the glass’s problem.


“Sehun, what's wrong with me?..” I muttered in confusion. Inwardly I was myself but what happened to the rest? Face, body, clothes... Although about the latter, I had assumptions.


“What are you talking about?” He frowned, examining me. Was I the same when they found me? It's strange that I hadn't noticed any changes before. Not to say that it was critical and this was obviously the least of my worries but I wanted to understand at least something, at least this little thing.


“Did you change my clothes?” I sharply him and crossed my arms over my chest. It seemed to me that I surprised him with this question, but after a second this emotion again gave way to indifference. His face almost never changes, but over the past couple of hours I have begun to discern subtle emotions.


“I saw you for the first time in Chanyeol’s room.” He said with slight irritation, also crossing his arms over his chest. “Now think, could I change you?”


“You could've just said no.” His tone offended me slightly, but in order not to show it, I turned back to the glass. Little by little I began to get used to my appearance, but I was also amazed by what I saw. An amazing transformation. “Then it was Chanyeol who changed me.”


“I doubt it. Now let's go.” Sehun took the same route, expecting me to follow him. Well, I won’t. I may not be in a position not to listen to his orders, but I didn’t like the fact that I knew nothing. Too many oddities happened on this abnormal day. I'm done with it. Why should I trust them, the rebels? Perhaps their king will be more accommodating, which would be helpful.


After walking about fifteen steps, the guy stopped, apparently sensing that I was not following him. He turned around and looked at me with displeasure, as if hinting to follow him. I still stubbornly stood still, with a daring look in my eyes. I won’t give up easily.


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Hey, guys, sorry, I haven't updated this story in... 3 months? I'm very apologetic, but here you go, if anyone's still waiting haha. I promise to work faster from now on! Luv ya all & thx for reading~


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735 streak #1
Chapter 10: 😉💗😉💗😉

I am happy to s that she is getting used to her new life and her powers as well, yes, it can be scary, but Jongin was there with her the whole time, and sure, I am curious about what that 'something' is. Hmm. 👀👀

But my curiosity was soon covered when that something appeared in front of them and the action started. 👍😉👌 She was able to save the day, but yes, Jongin is right, she first needs to listen to the request and then react.

She got answers to some of the questions that she wanted to know and that was good, but the final scene is a huge hang . I am looking forward to an update!

Thank you! 💗🌹

735 streak #2
Chapter 9: 😉💗😉💗😉

At first, I thought that they were all going to be in trouble as they started to surround them, but in the end, it was all okay when Kim introduced himself. *sighs in relief*

I'll admit that the little game they played was interesting, and let's face it, those games are always fun, but I swear at times, their answers are driving me crazy, the mystery and all. But I loved it! 😉👍

When they arrived, I started to imagine the whole kingdom and the people there, waiting for her arrival, and now that she arrived, it was time to meet the king. 👀👍👌

But surely the castle is not as lively as in fairytales, but at least the meeting with Baekhyun went well!

Can't wait to see what happens next!

735 streak #3
Chapter 8: 😉💗😉💗😉

Once again, she risked her life by getting out of the room and joining the others. Yeah, I am aware that she was worried and all, but if someone tells her to stay, she needs to stay. Those people are apparently angry as it is and there is no need to anger them even more. *sighs* But, I get it. She kind of feels guilty for it all, even though none of it is her fault.

Thankfully nothing bad happened, but still.

The story just keeps getting interesting! Thank you!

735 streak #4
Chapter 7: 😉💗😉💗😉

By now, she should realize that there is no escaping them, no matter how much she tries, no matter what she comes up with, the result is still the same. She is the chosen one and it's not something that she can change. 😅 True, she did annoy the others, but Chanyeol made things clear and as long as she is under his protection she should be fine, but really, se needs to calm down and stop with the failed attempts of escaping. 😅

We now know why Sehun is in trouble so I am curious about what will happen next!

Thank you!

735 streak #5
Chapter 6: 😉💗😉💗😉

Ah, the girl is still trying to get a hang of it all and understand the things that are going on around her, but I would say it's gradually getting better and her reactions are not as big as compared to before! So that's good! 👍👌 The boys surely aren't in much danger as they always find a way to avoid things or survive them, so they will be alright, that's for sure. As for the blaming part... oh come. It's not like she wanted to be the chosen one! She said it herself. *sighs and shakes head*

Ah, Sehun can be a bit persistent indeed. 😅 But from my point of view, it can be dangerous for her to be out on the streets alone and without protection while she is searching for Chanyeol.

OMO! Now I learned about her power or shall I call it the power of touch? 💗👍🌹

Love it! Thank you!

735 streak #6
Chapter 5: 😉💗😉💗😉

I swear things got messy fast and for sure she found herself to be focused at times, but it's really no surprise. So much information and events that it's probably driving her crazy and once again she is on the run because she is the chosen one. Then that explosion surely caused a lot of commotion and on top of that Sehun is not helping her, not one bit. *sighs* His cold attitude and his behavior. -_- But I get it, the world they come from is different from hers. 👀 But still. 👀😱🥶

If there is one thing I learned about her, it's that she doesn't listen to orders. She was told to stay in one place many times but is that the case with her? No. 😅 But thankfully Chanyeol came to the rescue, although I do agree with her. Chanyeol won't be there to protect her all the time, but still!

Can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for this one! I really enjoyed it! 💗🌹

735 streak #7
Chapter 4: 😉💗😉💗😉

The more I read, the more I am interested in Sehun. His behavior is quite interesting and mysterious by every second. His actions are confusing her and it's an obvious thing, but who could blame her right? I think we would all feel the same way, right? First, she has many questions. She has no answers to them. Second, she meets these mysterious people that talk about the 'chosen one', and yet none of them explain what it means. Sehun is communicating with Chanyeol and following his orders and then we have her, who has to obey the. *sighs* 👀😥 It's not fun to be in the dark and not know what will happen next, on top of that, getting mixed signs and vibes is not cool. 👀😰🥶 Especially the fact that someone changed her clothes. 👀👀 And that hypnosis. 👀👀

She doesn't give up on asking questions, that is for sure, but unlike previous times, at least, now she has some answers. 👍👌 So she is a chosen one and she will help others. Hmm. Who? They don't know, but we'll see and she now knows a bit more about Chanyeol! 👍👌

But that cliffhanger! 👀🥶

Thank you!

735 streak #8
Chapter 3: 😉💗😉💗😉

Ah, we all come to a situation where we ask a question, yet we do and do not know the answer, and where we do and don't want to hear the answer because we are afraid of it. Of course, she wants to run! The mysterious atmosphere can be felt and it can be scary, so her reaction and the fact that she is thinking of a way to escape is a normal act. 👀👀
OMG! 😍🥰 Imaging Chanyeol under the sun made my heart skip a beat! 💗😍🥰Are you trying to kill me? 😅

It's easy to say jump, but it's hard to do it! First of all, they didn't tell her anything about the parallel world or what would happen, so her fear was justified. Yet she jumped and once again found herself confused. 👀👀

Both Chanyeol and Sehun seem nice, although, Chanyeol is a bit more colder and distant, but still nice. On the other hand, Sehun is more laid back, yes, a bit mysterious, and doesn't give her any more insight into what she wants to know, but at least, she can trust him. Hopefully, everything will be alright and she will get her answers soon. 👌👍👀

Thank you! 🌹😉💗

735 streak #9
Chapter 2: 😉💗😉💗😉

I can only imagine the horror and shock of waking up somewhere else and being confused about what happened and how she ended up in a stranger's room. She remembers one thing and then like a sudden turn of events, she meets Chanyeol and he tells her that she is the chosen one. Yes, it can be creepy, so yes, trying to run away is a natural thing. I can't blame her for that, but of course, that also wasn't easy as she bumped into another figure on her way out. Hmm.

Meeting Sehun only left her with more questions than answers, but I admit, things are getting heated!

Can't wait to see what happens next! 💗💗

Thank you! 💗💗

735 streak #10
Chapter 1: 😉💗😉💗😉

This part got me so immersed in the story that it's unbealiavble! From the very start, the mystery was there and I loved how the night and legend were described. Baekhyun and Jongin are good characters and I loved them, that's for sure. I can't wait to see what happens next.
