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“No longer needed them?” I could only reply with that. What do you mean by ‘no longer needed them’? Those people were something to just throw away for them, like some object? What did they do to them? They didn't kill the other chosen ones, right?.. If they didn't do anything bad, then what happened to them? Did life punish them for not completing the chosen one’s mission? Or has he returned to the normal world?


Thousands of thoughts were spinning in my hurting head. It all came down to only one logical answer - they killed him. Considering the fact that I do not fully trust these guys, then everything falls into place. My escape plan was still in my head but the main obstacle now was Sehun, who was practically at the door and unfortunately he was not inferior to Chanyeol in terms of physique. It won't be easy to run away.


“What have you done to him?” I asked, already regretting it. Did I want to know? No. However, the question spontaneously broke out and, unfortunately, what was said cannot be returned.


The guys were in no hurry to answer, although I didn't really care. There was only one thought throbbing in my head - to run. I nodded to myself, determined to run ahead to the door, but a knock prevented my resolve.


“Phoenix, people already started to suspect something, it's time to show the chosen one.” A voice was heard on the other side of the door. These words made me perk up and I in dismay looked from one guy to another. And which one is Phoenix?


“Tell them I’ll explain everything now.” Chanyeol replied and after receiving an affirmative answer, he sharply turned to me and said, rising from his chair: “Follow Sehun through the back door. People should temporarily not see you.”


After these words, he slowly went to the door, but stopped for a second next to the window and glanced at the picturesque forest, although from his absent look I could tell that his thoughts were clearly not here. Looking at him, I once again noted that he is quite attractive. No, I admit - he's handsome. Especially when sunlight falls on his burgundy hair, lightening it and turning it, as if into fiery tongues of flame.


Unfortunately, the second doesn't last forever and Chanyeol stepped away from the window. He continued his way to the exit and, reaching the door, without turning around, said:


“Sehun, I rely on you.” To which the guy replied with a lazy nod. In the next moment, Chanyeol's silhouette disappeared behind the door and I just had to sit and watch him go.






“Follow me.” I didn't have time to wake up from my thoughts, as Sehun got away from the wall and wandered towards this already broken door.


“Wait, what's going on?” I said to the already leaving guy, who, by the way, did not even turn to me and went out the door, leaving it open. “Wait a minute!”


Hesitating for a few moments but deciding that this was the only way out, I carefully slipped out of the room and found myself in a rather narrow and poorly lit corridor.


“It took you a long time to decide.” I heard an irritated voice a step away from me, which made me shudder and turn sharply. Faced with Sehun's calm eyes, I calmed down a bit and sighed with relief. So he waited for me.


“Why are you scaring me like that?” I asked with a frown, looking at him.


“I didn’t even try.” Sehun said indifferently and walked to the far corner of the corridor. “Here.”


Something inside pushed me to follow him, giving a good argument in the form of ‘it's safer with him than alone’. The corridor was as ancient as the door in the Phoenix room but more unkempt and dusty. Speaking of doors, there were surprisingly many of them, compared to the length of the corridor but Sehun passed each one of them, knowing the way well. Finally he stopped at a wooden door and opened it, entering. I followed him.


For a second, my eyes were blinded by a sharp change in brightness: from a badly-lit corridor to a room brightly lit by the sun's rays. After I got used to daylight, an incredible view opened up in front of me: I saw an almost destroyed room, without half of the wall and with no ceiling. Through this hole, there was a beautiful view of a dense forest, located a few meters from this building.


“You're going?” Sehun's voice pulled me out of mild shock and made me look in his direction. He wasted no time and was already on the ground, next to the collapsed wall of this building.


“Yes.” I hurried to the edge of the hole and began to consider possible options for descent but on the one hand there was a risky descent and on the other sharp pieces of wood sticking out not so welcomingly. I looked at Sehun puzzled while he was patiently awaiting my actions. “How can I get down?”


“Jump.” This guy answered with calmness. His suggestion widened my eyes in fright. After all, it was the second floor of a rather tall building and I doubt that I will not get damaged.


“Maybe there is another option?” I looked with hope into his eyes but after reading an obvious ‘no’ in them, I sighed with disappointment. “How did you come down?”


“Jumped.” And again that killer poker face. Did he really jump? “Make up your mind quickly, I need to get you out of here.”


“I'll break something if I jump.” I raised my voice, looking at him fearfully. A moment from childhood flashed through my head when I fell out of the window and miraculously survived. No, the fear is too strong.


“You won't break anything.” Sehun replied with a bit of irritation, looking up at me. Two conflicting feelings fought in me and each of them tried to gain the upper hand. On the one hand, I understood the need to jump because I was ordered to leave the building only from here. On the other hand, a strong and insurmountable fear of heights was beating in my brain, demanding to stay put and find another way. After a second battle, the fear won.


“Sehun,” I looked sadly into his eyes. “I really can't.”


The guy looked at me for a long time, trying to read something in my eyes. Oddly enough, I could not take my eyes off him: the memories which I didn’t even want to think of began to run through my head like a film strip. 


Mom goes to work, leaving the little girl alone. She dresses up in her mother's dresses, pretending to be an adult. The sounds of fireworks outside and a curious girl runs up to the window, not even suspecting that it is already open. Free fall and darkness, only one sound is clear. A sound that scares me to death: the crunch of a breaking bone. Blinking, the memory vanished and again I saw only Sehun in front of me.


“I see.” Sehun said with a heavy sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose, apparently from fatigue. I began to look around in search of another solution but the guy's actions made me turn to him. My eyes widened in surprise as he opened his hands and held them out in my direction, saying only: “Jump.”


Is he serious? Even if I take into account the fact that I don't weigh that much and the distance here is not fatal, I can still fall unsuccessfully and damage myself or worse both of us. I don’t… My thoughts disappeared again as soon as I met his gaze. I'll catch you. This is what I read in the depths of his eyes, which to my surprise threw away all my doubts.


The body stopped obeying me and as if on autopilot I jumped towards the guy, closing my eyes in horror. The fear overcame me for only a second but after that I was in the strong hands that saved me from falling. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw Sehun in front of me with a slight smile on his lips... Smiling fits him a lot.


But the next moment I was back on my feet and the guy didn’t even have a hint of that beautiful smile.


“Follow me.” He pointed and walked forward and I had no choice but to follow him again into the unknown.






The place where Sehun took me turned out to be something like an old tavern There were many tables which were mostly occupied and a bar that gave off the spirit of the Middle Ages. And in general, as I noticed on the way here, absolutely everything was like from a book about knights. The way people dress, how the buildings looked like, and the wilderness surrounding. Yet all this was strange. Almost an hour ago, I thought these guys were crazy but after leaving that room and looking at everything with my own eyes, I’ll say for sure - I’m not in Korea. Remarkably, everyone here spoke Korean.


I looked at Sehun sitting in front of me and was surprised once again at his calmness. He calmly devoured a plate with some kind of porridge. There was absolutely no desire to eat, as the stomach was twisted from the recent jump and the head was throbbing in pain from all the information. If everything that happens is not a dream, then I'm in big trouble. By the way, how did I get in this world? And more importantly, why me?


The guy did not exchange a word with me after my jump. All the way here I was in mute shock and he has always preferred to be silent. I need to try to get him to talk.


“Sehun.” the guy raised a questioning look at me. “Why did we come here?”


“This is the safest place in the area.” Sehun replied

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Hey, guys, sorry, I haven't updated this story in... 3 months? I'm very apologetic, but here you go, if anyone's still waiting haha. I promise to work faster from now on! Luv ya all & thx for reading~


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740 streak #1
Chapter 10: 😉💗😉💗😉

I am happy to s that she is getting used to her new life and her powers as well, yes, it can be scary, but Jongin was there with her the whole time, and sure, I am curious about what that 'something' is. Hmm. 👀👀

But my curiosity was soon covered when that something appeared in front of them and the action started. 👍😉👌 She was able to save the day, but yes, Jongin is right, she first needs to listen to the request and then react.

She got answers to some of the questions that she wanted to know and that was good, but the final scene is a huge hang . I am looking forward to an update!

Thank you! 💗🌹

740 streak #2
Chapter 9: 😉💗😉💗😉

At first, I thought that they were all going to be in trouble as they started to surround them, but in the end, it was all okay when Kim introduced himself. *sighs in relief*

I'll admit that the little game they played was interesting, and let's face it, those games are always fun, but I swear at times, their answers are driving me crazy, the mystery and all. But I loved it! 😉👍

When they arrived, I started to imagine the whole kingdom and the people there, waiting for her arrival, and now that she arrived, it was time to meet the king. 👀👍👌

But surely the castle is not as lively as in fairytales, but at least the meeting with Baekhyun went well!

Can't wait to see what happens next!

740 streak #3
Chapter 8: 😉💗😉💗😉

Once again, she risked her life by getting out of the room and joining the others. Yeah, I am aware that she was worried and all, but if someone tells her to stay, she needs to stay. Those people are apparently angry as it is and there is no need to anger them even more. *sighs* But, I get it. She kind of feels guilty for it all, even though none of it is her fault.

Thankfully nothing bad happened, but still.

The story just keeps getting interesting! Thank you!

740 streak #4
Chapter 7: 😉💗😉💗😉

By now, she should realize that there is no escaping them, no matter how much she tries, no matter what she comes up with, the result is still the same. She is the chosen one and it's not something that she can change. 😅 True, she did annoy the others, but Chanyeol made things clear and as long as she is under his protection she should be fine, but really, se needs to calm down and stop with the failed attempts of escaping. 😅

We now know why Sehun is in trouble so I am curious about what will happen next!

Thank you!

740 streak #5
Chapter 6: 😉💗😉💗😉

Ah, the girl is still trying to get a hang of it all and understand the things that are going on around her, but I would say it's gradually getting better and her reactions are not as big as compared to before! So that's good! 👍👌 The boys surely aren't in much danger as they always find a way to avoid things or survive them, so they will be alright, that's for sure. As for the blaming part... oh come. It's not like she wanted to be the chosen one! She said it herself. *sighs and shakes head*

Ah, Sehun can be a bit persistent indeed. 😅 But from my point of view, it can be dangerous for her to be out on the streets alone and without protection while she is searching for Chanyeol.

OMO! Now I learned about her power or shall I call it the power of touch? 💗👍🌹

Love it! Thank you!

740 streak #6
Chapter 5: 😉💗😉💗😉

I swear things got messy fast and for sure she found herself to be focused at times, but it's really no surprise. So much information and events that it's probably driving her crazy and once again she is on the run because she is the chosen one. Then that explosion surely caused a lot of commotion and on top of that Sehun is not helping her, not one bit. *sighs* His cold attitude and his behavior. -_- But I get it, the world they come from is different from hers. 👀 But still. 👀😱🥶

If there is one thing I learned about her, it's that she doesn't listen to orders. She was told to stay in one place many times but is that the case with her? No. 😅 But thankfully Chanyeol came to the rescue, although I do agree with her. Chanyeol won't be there to protect her all the time, but still!

Can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you for this one! I really enjoyed it! 💗🌹

740 streak #7
Chapter 4: 😉💗😉💗😉

The more I read, the more I am interested in Sehun. His behavior is quite interesting and mysterious by every second. His actions are confusing her and it's an obvious thing, but who could blame her right? I think we would all feel the same way, right? First, she has many questions. She has no answers to them. Second, she meets these mysterious people that talk about the 'chosen one', and yet none of them explain what it means. Sehun is communicating with Chanyeol and following his orders and then we have her, who has to obey the. *sighs* 👀😥 It's not fun to be in the dark and not know what will happen next, on top of that, getting mixed signs and vibes is not cool. 👀😰🥶 Especially the fact that someone changed her clothes. 👀👀 And that hypnosis. 👀👀

She doesn't give up on asking questions, that is for sure, but unlike previous times, at least, now she has some answers. 👍👌 So she is a chosen one and she will help others. Hmm. Who? They don't know, but we'll see and she now knows a bit more about Chanyeol! 👍👌

But that cliffhanger! 👀🥶

Thank you!

740 streak #8
Chapter 3: 😉💗😉💗😉

Ah, we all come to a situation where we ask a question, yet we do and do not know the answer, and where we do and don't want to hear the answer because we are afraid of it. Of course, she wants to run! The mysterious atmosphere can be felt and it can be scary, so her reaction and the fact that she is thinking of a way to escape is a normal act. 👀👀
OMG! 😍🥰 Imaging Chanyeol under the sun made my heart skip a beat! 💗😍🥰Are you trying to kill me? 😅

It's easy to say jump, but it's hard to do it! First of all, they didn't tell her anything about the parallel world or what would happen, so her fear was justified. Yet she jumped and once again found herself confused. 👀👀

Both Chanyeol and Sehun seem nice, although, Chanyeol is a bit more colder and distant, but still nice. On the other hand, Sehun is more laid back, yes, a bit mysterious, and doesn't give her any more insight into what she wants to know, but at least, she can trust him. Hopefully, everything will be alright and she will get her answers soon. 👌👍👀

Thank you! 🌹😉💗

740 streak #9
Chapter 2: 😉💗😉💗😉

I can only imagine the horror and shock of waking up somewhere else and being confused about what happened and how she ended up in a stranger's room. She remembers one thing and then like a sudden turn of events, she meets Chanyeol and he tells her that she is the chosen one. Yes, it can be creepy, so yes, trying to run away is a natural thing. I can't blame her for that, but of course, that also wasn't easy as she bumped into another figure on her way out. Hmm.

Meeting Sehun only left her with more questions than answers, but I admit, things are getting heated!

Can't wait to see what happens next! 💗💗

Thank you! 💗💗

740 streak #10
Chapter 1: 😉💗😉💗😉

This part got me so immersed in the story that it's unbealiavble! From the very start, the mystery was there and I loved how the night and legend were described. Baekhyun and Jongin are good characters and I loved them, that's for sure. I can't wait to see what happens next.
