He will not come.

You Are My Only One

" Here... Siwon-ah"

Hyori wave her hand to the man who walking out from the arrival terminal. Siwon wave back and turn his head to the boy with the cute back pack and show Hyori with the head sign. When the boy saw Hyori, he wave his hand and smile happily. Hyori run to the boy and hug him tight and kiss his cheek.

" How are you my baby boy? Noona miss you so much. Are you feeling well? Is your leg hurt? Tire? Shall we go to the hospital first or....."

The boy chuckle his sister's unstoppable rumbling and grab her shoulder and watch her eyes lovingly.

" I'm okay Noona. My legs aren't hurt and I'm not tire. I just sit all the way here and........ hyung is taking care for me ..so"

The boy look back to Siwon and telling about him with shy smile and blush cheek. Siwon just look at the boy with sweet smile. Hyori look both and smile.

" Thanks, Siwon-ah. I know you will take care of my brother. That's why I can live here without worrying for him, right? I owe you so much,dongsae-ah"

" Ah.. Please don't, Noona. Anyway, it's my pleasure to get that chance.."

That word makes the boy blush even more.

They get out of the airport and Hyori lead them to the car. There, Siwon help the boy to get in the back seat, fasterning the seat belt and then place their bags at the back. Hyori look at them and nod with knowing look. Along the way, Hyori says about her daily life in Korea and ask them how's in America. Siwon answer their daily life, but all are about making sure her brother to take the medicine, taking him to the hospital on the appointed date to check or to make exercises for the body and legs, cooking lunch and dinner for the boy and make sure the boy to have all he cook. Hyori smile and nod. 

But the boy at the back seat stay silent, and look his sister with hasitant. And open his mouth slowly.

" So, Changmin is working at your shop, Noona? ....H...How is he? Is he okay ?"

Hyori look back her brother from the back mirror and sigh softly and nod.

" Of course, Donhae-ah. Noona is taking care for him and make him quit from the previous tiring jobs. I just want him to get a proper rest and focus on his study. You also know, coffee shop isn't that much jobs to do. So he have time to relax and isn't tire anymore. Ah...by the way today is his day off."

Donghae nod slowly and silent again. Hyori know her brother's arrival purpose and says,

" Do you want to meet him, honey?"

"W..What!! No..no I can't Noona. He...he don't want to see me, I'm sure. I'm..."

Siwon stop him with sweet smile and says softly.

"It's okay, Hae-ah. If you don't want to do something, you don't have to do it. And if you want something, hyung will help you whatever you want, okay. You are just in recovering condition, baby. You need to calm down for your good . You know what I mean, right? Please don't worry. "

Donghae watch him with afraid eyes and then they are soft with trusty look.


" He's coming out..~~"

Hyori point at the cumpus gate and they see Changmin come out with Kyuhyun talking and smiling. It's seems like Kyuhyun is teasing Changmin and Changmin face is like a red rose. Kyuhyun nudge shoulder by shoulder to Changmin and Changmin hit his back playfully.

"He seems really happy..~~"

Donghae look him with sad eyes but a smile is attach on his lips. Siwon turn his head and feeling pity to the boy and also his heart is grasped inside. He want to protect the boy and will do anything to make him happy. 

Even making engagement to someone he don't love.... 

While watching, Kyuhyun wave to Changmin and make his way. Changmin wave him and smile. Then he stop and think for a moment and muttering. Hyori watch him with a smile.

" I wish I have one more brother like Changmin.He's really adorable and respectful boy.."

Speaking of the boy, her phone is ringing suddenly and showing the caller name. It's Changmin. Everyone surprise and look at the phone and then look to Changmin. Changmin is now holding the phone and sitting at a bunch. Hyori put on the speaker.

" Hello..dongsae-ah~~ "

" Hello..Noona~~"

At his sweet voice, Donghae shut his mouth with his hand and try not to let out his gasp. Siwon grasp his hand warmly and nod with a smile. Donghae sigh and look back to the phone.

" N..Noona...I .. actually I want to ask you something..... about ..uh.."

" Come on Min-ah. You can say your Noona anything you want to know. Noona will help you anything you want.. so, just say it..dongsae"

Changmin chuckle with shyness and then

" Um... I want to know is... where I can buy the present and what kind of present is good for.......for someone you ..... uh.. want to confess..~~"

Donghae smile uncontrollable and Siwon watch that smile like something precious. Hyori smile with amusement and look at her brother. The two sibling eyes are now sparkling with amusement.

" For Yunho~~?"

" ...... yeah~~~"

" ~~~~~~ Okay, there is this shop near your cumpus selling really beautiful suvenior like bouquet, stuff animals or other beautiful glass things. So, you can go there to see and choose what you want... or....Noona will go with you?~~~"

Those words make Changmin protest with shyly.

" Uh....I'm not a kid, Noona. I just..Uh.. let it be.."

All three on the car watching the boy on the bunch with lovingly and smiling. Changmin now rubbing his face with his palm and kicking the ground like a child.

" Okay..Okay.. Noona is kidding. Now, that shop is two block away from your school and you can walk there. It's gonna be fine, Min-ah. You are the most precious all he got, I bet. Nothing is better or precious than you for him. So, believe yourself..Min-ah"

 "~~ Thanks, Noona. You are always kind to me. I wish I have an older sister like you.. "

Those words make all of them looks sad. Then Changmin hung up the call and walk to the shop.


Yunho is getting ready for the date, wearing handsomely and picking the bouquet that he bought in the way back from hospital. A red rose bouquet. Yunho look the bouquet and smiling with the imagine of Changmin's blush cheek and beautiful round eyes if he see the flowers. When he pick up his wallet, the door bell ring. Changmin?

He think and walk to  the door.

" So you are finish already......"

He says as he open the door and his words are stop in the mid. In his surprise, it's not Changmin, it's his uncle. 

" Uncle?"

" Aww.. Yunho-ah.. going somewhere? "

" Ah.... yeah, but it's okay. Come in, uncle. I just surprise as you arrive suddenly. Everything okay? "

" Ah.. don't worry my boy. uncle is just want to see you and want to make sure you are okay. You also know I always busy so I can't take care for you enough. I know I should, cause you are our first born eldest son and our future hope, my dear boy. Please forgive your uncle.."

His uncle hug him and Yunho smile and hug back and pat his back .

"It's okay uncle. You work hard for us and try not to fall the company that my father built. We are really thanful and Jihye and I are reaching this far because of your efforts. You are our hero, and our only one dearest uncle..."

His uncle, Mr Han's look deep his nephew and smile weakly and pat Yunho's cheek lovingly.

" Thanks, Yunho-ah"

"Please have a seat uncle.I'll make you something to drink.."

" Ah.. here you mother give you this. She said don't skip any meal. She's right Yunho. Although you are a doctor, you need to take care for yourself, too. Don't stressing yourself that much. You need to think for yourself too. I think you need to travel for relaxing your mind and your tire body. I 'll plan the abroad trip someday for you with Siwon. Your merriage time isn't too far now and travel together will make you two to get closer. How's it, Yunho.?"


That words makes Yunho stops for a second and silent. Accepting the package form uncle he think for a while.

" What..? You have other plan?"

Mr Han look at the boy with the sharp eye to see what's is inside in his nephew heart. Yunho smile quickly and 

" Ah.. It's not like that, uncle. I just think I need to talk to Siwon about that...He said..."

Then his phone ring and the caller name is Changmin. His Uncle watch the phone and says

" Ah...I think its your friend.. just pick up , I'm okay.."

So Yunho pick the phone and go to the kitchen  to make the drink. But he don't see is, his Uncle watch his back and take out the phone and type some message. When Yunho back with the drink, he put back the phone in his pocket. After drinking the lime juice, his Uncle greet him and says he has to go somewhere and get out of the room.

Yunho pick the wallet quickly and run to the parking and head to the cinema Changmin would be waiting.

He grasp the bouquet and search the people but no sign of Changmin. He take out the phone and call. But the phone tell him it's power off. 

" Where is he..~~? He said he is waiting..~~"

Yunho mutter watching the phone and searching the people again. Then, a hand grasp his shoulder from behind so he turn back quickly.

" Chan...... Siwon-ssi?!"

Siwon looks really exhausted and also with the angry look . The lower edge of his shirt is staining some red color. Blood?

" Finding Changmin?"

Siwon just ask. Yunho watch him with wide eyes. How and why is he here?

" How... How do you know and why....?"

" He'll not come Yunho-ssi. He is now somewhere and we need to talk now?"

" I don't understand Siwon-ssi. Where is Changmin ?"

Siwon look him with the deep gaze and says

" He's at the hospital.."


There , at the hospital, in the enmergency room. A boy is crying and holding a hand of the boy who now is lying on the bed with the oxygen mask and most of the body part are cover with the white bandage.

" I'm sorry Changmin. It's all my fault. Please hold on. Please don't die...please.. please.."

Donghae grasp Changmin's hand on his chest the cry hard. Hyori also cover with tears on her face and pat her brother's back.

" It's not your fault baby, not now. It's all because of him...!!"

Hyori eyes are sharp with anger.

In the dream...Changmin is looking for someone in the mist , walking on the unending road. There are all dull and he can't see anything but white.

" Hyung~~~"





sorry for late update. Hope you enjoy.










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Hey guys, the fic wouldn't be update till the next week causI'm on'my vacation. Anyway, the plot is ready and will be back with the hidden secret for you..:) :) :)
See you then.


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Chapter 10: Thank you for the update. Waiting patiently for the next chap. :)
urico90 #2
Chapter 9: Thank you guys, for staying supporting me and for your comments. Actually, I'm really happy and encouraged if someone making comment or question about my story. I feel like I can do it and I did it well. Anyway, just want to say...thanks and I'll try for better episodes.
rinonori #3
Chapter 9: Is Yunho's uncle planning something else that would make Changmin was so upset and ended up in the hospital???
rinonori #4
Chapter 8: I see another problem's coming.... but hopefully it'll make Yunho knows his position ;)
Chapter 7: I like Kyuhyun's character in this chapter! :)

I wonder what's Siwon's connection to Changmin? It seems like Changminnie is in danger and Siwon's group are trying to protect him...
Chapter 6: I think there is something about siwon n Changmin
Chapter 6: It's getting more interesting after chapter 6. I have so many questions in mind but I'll be patient and wait for your updates.
rinonori #8
Chapter 5: Wow.... I'm surprised that Siwon is actually the person Yunho will be married to. I like the twist ^^
Now coming the interesting things, how Yunho untangles the set-up engagement with Siwon and weaves his red thread with Changmin. Some fluff, pretty please?
Take your time with the updates. Apparently time is essential to set your ideas into one nice smooth story. Maybe you need to scribble some alternative plots on a paper so you won't get lost in them. Just choose the best according to your mood. You can always change in the middle as long as you stick to the main draft.
One thing, small mistakes in your grammar... hope you can fix them in the future. But following your story is not a problem at all, in fact it's entertaining <3
Good luck with your writing and updates! ^^
Chapter 3: It lookes fun n nice story ?
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)