
Best Mistake
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The next morning, Jisoo woke up to the smell of cooking. He turned to his right and panicked a little when Jiyoon wasn't beside him. Getting up, he went downstairs to see her cooking breakfast from behind. He admired her, smiling at himself because even her backside looks gorgeous. 

He sat on the chair and continued to stare at her, "Hey." He said after awhile, startling her.

Jiyoon turned around and smiled, "Jisoo, wait for a sec, breakfast will be done in a minute." She resumed cooking.

"You know, you could've asked me or one of the cooks to make breakfast, right?"

"Well, I can't stay here and do nothing." She answered and placing the eggs and bacon onto Jisoo's plate.

"Thanks," he muttered and started eating.

She nodded and sat in front of him, digging into her own food.

"Are you doing anything today?" Jisoo asked.

"Nothing much, just gonna continue on my book. The deadline is 2 months away and I'm still stuck on the 5th chapter, which is bad. Lately, I don't have any inspiration to write,"

"Really? What book are you writing now?" He was curious, he had read all of her books and it was very eye-opening, he even cried reading her first book which was released 3 years ago.

"It's about a criminal getting accused for something he didn't do and his case was handled by an investigator who knows the truth," she rambled excitedly, Jisoo loved seeing her this happy about something. He has always loved the way her eyes shine and got bigger whenever she talks about anything she loved, writing was her passion. He has watched her working hard to be an author since highschool, and seeing her becoming an author, doing what she loved made him proud. He remembered how she said she was gonna write a lot of books and inspire people with her writing.

"That sounds interesting, Jiyoon. I can't wait to read that."

"Uhmm... Jisoo? Is it okay if I invite Nayeon to come over? I won't if you're not okay with it."

"Of course, you might be bored alone, since I'm going to work." Jisoo smiled at her.

"Thanks," Jiyoon said as she took their plates

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super short but I had to update somehow. I'll update again soon!!


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Kim_dong03 #1
i already like your story by reading the storyline