Chapter 2-2

Tainted Memories

Chaeyoung had her eyes glued at the small strawberry cheesecake that was displayed, her eyes sparkled and I know she wants to eat it before anything else.

“Chaeyoung-ah, you need to eat lunch first” I nudged her sides to get her attention. She clicked her tongue knowing that her intentions were wide open.

“I know, but just look at it! it's Strawberry…. and Cheesecake!”

“I know, it says so on the display” Chae glared at me for making fun of her cravings, I actually find them cute. We were in a queue and I can feel chae getting anxious every time a student passes by the cake or had set their eyes on it. While chaeyoung was busy monitoring the strawberry cheesecake, I had grabbed a nice and healthy diet to keep myself in shape. A boiled chicken thigh, tuna with olives and a bit of fresh carrots and cucumber to complete the meal.


We finally had taken a seat and chae couldn't get any happier right now. She took out her phone and started to do a little photoshoot of her strawberry cheesecake while I gobble up my food. I watched chae as she tries to find the perfect angle for her picture, I could see her swiping on her screen finding the right filter in her snow app. She would sometimes bit her bottom plumped lips as if she was doing some difficult task. I was admiring her too long that I didn't realize I was about to finish my food while she's still having her photoshoot.


“Ne, I’m almost done. are you not done yet?” chae didn't heard me, so I sighed in defeat and let her be. After a couple of minutes chaeyoung had started to dig in her lunch while I use my phone to scroll on social media.

“Sana” chae calls. I looked up to see her using a fork to get a piece of the cake and then offering it to me.

“It tastes good, try it” she offers me again. I leaned over and took a bite from it, she was still looking at me waiting for a food review.

“Mmm” I exclaimed. “It does taste good!” I commented, her eyes squinted in happiness as soon as she heard what I said.

“didn't I tell you?” she confidently says as she took another bite from her cake and showing me a little happy dance.

“Are you sure you should be eating cake? Won’t it ruin your diet?” she stopped chewing for a second and glared at me.

“I have a different stomach for my strawberry cheesecake.. And you just can’t tell a girl she’s fat”

“But I didn’t?”

“It lowkey means like that too.” She continued to eat like nothing happened, I glanced at my watch to see what time is it.

“Chae, we need to hurry. It’s almost time for another class” as soon as I said it, chae had shoved the last piece of the cake in , her face was bulgy from the cake and had left a frosting on the corner of . I grabbed a tissue and leaned over to her. She was a bit surprised from my sudden kinship but she didn’t bother to move. I smiled a little afterwards and she gave me shy small smile.

“Let’s go?” I asked, she nodded in response and gulped what’s left from her strawberry juice.

“What class are you attending?” she asks

“Literature, you?”


“Oh, I guess we’ll just see each other later at work?”

“Yep. I’ll see you later Sana”

I waved her goodbye and made my way to my last class, I turned at the corner quite hastily that I bumped into someone. I fell to the floor hard and hurt my bottom.


“Oh, I’m sorry” he says, I looked up to see a brown haired boy in a plaited polo. He reached out his hand to me with a bright smile. I was quite hesitant to hold his hand but I did anyways.

“I didn’t knew people would walk in corners just like me.” he says to me while rubbing the back of his head.

“Oh, no it was my bad for being hasty” I laughed a little and he did too. Silence came afterward and it was very awkward.

“Oh well anyways, I’m gonna go ahead. So uhm see you around err?”


“Ah yes, Sana. Mark”

“Okay, mark. Sorry again”

“No worries”


He walked away from me and looked back to give me another smile. I continued to walk to my class only to see the room empty. I was confused for a moment but I still decided to enter the room and take a seat.


I’m in the right room right? Did they cancel the class without me knowing? We have kakao talk, there should be a message from the professor.


I took out my phone and opened the KT app and searched for the GM from the literature class, It seems that I muted the notifications for new messages in our GC. I opened it and scroll all the way from the message I wasn’t able to see.


“Class, I’m sorry but I won’t be able to meet you next week. I’m going to New york for a special seminar. I’ll update you when we’ll meet. Thankyou.”


What am I going to do now? Should I just go home?


I sat for a moment thinking what I should do next but nothing comes to mind, I slumped at my seat in defeat. I don’t have any friends and I wasn’t able to get chaeyoung’s number. I looked at my phone once again and decided to standby in the room, I started opening instagram and drown myself from other people’s updates. I came upon a video of a barista doing a coffee drink and remembered the coffee shop I was at last night.


Oh right, I had to know who was the woman who paid for my drink.


I got up and hurriedly stormed out of the room, I trot my way out of the academy and felt excited since I could get another cup of that delicious iced mocha. I took a bus straight from the academy bus stop and took me a half an hour ride to there. Once I got out of the bus the sheriff from last night was doing his afternoon rounds at the town.


“Oh, if it isn’t you.” he says when I gave him a smile.

“Ah, sir, thank you for last night. I’m sorry I ran away like that”

“No biggie, I’m glad yer okay. Welcome back to our town”

“I’m on my way to the coffee shop sir, would you like to have one with me?”

“I’d like to sit around with a beautiful young lady but I’m currently on duty. I’ll drop by there on my break and hopefully I’d still catch you there”

“Oh, that’s unfortunate. Well then, I’ll be on my way. Be safe sir” I waved at him with a big smile and made my way to the shop. The shop was quite packed and when I came near it, I could hear the upbeat music outside. I slowly pushed the door and looked around.


“Welcome back” It was the waitress last night, she was holding a tray closely to her chest. She walked towards me with a smile all excited to see me.

“Hi, thank you for last night.”

“Of course, I’m glad you’re okay.”

“I have a question, if you may?”

“Yes, let’s take a seat shall we?”


She guided me to an empty seat for two, she put down the tray on the table and took off her apron.


“Dad, I’ll be on a break!” she yells to the man behind the counter.

“So, what is it?” she looked at me attentively

“Uhm, well I was wondering if you knew the lady who paid for my drink?”

“Hmm. let me see.” she sat back on her seat and thought to herself.

“Oh! Yes, her name is jeongyeon. She visits the shop quite often actually.”

“Jeongyeon, huh.”


I felt quite dizzy and my eyes started to black out that I had to touch my right eye. I blinked rapidly trying to clear my vision.

“Hey, are you okay?”

“Ah yes, I just.. Uhm feel dizzy all of a sudden”

“Do you need anything?”

“Oh no. I get them sometimes. Anyways, do you think she visits the shop in a schedule?”

“Hmm. I’m not sure, but I’ll ask dad later. Can I get you a drink? Iced mocha?”

“Yes please.” She stood up from her seat and took the apron and the tray, she tapped my shoulders as she passed by, I gave her a quick nod as a response.


I felt dizzy when I heard ‘Jeongyeon’, this wasn’t the first time it happened to me. Somehow I connected the cause when I started joining the club. Heechul-nim was the first person who triggered my off-setting dizziness, it was a different dizziness, It would a give me a little flashback of that person quite different from who they are now. Second was when I met Victoria, for some reasons I remember who she was but she denies that she knows me. Now that I think about it, I don’t actually know if it’s a memory or a dream. Now with jeongyeon, all I get is dizziness, might’ve been because I haven’t seen her face. I fiddled my hands furiously, I was nervous and anxious, I haven’t met her yet but I feel like I had to. I look around once more and saw various faces ranging from kids to adults. It looked like they’re celebrating something.


“Here you go” the waitress handed me a cup of cold mocha.

“By the way, I haven’t got your name?”

“Oh, it’s tzuyu”


“Well, sana sit back and relax there for a moment. I’d like to talk to you more if you’re not busy?”

“Yes, of course. I have the time”


She once more walked away from me, I followed her with my eyes and started to observe her actions. She’s actually pretty tall, as I can remember I had to look up a little to see her face. She was curvy but not that thick, she is fit to be a model because of her height and her looks. She handed two plates on the family near us, the kid was ecstatic to see the food in front of her. She asked the girl who was a little older than her for a fork, she then took the fork and started to twirl the pasta around her fork and ate it. The sauce of the pasta was left on the corner of , the older girl picked up a tissue and wiped it off of her.


“Thank you unnie” she says. At that moment, I pictured chaeyoung and it felt nostalgic. I remembered doing it to her a while ago which made me grin. Maybe I haven’t met chaeyoung before, she didn’t triggered any dizziness and as well as Tzuyu. I looked at my cup and took a sip.


Hmm. yes. This is that taste, I’d like Tzuyu to tell me how they make this drink.


While I was engulfed by the taste of the drink, the door made a noise that signals someone came in, I turned to see who it was. They were wearing a face mask and had a hoodie on, It felt dangerous for a second till they took off their hoodie. She was a woman on her hoodie and jeans. She scanned the room for vacant seats but our eyes met and she stopped for a moment. She removed her face mask and from then on my mind flashed back a memory of her in a different outfit, but this time it looked like I was waiting for her since she was happy to see me and walked towards me. I felt a sting on my head that made me yelp in pain and drop my drink, I tried to stand up but I fell and then the next thing I knew I was on the floor and my vision completely turned black.


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Chapter 9: owo who this
Chapter 7: aaaahhh heart warming girls hanging out
Chapter 6: Man I would forget about Victoria too if Hani performed
Chapter 4: So Jeongyeon's in the picture. I can't help but to be intrigued at how each and everyone is connected to Sana in any way.
Chapter 3: omg yes chaeyoung transfered
Chapter 1: This is going to be good!
I wonder why Sana said 'papa' to Heechul.

Anyways, I'll wait for future updates!