Chapter 1-1

Tainted Memories

I don’t know how long I’ve been running but I’m pretty sure I ran too far that I no longer know where I am. I stopped to look around while I catch my breath, I saw a rusted clock tower that says 11:23pm, I never knew it was that late already. There’s not much people around this time of the night since I leave in the suburbs but, there are shops that are open 24/7 for grabbing coffees or late night snacks.  I looked once more at my surroundings hoping I could remember a landmark or even see any signs that could help me know where I am. A shop that says “Kohi” can be seen not too far from where I am had their lights on and I think I can see people inside, I walked my way towards it and saw that it was a coffee shop. I entered the shop and saw an old man serving a hot coffee to the customer sitting in front of him, the man had noticed me and gave me a slight smile. There were a few people inside, a couple of teens are making a quite fuss on the corner with their constant badgering with each other, even though the shopkeeper doesn’t pay much attention to it the customer sitting in front of the him says otherwise. On my left, I could see a woman that looks like someone as same age as me was glued to the newspaper she was holding.


“Ah, welcome” a young girl had came out of the kitchen and greeted as soon as she saw me. I smiled back and went to take a seat near the woman reading a newspaper. The young girl went towards me and gave me their menu.


“I’ve never seen you around.” she says to me.

“Ah yes, for some reasons actually, I ended up here” I explained as I browse the menu.

“Oh really? Where are you from? If it’s okay”

“Oh no, that’s fine. I live in the PYJ dormitory”

“Oh, that’s not quite far from here. There’s a bus that comes back and forth here and you can drop at the bus stop near the cinema.”

“Oh! I see, Thank you.”

“Are you ready to order?”

“Ah- yes, I’ll take one iced mocha to go”

“Okay, is that all?”

“Yes, thank you”


I gave the menu back to her and waited patiently for my mocha. I glanced at the window beside me, it came to my attention the off-setting feeling the town gives me, It felt like I’ve been here before from the nostalgia I’m feeling but I can’t quite remember.  Moments later the teens that sat on the corner had stood up and seems to be living the premises but, to my surprise they had come to my table.


“How can I help you?” I told the young lady who was wearing an unsightly clothing. Her clothes were tattered and her chest can be seen without a brassiere, the man beside her wrapped his arms around her to which she replied with slight giggle.


“Would you like to hang out with us?” he says to me.

“I’m sorry, but I’m going home right after this.”

“Oh, come on don’t be a , clearly you would’ve gone home already and not here”


He was right, but he doesn’t know that I got lost. I looked at the shopkeeper who was busy tending the mess they left on their table.


“I-im sorry, I can’t” I shook my head once more and gave them a small smile as I stand up to get away from them. The woman gripped my arm that made me groan a little. Her face was so close to me and made me uncomfortable that I had to look away.


“Where do you think you’re going?” I can feel her breath close to my neck, my eyes were shut and my body was literally quivering in fear like I was back in the club. I can’t do anything, I’ve always been weak and I know that to myself but what can I do?


“ I’d like you guys to stop harassing her.” my eyes were still closed shut but I can hear a man was asking them to stop.


“And who would you might be?”

“A sheriff” that one word had free me from the grasp of that woman, I could hear them shuffling their way out of the shop. The room was silent and I couldn’t help but to curl in my place.


“Hey are you alright?” I took three deep breaths and stood up from my position. The man who claimed to be a sheriff was the man who sat in front of the old man before.


“Ah yes. I- thank you. I’m sorry but I have to go” I bowed at him before storming out of the shop, I ran as fast as I can only to find myself in a waiting shed.  I slowly sat at the bench, my heart was still beating fast and I think it was all because of the running but I guess not. I placed my hands on my forehead while looking at my foot. I fiddled my temples trying to calm myself. The incident had left me with a little bruise on my arms, it’s going to be hard hiding this from heechul-nim tomorrow but hopefully he won’t see it.  


“You shouldn’t just leave what you ordered” the sudden voice had startled me to the point that I jolted up to run again.

“Wait” the female voice tugged my shirt to stop me. I turned around to see that it was the waitress at the shop.

“I-im sorry.” was all i managed to say. She smiled at me and handed me the iced mocha. She handed me the cup and tapped my shoulders before leaving.

“Oh, right the payment!”

“No need, the young lady had paid it already. Please be careful on your way home. The sheriff had apprehended the teens and are now in inspection”


Just as soon as she left, the bus she mentioned before had stopped at the waiting shed. I took a last glance at the waitress before hopping in the bus. I took a window seat and held the iced mocha tightly, I took a sip from it and it instantly changed my mood, mocha was like my on the go energy booster, It would lighten up my mood no matter what happened to me beforehand. The mocha was well blend, it’s just the right taste I always wanted.


I think I’ll come back there again for sure. Still, I wonder who was that woman who paid for my drink? Maybe she felt bad from what happened and pitied me. I guess I really have to pay a visit in the shop, she looks like she’s a regular customer there.  


The drink had released me from the bad vibe I was in, the bus stopped near the cinema where I work at. A few steps from the cinema was the dormitory I’m currently living in, I took a glimpse of the dormitory and jogged my way there as I was excited to feel the warmth of my bed. My room was in the fifth floor and even that it was always a pain, I didn’t complain much today and just hoping to get a good night sleep.

I immediately stripped down my clothing, only leaving me with my underwear and jumped over the bed. I crawled under the blankets where I feel safe and sound. It took me only a second to doze off and I was already my way to dreamland.

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Chapter 9: owo who this
Chapter 7: aaaahhh heart warming girls hanging out
Chapter 6: Man I would forget about Victoria too if Hani performed
Chapter 4: So Jeongyeon's in the picture. I can't help but to be intrigued at how each and everyone is connected to Sana in any way.
Chapter 3: omg yes chaeyoung transfered
Chapter 1: This is going to be good!
I wonder why Sana said 'papa' to Heechul.

Anyways, I'll wait for future updates!