
Deja vu
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8th anniversary of Red Velvet. The slogan for this day should be '8 years of happiness with Red Velvet from ReVeluvs', but it wasn't actually how everyone feels about this day. For some, today is just the OT4 Red Velvet anniversary, not the actual 'Red Velvet'.


For the 8th anniversary of the group, it was planned for them to hold a concert to show their gratitude for their fans but because of the that happened, that concert didn't get to be pushed through. Instead, as a celebration for their anniversary, they just got on live to communicate with their fans— through Vlive.


" it's been 8 years since we debut as a group! " Joy excitedly said as soon as the live started, spreading an energetic vibe " woah, I can't believe I withstand you Wendy unnie " she kiddingly said, taunting her unnie who's sitting right next to her.


" I can still remember the times when Joy is crying over her diet " Wendy chuckled " she occasionally goes to the bathroom but not to do her business there but to eat inside one of the cubicles! " they chuckle as they reminisce the past memories.


" I can remember that " Yeri exclaimed " I used to go there with Joy unnie too along with... yeah... " Yeri nearly slipped a banned name " and I can remember how she cries as she chews and continuously saying, I'll start my diet next week " Yeri continued as she mimicks Joy's voice.


Joy is garnering a lot of hate about her weight, she's just a teen and it's normal for her to have baby fats but netizens aren't having that reason. They mock and sends a handful of hates towards Joy, making Joy feel how her self-confidence starts to fall down.


It was the first time Joy has received that much hate, she didn't expect for it to be painful. She thought people's words weren't going to be painful as others may think it might be, but when those hates are in front of her, there she realized how painful it is.


" unnie " Yeri inside one of the cubicle called for Joy " unnie " she knocked on the cubicle next to her where Joy is " what? " Joy responded with a crack voice, indicating that she's crying.


" ya! You crying!? " Seulgi asked in a panic, Seulgi is inside of one of the cubicles as well " why are you crying!? Are you hurt!? " she asks again.


Joy sniffs, trying hard not to sob very loudly as she grips on the half-eaten burger on her hands " I'll start dieting and exercising tomorrow! " she oaths and took another bite as she tears race down her cheeks.


Seulgi let out a soft chuckle " Sooyoung-ah " she sweetly called her dongsaeng " don't be too hard on yourself, you're beautiful " she tried to comfort Joy.


" I agree! " Yeri exclaimed, obviously chewing burger as she talks " but I'm much beautiful than you " she giggled.


" we are all beautiful " Seulgi nodded to herself and took a bite on her own burger. 


" I beg to disagree on your part unnie! " Yeri jokingly being savage to her Seulgi unnie.


The Vlive continued with a lot of stories from their trainee life, how they ditch their vocal lessons to go and play in the arcades, how they hid their manager's phone so they can have more time to eat their meals and a lot more. It's somehow sad stories but those hardships are now something that they can laugh off.


" Irene unnie, someone said that you're very beautiful today! " Wendy pointed out.


Irene is intentionally being quiet today, she's letting the three take over the Vlive and just talking when it's needed. She doesn't want to have too much attention, the dating issue between her and Taeyong is still hot which means the hates about her is still going.


Besides, this anniversary also brings loneliness to her heart. This is not the 8th anniversary that she had pictured on her mind. Irene's disappointed about the turning of events.


After almost one and a half hour, the Vlive ended and they bid their farewells to their fans. Saying their thank you, I love you and more appreciative words before finally ending the Vlive.


After the Vlive ended, they went straight to the company dinner held in one of the popular restaurants around the area. Familiar faces are in there, their new and old stylists, their managers, the staffs and a lot more. It's like a fiesta, everyone's happy and excited.


" you're dating Taeyong? I never knew you're into young guys! " Irene's old stylist . The fact that it's just a media play made it very confidential that only a number of people knew about the truth " you guys look perfect " Irene just gave off a stiff smile and thanked her old stylist.


The Red Velvet members went inside one of the rooms where they can have time for themselves. There are already prepared food for them and karaoke that they love— they chose to be secluded instead of socializing. Socializing with people seems fun but it's tiring as well.


" I'm going to sing this! " Yeri exclaimed, fighting over the mic with Joy.


" unnie you're drinking too much again " Wendy noticed how Irene is so quiet at the corner, just drinking a shot after shot. Irene does drink a lot than usual nowadays, she drinks instead of just jailing herself to the dorm which is a very rare sight for everyone.


" after you drink, you're going to disappear again " Wendy bets, Irene is like that these past few days. Drinking excessively and disappearing before everyone's eyes— it's concerning everyone especially Wendy who's very much worried about the older girl.


Irene just looked faintly at Wendy and smiled " just let me be " she said and drunk another glass of soju " it's... my getaway " she softly said. Irene has developed a new habit after drinking excessively and she's not planning on getting rid of that habit anytime soon.


Yeri won at the battle of the mic against Joy and Jessica Jung's song began to play 'Almost'.


" I cannot believe I let you go or what I should say, I should've grabbed you up and never let you go " Irene gritted her teeth with Yeri's song choice. This song hits her heart so bad.


" I should've went out with you, I should've made you my boo "


" Yes, that's one time I should've broke the rules. I should've went on a date, should've found a way to escape "


After that night of Seulgi's confession, Irene did what she told Seulgi— she distanced herself from the girl. Doing it very obviously.

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 11: read this on wattpad and still read this in here it hurt like hell 😭
Spicycharmed #2
rating this story: 7/10
phoenixcloudburst #3
Chapter 11: Stories like this, wherein characters undergo time for healing, never failed to make me cry. The ending is open-ended and as much as I'm craving for an epilogue for them, I'd leave it to my imagination on what would transpite between them.
Chapter 11: Huhuhu we need an Epilogue T_T its a painful and beautiful story. I really love it😭
Chapter 11: Just found this story, it's great but i cant handle my heart😭😭
Chapter 9: Why are you hurting us authornim T_T
lauren11 #7
Chapter 11: an epilogue, please... give them a happy ending ?
Kaz012_ei #8
Chapter 11: How many times I've read this and still brings tears. It's nicely, painfully, beautifully done. Thank you
kalupian #9
Chapter 11: This is hard to read... in a sense that every chapter builds up warmth and happiness only to break my heart and hurt me each time... this is so painful... reading how ruined seulgi was after getting kicked out and the uneasiness and anxiety that she felt every time the two of them are together was torture... but what hit me most is the pain that irene's bearing all these years... everyday of her life... imagine how exhausting it must be to be pretending and wearing a mask longer than not... imagine keeping up the act for years and more... imagine carrying that burden and responsibility set on you and needing to sacrifice the only thing that makes you happy and whole for everyone else's sake aside from yours... because in truth, if you were being selfish, you're more than ready to give up everything else for that happiness... and then after losing the love of your life, she returns and there's a different look from her... a look that can mean she can start forgetting you... how long can one hold on to a promise before you break and finally give up on everything... irene's life looks and feels tragic... no one deserves to live like that... huhuhu this is one great read... painful but amazing huhu thank you
Chapter 11: Sequel please or an epilogue TT