
Deja vu
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" cut! " the director shouted and so Joy immediately got off from her co-actor's arms " okay, great! Let's shoot the next scene after a break " the director announced and everyone clapped their hands in happiness, they've been shooting for at least 4 hours now without stop.


" wanna grab some coffee? My treat " Joy shook her head and smiled, politely rejecting Kim Minseok's offer " thank you sunbae-nim but I have to rest for a while first " Joy said.


" I told you, just address me more comfortably " Minseok brushed off the disappointment on his eyes immediately with a bright smile " call me oppa or something " he chuckled.


" well then... oppa... " she sounds so hesitant " I'll get going now " Joy slightly bowed her head and immediately left Minseok to go to her manager.


Joy frowned as she walks towards her manager, her manager is looking like a happy puppy with a wide smile on his face " Joy-ah, someone sent a food truck for you " her manager happily said.


" eh? " Joy isn't expecting any food truck today— who might be it? " from who? " Joy curiously asked as her manager guide her where the food truck is.


" thank you Joy! " the staffs thanked her while holding a cup of coffee and churros on their hands " we'll enjoy this! " they brightly said while Joy just gave them a confused smile.


" oppa, who sent this? " Joy whispered to his manager but her manager just shrugged with a meaningful smile.


Joy looked upon the banner that's stuck on the food truck, it says 'fighting to the most beautiful girl in the world!' there's no name of who sent it, just that phrase and a very much 'ugly' photo of Joy which everyone else sees except for Joy as a cute one.


" c'mon, pose— I'll take a picture of you " her manager asked Joy and took out his phone " smile~ " he said and Joy just awkwardly stood there with a smile on her face— still thinking on who just sent her that food truck.


Wendy unnie? Nah, Wendy unnie would probably just cook food herself than send this kind of thing. Irene unnie? Err... I don't think so, she's very busy nowadays. Yerim? Nah, that kid won't even bother doing this. Then who else could it be?


Joy's eyes widened and her eyes were like sparkling when another name came across her mind. She immediately blushed and her smile seem to be not coming off anytime soon— this is bad, the next scene would be a heartbreaking one! How can I do that now!?


" Joy-ah someone's waiting for you at the van " her manager smiled at her and even winked " be careful not to be seen, araso? " he reminded. Joy lifted up an 'okay' sign as a response to her manager.


Joy happily skips to her van, her heart is thumping abnormally, very obvious that she's excited and happy about this. Once she reached the van, she immediately hopped inside with very expectant eyes " oh? Why do you look so disappointed? " Seulgi raised her brows.


" unnie!!! " Joy didn't mind Seulgi's statement and just threw herself to her unnie " I miss you so much! I thought I should be involved in another accident before we see each other again! " that earned Joy a hit on her head.


" you didn't even greet us a Merry Christmas or a happy new year! You didn't get in touch with us as you promised! Ugh, I really hate you right now but I miss you too " Joy pouted like a child.


" but you seem so disappointed when you saw me, expecting somebody else, aren't you? " Seulgi poked Joy's side and so the girl immediately wiggled like a worm " I didn't! I'm really happy to see you unnie! " Joy squealed.


" liar " Seulgi pouted this time " you're expecting your boyfriend, aren't you? " Joy blushed quickly when Seulgi mentioned about her love life " I didn't raise you to be a flirt! " Seulgi pinched Joy's cheeks.


" but you're the one who supported and even tolerated me on this one! " Joy stuck out her tongue and Seulgi can only nod her head because Joy's indeed correct. Seulgi lowkey made Joy's relationship with Sungjae happen.


3 years had passed since 'We got married'; Joy and Sungjae had cut off their contact with each other to prevent any scandal between them and besides they are too busy to even date each other, it will surely just going to lead into a lot of misunderstandings if they will push it through.


Despite that, Joy and Sungjae are indeed has something about each other, they are just suppressing it for the sake of their fans and the group. They knew it can either lead to a good thing or a destructible one.


" Sooyoung-ah! " Seulgi handed Joy a piece of paper " someone wants to give you that " Seulgi winked at the younger girl and sat beside her. They are at a big event where a lot of big idol groups are invited to perform.


Joy unfolded the paper and saw a number on it " unnie, are we rookies? Why do you even accept these kinds of thing? " Joy frowned at her unnie and giggled " did they bribed you or something? "


" oh Sooyoung, you'll like that number " Seulgi raised her six fingers " Eunkwang oppa handed me that, yep, that's his number " Seulgi nodded her head.


Joy pouted and shook her head " why do I have to be the one who should message him first? " she sulkily asked as she plays with the paper but gentle enough to not tear it apart.


" because we all know that he's a coward and you're a bulldozer— c'mon just make the first move and if he didn't respond then... " Seulgi shrugged " his lost "


" but unnie, why are you giving me this kind of trouble? " Joy raised the paper " you know something will happen if ever

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 11: read this on wattpad and still read this in here it hurt like hell 😭
Spicycharmed #2
rating this story: 7/10
phoenixcloudburst #3
Chapter 11: Stories like this, wherein characters undergo time for healing, never failed to make me cry. The ending is open-ended and as much as I'm craving for an epilogue for them, I'd leave it to my imagination on what would transpite between them.
Chapter 11: Huhuhu we need an Epilogue T_T its a painful and beautiful story. I really love it😭
Chapter 11: Just found this story, it's great but i cant handle my heart😭😭
Chapter 9: Why are you hurting us authornim T_T
lauren11 #7
Chapter 11: an epilogue, please... give them a happy ending ?
Kaz012_ei #8
Chapter 11: How many times I've read this and still brings tears. It's nicely, painfully, beautifully done. Thank you
kalupian #9
Chapter 11: This is hard to read... in a sense that every chapter builds up warmth and happiness only to break my heart and hurt me each time... this is so painful... reading how ruined seulgi was after getting kicked out and the uneasiness and anxiety that she felt every time the two of them are together was torture... but what hit me most is the pain that irene's bearing all these years... everyday of her life... imagine how exhausting it must be to be pretending and wearing a mask longer than not... imagine keeping up the act for years and more... imagine carrying that burden and responsibility set on you and needing to sacrifice the only thing that makes you happy and whole for everyone else's sake aside from yours... because in truth, if you were being selfish, you're more than ready to give up everything else for that happiness... and then after losing the love of your life, she returns and there's a different look from her... a look that can mean she can start forgetting you... how long can one hold on to a promise before you break and finally give up on everything... irene's life looks and feels tragic... no one deserves to live like that... huhuhu this is one great read... painful but amazing huhu thank you
Chapter 11: Sequel please or an epilogue TT