
Deja vu
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Seulgi sighed as soon as her felt the soft chair of the van. She just finished the showcase that her new agency had prepared for her— after intensive preparations, she has come back with a very good and catchy song.


Seulgi is very much in love with every song in her new album, she worked with a bunch of very good composers like from Hui of Pentagon and Soyeon from G-idle who became her friend from their collaboration last few years. Seulgi has contributed a lot to the lyric writing of the songs— she indeed worked extra hard on this one.  


As expected, Seulgi will not be able to go to some music shows and with that, she definitely can't promote her new album properly. She's only hoping for the SNS power, media and her fans who are very happy to welcome her back on stage.


She's on a big disadvantage but fortunately, her song is rising on the charts even with the minimal promotions. She's not expecting to have her songs that high on charts but it did and she's very thankful that her fans have made it that possible. Not as high as when she's a Red Velvet member but it's not bad at all.


SM Entertainment has blocked Seulgi from every music shows that they can manipulate, it's quite an unfair play but SM is not going to be SM if the agency won't do those sort of manipulative moves. SM does their thing to artists that they kicked out or artists that have rebelled against them.


Although Seulgi's promotions are restricted, it's fortunate that in variety shows, Seulgi is unstoppable. Seulgi's in high demand for every shows out there, thanks to her hard work in the past in developing her variety show skills— she can subtly promote her songs in the variety shows that she's attending. It's very fortunate.


Seulgi took out her phone from her bag and opened it only to see a bunch of messages bombarding her inbox;


'congratulations Seulgi, I knew you can do it! Hang in there and I know you can do whatever you want. Let's meet up soon and catch up, I miss you' and a bunch of heart emojis was sent to Seulgi from Yoona.


Yoon has left SM entertainment a few years ago and joined Blossom entertainment along with great actors to pursue her acting career. Although SNSD has disbanded, the did a very beautiful farewell to their fans, leaving a beautiful memory and showing huge gratefulness for everything that their fans have given to them, for the journey that they spent with them. 


Seulgi once wished to do that kind of farewell when the time comes but unfortunately, it won't happen now. It saddens her to think that she wasn't able to say a proper goodbye to every ReVeluvs that has supported her. Although ReVeluvs is still there for Seulgi—  Seulgi just wished she could have said her farewell as a member of Red Velvet.


'Omo! omo! omo! I told you, you can do it! I'm very proud of you! I'm going to go to your apartment later this day, we need to celebrate this! Congratulations Seulgi-ya!' Sunmi said. Sunmi didn't fail to promote her dongsaeng in her social media as well, doing everything she can to help Seulgi.


There's a bunch of messages of congratulations and love that Seulgi has received, every single of those meant a lot for the girl, but there are messages she wants to receive from certain people although it's kinda hopeless— she wants to hear her ex-member's opinions and congratulatory about her comeback like in the good old days.


After browsing through her message inbox, she then went to her SNS—  she just hit 3 million followers on Instagram even it was created so recently. Her Instagram account only has 3 photos in it; her photoshoot from her album jacket, a selfie with her Sunmi unnie and a picture of a meal that her fans had prepared for her.


Seulgi didn't go through her Instagram to check her follower count, she opened it to visit the account that she used to belong in; Red Velvet's Instagram account. She browsed through the girls' account, making herself updated to her ex-members' life, but what got her attention is the pictures that have gone missing.


Red Velvet.smtown has removed every trace of her.


" Yeah, it makes sense " she bitterly smiled and immediately turned her phone off, shutting her eyes closed and comforting her aching heart " it would be weird if I will still be in that account if my face will be... it will be weird " she softly uttered.



" KANG SEULGI! KANG SEULGI! KANG SEULGI! " the whole place was filled by loud chants of Seulgi's name, the amount of love that Seulgi's receiving from the crowd is so insane.


From the corner of the place, a girl who's wearing a mask, cap and a simple outfit can't help but to shed a tear and have a proud heart. She's looking at the stage, proud of how Seulgi's managing to stand up on her own, performing the best like she always uses to do— Irene can't help but to smile under that mask and clap her hand from afar.


Irene attended Seulgi's showcase without anyone's knowledge, she ditched her schedule for today, ditched her manager and drove by herself to the place. She might get in trouble but seeing Seulgi's first stage as a solo artist— Irene won't trade that for anything.


Irene's phone continuously vibrating from her pocket, probably her manager looking for her. At the 30th call from her manager, Irene decided to leave, looking for one last time at the smiling Seulgi in the stage " you did well " she softly uttered before turning her back.


" unnie, do you think I will do well as a solo artist? " Seulgi asked and tilted her head to look at Irene who's laying beside her. They are at the dorm, waiting for their manager to arrive.


" hmmm? " Irene looked at Seulgi as well, locking eyes as if nothing matters more than each other " you

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 11: read this on wattpad and still read this in here it hurt like hell 😭
Spicycharmed #2
rating this story: 7/10
phoenixcloudburst #3
Chapter 11: Stories like this, wherein characters undergo time for healing, never failed to make me cry. The ending is open-ended and as much as I'm craving for an epilogue for them, I'd leave it to my imagination on what would transpite between them.
Chapter 11: Huhuhu we need an Epilogue T_T its a painful and beautiful story. I really love it😭
Chapter 11: Just found this story, it's great but i cant handle my heart😭😭
Chapter 9: Why are you hurting us authornim T_T
lauren11 #7
Chapter 11: an epilogue, please... give them a happy ending ?
Kaz012_ei #8
Chapter 11: How many times I've read this and still brings tears. It's nicely, painfully, beautifully done. Thank you
kalupian #9
Chapter 11: This is hard to read... in a sense that every chapter builds up warmth and happiness only to break my heart and hurt me each time... this is so painful... reading how ruined seulgi was after getting kicked out and the uneasiness and anxiety that she felt every time the two of them are together was torture... but what hit me most is the pain that irene's bearing all these years... everyday of her life... imagine how exhausting it must be to be pretending and wearing a mask longer than not... imagine keeping up the act for years and more... imagine carrying that burden and responsibility set on you and needing to sacrifice the only thing that makes you happy and whole for everyone else's sake aside from yours... because in truth, if you were being selfish, you're more than ready to give up everything else for that happiness... and then after losing the love of your life, she returns and there's a different look from her... a look that can mean she can start forgetting you... how long can one hold on to a promise before you break and finally give up on everything... irene's life looks and feels tragic... no one deserves to live like that... huhuhu this is one great read... painful but amazing huhu thank you
Chapter 11: Sequel please or an epilogue TT