
Deja vu
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I got way too much time to be this hurt


Somebody help, it's getting worse


What do you do with a broken heart?


Once the light fades, everything is dark


Sunmi slowly opened her eyes, waking up with LANY's songs is a great way to start a day. She reached for her phone and stopped her alarm but before she may wash up and grab something to eat, she opened her SNS and checked some news about what's going on with Korea whilst she's sleeping.


" Hyuna is engaged!? Daebak, I shouldn't forget to message her later this day " she murmured to herself when she saw an article according to Hyuna's engagement to E'dawn who's her boyfriend for years now.


" ugh... now I'm feeling old and lonely " she sighed to herself and complained about how unfortunate she is when it comes to love life. As she scrolls through the news, an article made Sunmi fully awake, eyes wide open and even .


'Seulgi spotted on Incheon airport. Kang Seulgi's back!'


Faster than flash, Sunmi opened the article and alas! It's really Kang Seulgi. Sunmi's heart is beating fast because of the overflowing happiness that she's feeling, for some reason she's tearing up as well. 


Seulgi disappeared from everyone's eyes without any words last year and didn't bother to come back for at least a year really broke her heart and now, she thought she'll be angry once Seulgi comes back but it's the opposite of what she's feeling right now— right now, Sunmi wants to see Seulgi and hug her tight.


Sunmi immediately hopped out of her bed, brushed her teeth, washed her face and put on some decent shirt and pants before running out of her apartment to go to the agency.


Last year, their agency announced Seulgi's indefinite hiatus which made everyone confuse and left them wondering— what is it now? Why is she having hiatus? Her career as a solo is a hit, so why? The questions that stirred up from that announcement.


Sunmi wasn't aware of what's happening either, she even stormed to the agency but her annoyance and anger didn't do anything to change what's happening because the agency told her that it was Seulgi's decision herself and before Sunmi may even talk to the younger girl, Seulgi is nowhere to be found.


" good— " Sunmi didn't even listen to the staff's greetings as she walks rushingly towards the CEO's office. She's so eager to know what's happening about Seulgi right now.


Sunmi knocked exactly three times on the CEO's door and opened it " CEO-nim... " Sunmi pursed her lips and her eyes widened as wide as she can possibly do when she saw that familiar person who she misses the most—


" unnie " Seulgi waved her hand and stood up from her seat to greet her unnie " ugh— unnie " Seulgi chuckled when Sunmi threw herself to her, hugging her tightly like there's no tomorrow " unnie... uhhh... I can't breath " she tapped Sunmi's shoulders like they are playing some sort of wrestling game.


Sunmi let go of Seulgi, eyes tearing up and nose starting to get red " where were you!? Why didn't you told me where you going!? Don't you know how shock I was when you disappeared and how angry I am!? " Sunmi started to nag— as expected, unnie didn't change even a bit, Seulgi smiled.


" I'm really sorry unnie " Seulgi held her unnie's hand and started to gently caress it as Sunmi began to bawl her eyes out like a kid " you're not going to leave without any words again, right? Don't do that again! " Sunmi aggressively demanded.


Seulgi chuckled, eyes disappearing as her lips are forming wide smiles " araso, araso " she responded to her unnie's demand.


On the day after Seulgi's birthday, she has disappeared. No trace of where she went or any goodbyes that she left her loved ones; she just left with a heavy heart and a broken one. In her escape, she hopes to come back fixed and able to go on without a fuss, she left to find herself.


" unnie " Seulgi snapped her fingers when she saw Irene gawking over her " it's my birthday but instead of my ice cream cake, it will be me who will melt over your stares " she jokingly said.


Irene flashed a weak smile " happy birthday Seul.. " she softly said "I'm really glad you were born " Seulgi's looking over Irene's eyes, those eyes are genuinely looking very happy and sincere yet so sad and hurt. Somehow, Seulgi knew what's going to happen next.


Seulgi moved closer to Irene, pulling the girl towards her and wrapping her arms around Irene's body " why? " Irene asked.


Seulgi shook her head " nothing, I just wanna hold you " she said. They remained in that position for a couple of minutes before Seulgi finally let go of her hold from Irene " you have something to tell me, right? Go on " she said.


Irene lowered her head, unable to look at Seulgi's eyes— she doesn't want to see Seulgi's sadness and she definitely doesn't want for Seulgi to see her pain in her eyes " Joohyun unnie... " Seulgi reached for Irene's chin and lifted her head up " say it now, that way you won't be uncomfortable throughout the day " Seulgi said.


" Seul... " Irene gritted her teeth, tears about to come out " Seul we need to... we need to end this now " she choked on her words but Seulgi definitely understood what Irene wants to happen.


Seulgi knew that this day would eventually come but she didn't expect that the painful day would come at her birthday— exactly on my birthday? What a bull " unnie, I just want to hear this from you, at least just give me this one before you leave me " Seulgi tried her very best to smile.


" unnie, did you loved me? I want to hear it from you unnie, you never said it, I never heard it come out from your mouth— it's always me who say those words " Seulgi paused a bit " I won't be curious about anything else, I just want to know your heart " she asks.


" Seul... " Irene's forehead creased, she has never said those words and she still doesn't want to say those words, especially not now that she's saying goodbye. 


" please unnie, just answer it. If no then just say you didn't love me, if yes then say you love me. I won't ask anything more " Seulgi pleads.


" let's not make things hard for you Seul, please " Irene bits her lip as her tears successfully escaped her eyes " but I want to hear it unnie, please " Irene can only shut her eyes and slowly utter the words that she kept hidden inside her heart for a long time " Seul... " she murmurs as she sobs.


" I love you unnie " Seulgi sincerely said.


" so do I Seul " Irene opened her eyes and what welcomed her sight was Seulgi looking very in love towards her, like her eyes were only meant for her and nobody else " I love you Seul " those words made Seulgi smile, enough to make her eyes disappear.


" I've been wanting to hear those words from you for a very long time " Seulgi happily said " but it's just unfortunate that I had to hear those words as a kind of goodbye from you unnie " Seulgi took time to wipe Irene's tears than to wipe her own. Well, it has been always that way even from the very beginning. Irene first before anyone else even herself comes second.


" thank you for making me feel everything that there is to feel " Seulgi said " happiness, loneliness, pain, love and a lot more. Knowing those feelings, nothing more can hit me as quite as hard again. I think I can overcome everything now " Seulgi sincerely thanked Irene.


" nothing will be as beautiful as the things you've made me felt but nothing will be as painful as well " 


Irene can't utter any word as her sobs began to get stronger and stronger, she just slowly wrapped her arms around Seulgi's neck and planted a kiss on the younger girl's lips— like a sin, Seulgi's lip is a forbidden fruit that she wants to taste.


" happy birthday to me " Seulgi murmured as their lips parted from each other.


" I'm really glad you're back Seul " Sunmi said.


" I am as well "



" Seulgi unnie's back, I guess this is true " Joy showed her phone with the article to Yeri who seems to be very busy with a fashion magazine " will she meet us? What do you think? " the maknae just shrugged.


" if she doesn't want to then it's fine " Yeri glanced at Joy " I mean... she must have taken a lot of courage to leave and to come back. Seeing us would be somehow a bit too early for her, I guess. What's more important is she's back and looking better, isn't it? "


" ayooo— if the Yeri last year would be in this position I bet she's going to freak out and find a way to see Seulgi unnie! " Joy laughed at the sudden maturity of the maknae.


" I look matured, aren't I? " Yeri laughed at herself as well " but do you think Irene unnie's fine by now? " she worriedly asked. The Red Velvet members are now living separately from each other— they are now back on their parent's house or in some high-end apartments. 


" maybe not? Maybe yes? We'll never know " Joy shrugs.


The rest of the Red Velvet members have found out what exactly is the reason for Seulgi's departure from the group. The truth that they had been wanting to have for a very long time has finally uncovered.


Irene went back to the dorm looking like a mess, eyes are puffy due to excessive crying and face a bit red because she had a few drinks before coming back home. It's been a week since everything about her and Seulgi ended and Seulgi is nowhere to be found.


" unnie! " Wendy rushed to the door as soon as Irene opened it, Irene has barely made it to the dorm because she's drunk " what the hell has happened to you!? " Wendy exclaimed as she helps the older girl to walk towards the couch in the living room.


" you've been drinking and being a mess! " Yeri shouted " did you know how many articles about you being alcoholic has released since last week!? Jeez! Get your together! " she burst out.


" Yerim " Wendy stopped the maknae " she's drunk. Go inside your room, I'll handle this "


" you! " Irene pointed Yeri " you think everything's easy for me!? Being a leader is easy!? Just because I have a lot of jobs lined up for me, many CF deals and being the center of the group, do you think I feel lucky for it!? everything! I sacrificed everything to save this ing group! To save everyone's career! I sacrificed m

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 11: read this on wattpad and still read this in here it hurt like hell 😭
Spicycharmed #2
rating this story: 7/10
phoenixcloudburst #3
Chapter 11: Stories like this, wherein characters undergo time for healing, never failed to make me cry. The ending is open-ended and as much as I'm craving for an epilogue for them, I'd leave it to my imagination on what would transpite between them.
Chapter 11: Huhuhu we need an Epilogue T_T its a painful and beautiful story. I really love it😭
Chapter 11: Just found this story, it's great but i cant handle my heart😭😭
Chapter 9: Why are you hurting us authornim T_T
lauren11 #7
Chapter 11: an epilogue, please... give them a happy ending ?
Kaz012_ei #8
Chapter 11: How many times I've read this and still brings tears. It's nicely, painfully, beautifully done. Thank you
kalupian #9
Chapter 11: This is hard to read... in a sense that every chapter builds up warmth and happiness only to break my heart and hurt me each time... this is so painful... reading how ruined seulgi was after getting kicked out and the uneasiness and anxiety that she felt every time the two of them are together was torture... but what hit me most is the pain that irene's bearing all these years... everyday of her life... imagine how exhausting it must be to be pretending and wearing a mask longer than not... imagine keeping up the act for years and more... imagine carrying that burden and responsibility set on you and needing to sacrifice the only thing that makes you happy and whole for everyone else's sake aside from yours... because in truth, if you were being selfish, you're more than ready to give up everything else for that happiness... and then after losing the love of your life, she returns and there's a different look from her... a look that can mean she can start forgetting you... how long can one hold on to a promise before you break and finally give up on everything... irene's life looks and feels tragic... no one deserves to live like that... huhuhu this is one great read... painful but amazing huhu thank you
Chapter 11: Sequel please or an epilogue TT