
Deja vu
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Red velvet is a Korean girl group that's been a big role model for all new generation groups. They are active for already 7 years, constantly releasing hit songs and been continuously creating a name on the industry. They are getting near on their 8th year anniversary together.


" who is your role model? " that question is usually asked to rookies whenever they have their interviews.


" Red Velvet sunbae-nim " and that answer from the rookies usually comes out very naturally.


As they create a name as a group, they also began doing solos. 


Joy continued rising as a great actress, receiving hates and criticism won't disappear but the amount of praise she's receiving is enough to bury that negativity. Her drama offers are lined-up upon her and she's really hands on to the projects that she'll do.


" what do you feel about working with the biggest stars in your next drama? " the interviewer asked.


" I'm very honored to be able to be in this project, I'm very nervous as well but I'll work hard to not cause any trouble to everyone " Joy humbly said, smiling brightly, making her eyes smile as well.


" did your members congratulate you on your upcoming drama? What are their reactions? "


" they are very happy for me, we dined out the other day to celebrate this opportunity. I'm just very lucky to have them and thankful for the support they are giving me " Joy warmly smiled, love is shooting out from her eyes " Red Velvet fighting! Saranghae~ " she cheered.


Yeri, on the other hand, had been composing some music under her English name 'Katy'. She had done music for Wendy, Seulgi, Taeyeon and a lot more big stars in the industry but even so, she remains the baby of the group, the most loved maknae of Red Velvet and SM family.


As for Wendy, she has been releasing solo albums that never disappoints everyone, collaborating with foreign artists and more. She also had her American debut which is a huge success, but her American career will need to be more polish in time.


The leader of the group, Irene, is snatching every CFs; beer ads, jeans, furniture, cosmetics and a lot more. Her face can be seen wherever you go in Korea and even outside the country. She also had done some dramas. 


For Kang Seulgi, aside for her solo albums that are screaming charisma, she has been titled as the next Kim Heechul, her unexpected variety show skills had blown away the netizens. She can be seen on the television almost every day with her regular shows and guestings.


The group has been doing well that everyone thought that there will be nothing that can stop them from dominating the industry. But that thought didn't last, not until the mid of their 7th year. A lot of controversies has been chasing them from left to right. Joy's dating scandal, Wendy focusing on her American career, their contract nearing to expire and the news about them not going to resign is circulating, and the issue between Irene and Seulgi.


'What will happen to Red Velvet now?' the biggest question of people.


Irene and Seulgi were known for their ship name SeulRene but the netizens seem to notice how the two friends' relationship began to change as the day passes by. The difference in Irene's treatment between Seulgi and the other members can be easily pointed out.


A lot of evidence about the girls' issue is circulating. Irene giving Seulgi a cold treatment, Seulgi trying to reach out for Irene but the latter would always avoid her. It wasn't the same as the past at all when they are very close and playing around.


In one interview, the issue sparked even more, when Irene has been constantly distancing herself to Seulgi, looking down whenever the latter is talking when in the past, Irene would usually look at Seulgi as she talks. These days, Irene won't even give Seulgi any glance. It's very skeptical that the two has suddenly stopped talking or having interactions. 


The netizens have concluded that the Red Velvet members' relationship is slowly drifting apart due to not being together often like in the past. They have grown which is a good thing for every artist, but the problem is they've grown apart.


Even though there's an issue like that, their fans never failed to defend them. ReVeluvs have been continuously standing up for them, not making the girls feel that they are going to disappear anytime soon, but ReVeluvs cannot hide the fact that they do feel anxious and sad about what's happening, it can't be denied.


The strong faith of ReVeluvs about their idol has shattered down when sudden news about the group started to appear;


'Kang Seulgi is no longer a Red Velvet member!'


'SM entertainment kicked out a Red Velvet member Kang Seulgi!'


'Red Velvet slowly beginning to go separate ways'


'Red Velvet members are having beef'


'Red Velvet focusing on their solo careers for the time being'


After being silent about the headlines, SM finally confirmed it by releasing an official statement to address the news about the group;


'Hello, this is SM entertainment. 


Due to some issues and misunderstandings, we are very sorry to say that Kang Seulgi will be no longer be promoting with Red Velvet and will not be associated with any projects of the company. 


We're sincerely apologizing, but we wish to have your continuous support for the remaining four girls. From here on, our agency will continue to support and manage the 4

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 11: read this on wattpad and still read this in here it hurt like hell 😭
Spicycharmed #2
rating this story: 7/10
phoenixcloudburst #3
Chapter 11: Stories like this, wherein characters undergo time for healing, never failed to make me cry. The ending is open-ended and as much as I'm craving for an epilogue for them, I'd leave it to my imagination on what would transpite between them.
Chapter 11: Huhuhu we need an Epilogue T_T its a painful and beautiful story. I really love it😭
Chapter 11: Just found this story, it's great but i cant handle my heart😭😭
Chapter 9: Why are you hurting us authornim T_T
lauren11 #7
Chapter 11: an epilogue, please... give them a happy ending ?
Kaz012_ei #8
Chapter 11: How many times I've read this and still brings tears. It's nicely, painfully, beautifully done. Thank you
kalupian #9
Chapter 11: This is hard to read... in a sense that every chapter builds up warmth and happiness only to break my heart and hurt me each time... this is so painful... reading how ruined seulgi was after getting kicked out and the uneasiness and anxiety that she felt every time the two of them are together was torture... but what hit me most is the pain that irene's bearing all these years... everyday of her life... imagine how exhausting it must be to be pretending and wearing a mask longer than not... imagine keeping up the act for years and more... imagine carrying that burden and responsibility set on you and needing to sacrifice the only thing that makes you happy and whole for everyone else's sake aside from yours... because in truth, if you were being selfish, you're more than ready to give up everything else for that happiness... and then after losing the love of your life, she returns and there's a different look from her... a look that can mean she can start forgetting you... how long can one hold on to a promise before you break and finally give up on everything... irene's life looks and feels tragic... no one deserves to live like that... huhuhu this is one great read... painful but amazing huhu thank you
Chapter 11: Sequel please or an epilogue TT