BTS boy x boy s

Continuation of "JIKOOK 2/3"


Jungkook | Jimin



He did it.

Jimin was so deep in love.

All the love letters, the presents, the sweet serenades.......

He loved it all.

But Jungkook didn't.


Monday morning came. The bell rang loudly as students made their way to their next class. Jimin opened his locker with a dazed state and dreamily sighed.

'I wonder what he's going to do today...' he thought to himself.

Jimin giggled with a grin on his face. As he was closing his locker, he felt someone tap his shoulder making him turn around.

"Umm....hi?" Jimin said confused.

"Jimin, I'm going straight to the point. Stay away from Jungkook. It's for your own good."

"W-What? Why? And who are you anyway? H-How do you know my name?" 

"That doesn't matter. Just stay away from him."

"Why should I listen to you? I don't even kno--" 

Jimin was cut off when he was pinned harshly against the locker. His eyes shot wide and his mouth hung open from shock.

"Please......" the stranger pleaded while running his lips near Jimin's ear.

"A-At least tell me your n-name..." Jimin said flustered.

".....Yoongi." he replied.

After a few seconds, Jimin noticed that Yoongi's grip was getting loose. So he roughly pushed him and ran to his next class. Yoongi stumbled a bit but quickly regained his balance. 

Yoongi sighed.

"ing hell, Jimin. Why are you so stubborn?......But that's why I love you." he thought.


Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration. He and the other members (except Yoongi) were all seated inside an unoccupied classroom. Clearly skipping class.

"What do you mean I have to do more? He's already head-over-heels for me!" Jungkook asked angrily.

"Woah....calm down, Jungkook. We just need to make sure it's not just some little crush that's all." Hoseok replied.

Jungkook sighed.

"What do I need to do?" he asked annoyed.

Everyone looked at Hoseok, curious for his answer. He thought for a moment and seconds later he smirked.

"All we need to see is......a kiss." 

"W-What?" Jungkook stuttered.

"You heard me. We need to see you kiss him in front of all of us." 


Jungkook stopped mid-sentence when he saw Taehyung smirking at him while holding up a pink, silicone, wireless bullet with his right hand. Jungkook looked over to his other hand and gulped when he saw that it was already connected to Teahyung's phone.

Taehyung winked at him and gave the pink toy a kiss without the other members noticing.


"Well? Are you gonna do it or not?" Namjoon asked.

Jungkook wasn't sure how to answer. He didn't want his first kiss to be just some dumb bet. Sure he kissed his best friends but it wasn't anything romantic. He wanted his first kiss to be meaningful and something to be remembered. Then again, would he rather risk the humiliation of going to school with something inside of his ? Probably not.

"I'll do it." he answered.

"Great. And to make this more interesting, you have to do it today or else you lose." Hoseok added with a smug look on his face.

"What!? But I--" 

"See yah later, Kookie!" 

All the members except Jungkook stood up and left the classroom one by one. Taehyung gave Jungkook one last wink before following along with the others. 

Jungkook let out a groan of annoyance and frustration.

"Why are they even my friends in the first place?" he asked no one in particular.


"Alright, Jiminie. Today I'm going to introduce you to my best friends." Jungkook said while holding Jimin's hand.

Jungkook was leading Jimin to the classroom that he and his friends usually stay to skip class. Since Hoseok said that he should kiss Jimin in front of all them, that means inside the room with no one else around to see.

"What, really? But what if they hate me...." Jimin asked looking down.

"Nonsense. They're gonna love you! You know why? Cause you're perfect and amazing." Jungkook said while looking at him lovingly.

(a/n: natatawa ako ang cute neto potek.)

"T-Thank you, Jungkook. That means a lot to me...." Jimin said blushing heavily.

Once they reached the room, Jungkook opened the door and saw that all the members were already inside. Including Yoongi this time.

'Let's get this over with' Jungkook thought.

Jimin was too focused on Jungkook that he didn't even notice that Yoongi was staring at him. He probably didn't even notice that he was in the room too.

"Hello, Jungkookie~. Glad you're finally here. Oh! who is this fine little angel you brought with you?" Hoseok asked pretending not to know.

'.' Jungkook thought annoyed.

"Hyungs, this is Jimin." Jungkook said while gesturing to Jimin.


"Oh my goodness, how adorable! I could just eat you up!" exclaimed Jin while pinching Jimin's cheeks.

Jungkook glared at Jin and sighed. Everyone already knew who Jimin was so why the hell do they have to act? Then he remembered that they just love to annoy the heck out of him.

"Anyway, I brought Jiminie here to introduce you guys and—" Jungkook faced Jimin " to let you all know how I feel about him." 

Jimin's eyes went wide and his face got even redder.

"Jimin, I know we've only met for a short while but I can't hide my feelings for you any longer. You make everyday of my life worth living whenever I see you. Your smile always makes my heart go wild and no person can make me feel like that except for you. So, can you please accept my feelings and......be mine?" Jungkook said while looking directly at Jimin's eyes.

'Man, that was so ing cringey. I know damn well that they're gonna make fun of me for that later. Hang in there, Jungkook.' Jungkook thought to himself.

"Oh my gosh, Jungkook! Yes, of course I'll be yours!" Jimin said happily.

Jungkook smiled and caressed the side of Jimin's face. He can't help but notice how undeniably pretty Jimin actually was. Long eyelashes, pointed nose, smooth skin, pink plump lips, not to mention his great . He was always grateful for Jungkook's endless gifts and "affection".

Maybe having Jimin as his first kiss won't be so bad. Maybe Jungkook wanted to call Jimin 'his'.

Jungkook leaned in and so did Jimin. Both of them had their eyes closed awaiting the moment.

'This is it.'


'I'm gonna win the bet.'

And closer....

"STOP! THAT'S ENOUGH!" Yoongi suddenly yelled. 

'For s sake.' Jungkook thought.

"Jimin, I'm so sorry to tell you this but....this is all just a bet. It's just a ing bet." Yoongi said guiltily.


'Okay, I'm done with this .'

"He's right, Jimin." Jungkook said.

"But please hear me out! Listen, I know you probably hate me now, but I only faked everything because of a bet they started and if I don't win they're going to make me go to school with a......umm..... inside me...." Jungkook added.

Jimin was shocked. And heart broken of course. But he decided to just play it cool. It was his fault for believing that Jungkook would actually want someone like him. At least that's what he thinks.

"O-Oh, okay..." Jimin said quietly.

Jungkook felt as if his heart was just stabbed a bunch of times when he heard how sad Jimin sounded. 

"But please believe all those things I said about you earlier! You really make me feel that way. I understand if you're not planning to forgive me." 

The room was silent. And the atmosphere was dreadfully tense. By now, everyone felt really guilty for making Jimin so upset by this joke. They didn't want it to end like this.

"I forgive you." Jimin suddenly said, surprising everyone.

"Really? Thank god. I thought you were never going to--"

"But I'm not accepting your feelings."



Class started once again. 

Jimin held his book firmly and read peacefully at the library. He was glad that everything was back to normal. Well.....almost.

Jungkook was seated next to him. They became good friends after yesterday. And Jimin was now part of their group. Sooner or later they'll probably corrupt him.

"Jungkook, are you okay? You seem pale..." Jimin asked worried.

"I-I'm...fine...nngh~ *cough* s-sorry, it's a little c-cold today." 

Jimin looked at him with concern before brushing it off. He carried on reading but he keeps hearing strange buzzing noises. It was distracting him. Eventually he got annoyed and stood up.

"I think we should find a different room. It's too noisy in here." Jimin said.

"But we're the o-only ones h-here.."

"Are you sure you're okay? You're stuttering a lot today..."

"I'm just tired t-that's all."

"Hmm...well okay then. I'm going to the cafeteria with Jb, wanna come?" Jimin asked while gathering his things.

"N-No, I'll just stay here and rest for a b-bit." Jungkook answered.

"Alright. See you later!"

They waved at each other goodbye. And the moment Jimin closed the door, Jungkook let out all the moans he's been holding in the whole day. He grinded needily on his seat as his breaths got heavier and heavier.

This morning before class started, he was dragged inside of the boys' restroom by his friends. They took off his pants and Namjoon did the honors of inserting the pink inside him. With lube of course. And if that wasn't bad enough, they allowed Taehyung to have access to control the intensity. He would play with the buttons whenever the teacher wasn't around and it almost made Jungkook cry. 

"Ahh~! mmhh make it stop~! nngh.." Jungkook yelled through the phone.

"Now where's the fun in that? Sorry but you're gonna have to wait~." Taehyung playfully replied.

The other members laughed as they listened to their conversation.

" all of you." 

"Sure, Jungkookie~ we'll definitely later!" Said Hoseok.



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Chapter 1: love these story write some more, your a wonderful writer
Chapter 9: Vmin is my guilty pleasure