Chapter 8

Let Me Hold You

"Mom, I will move out from this house and live at my own house with my wife," told Sanghyuk that make all of them look at him in shock. 

"What? Why? You want to leave me alone here," said Mrs Han as she look at Sanghyuk sadly.

"I though you two already separate," said Kyuri as she look at Sanghyuk in disbelief. While Taesan just look at him shockly.

"Don't acting in front of me anymore all of you. I know what all of you do to my wife when I'm not at home," said Sanghyuk.

"What do you mean, Sanghyuk. I don't understand," Mrs Han still with her acting.

"Mom, you know how much I respect you. You are my mother even when you're not my real mother. I always follow everything that you said, but not now. I'm going to leave this house. I will not let you hurt my wife anymore," said Sanghyuk as he look at Mrs Han.

"What? I never hurt her. Who told you that?" Mrs Han look at Sanghyuk sadly.

"It must be Hongbin. Why you trust her words blindly like that Sanghyuk. You know how your mother is. She will not do something like that," said Taesan.

"You know how bad that woman is. You can't trust her," support Kyuri.

"I know you well, mom. I know what will you do when you want something. You will do anything for that. I already know everything. Your plan on my father. Your plan on me. I'm not going to be your slave anymore," said Sanghyuk. "You hit my wife when I'm not at home. You abuse her. Just because you want to revenge on her parents. Just because her father leave you. I'm not going to let you do that again. She is my wife. I will protect her from you, mom," continue Sanghyuk. Mrs Han want to open his mouth but stop when Sanghyuk continue.

"Stop acting mom. Stop pretending. You want me to show you the proof. Here it is," Sanghyuk show a video in his phone. Showing Mrs Han slap Hongbin. Another recording show Mrs Han hit Hongbin with a stick and pouring water on her. 

"I have many of them. You no need to acting anymore. I will never let you hurt her or even see her. If I know you try to meet her or hurt her, I will report you to the police. Trust me. I will do it. No matter who you are," warn Sanghyuk that make Mrs Han glare at him. That man never disobey her and now she already lose her puppet. 

"And you Han Taesan, how dare you try to my wife," Sanghyuk glare at him angryly. 

"I'm not. She like me not you, Sanghyuk. She should be married with me, not you. You think she's happy with you? She's not. Better you leave her," said Taesan as he smirk.

"You know she cheating on you Sanghyuk. You know they are lover. You should leave her already, Sanghyuk. I'm better than her," said Kyuri.

"Stop lying. I heard everything happen that night. You two are so evil. You think if you do that I will leave her. I will never let you touch her anymore," reply Sanghyuk before he stand up and walk toward Taesan. He punch him hardly before he grab his collar.

"If I know you disturb my wife again, I will kill you," threat Sanghyuk as he glare at Taesan. 

"And you Kyuri, I don't like you anymore. I never like you. Whatever you do, I will never go back to you. You think I will leave someone nice and perfect like Hongbin for you. In your dream," said Sanghyuk as he glare at Kyuri. 

"All of you, this is my last warning. If I know any of you meet my wife, I will report all of you to the police," threat Sanghyuk before he leave the house. Forever. 

"I will get Hongbin," mumble Taesan as he hold his bruise face.

"I will never let you go, Sanghyuk. Just wait what I will do," mumble Kyuri. 


Hongbin open the door when the bell ringing. She though the others already arrive but she wrong. Its not who she waiting for, but Han Taesan. She want to close the door back but the man fastly hold the door using his foot before he push the door hardly that make Hongbin take few steps backward.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" Yell Hongbin as she walk backward away from that man who walk closer to her.

"Of course not. I already told you I never let you go. I like you so much, Hongbin," said Taesan as he smirk.

"I don't like you. I'm your brother's wife. Remember that," yell Hongbin. 

"I don't care. What I want is you. You and your body," said Taesan that earn a slap from Hongbin. 

"You dirty man. Get out now!" Yell Hongbin angrily. 

"You slap me? How dare you. Before you punch me. Now you slap me. I will show you what will happen to you," said Taesan angrily as he push the girl on the sofa and hold both of his hands up. 

"Let me go!" Hongbin pull back her hands as she glare at the man angrily. 

"Let see if there anyone that will safe you today," Taesan lean to her and try to kiss her. But before he can do that, someone pull his hairs that make he groan in pain.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ask Taekwoon as he glare at him. The one that pull his hairs is Hakyeon who also glare at him.

"Han Taesan, you choose wrong day to do your dirty work," said Hakyeon before she release his hairs. Taekwoon then punch him hardly that make he fall on the floor hardly. Hongbin fastly stand up and hold Hakyeon's arm tightly. 

Taekwoon then grab Taesan's hair and make he kneel. "Sit still, Taesan ssi," said Taekwoon as he glare at him angrily.

"I'm back," shout Sanghyuk as he enter the house with the grocery thing. 

"What the... what are you doing here, hyung?" Ask Sanghyuk when he saw Han Taesan kneel at the middle of living room.

"He try to Hongbin again," told Hakyeon as she cross her arms. When Sanghyuk hear that he punch the man hardly before he hold Taesan's collar and glare at him angrily.

"Hyung, I already told you to not disturb Hongbin anymore. Why you so stubborn hyung?" Said Sanghyuk angrily. "No more playing nice, hyung. You are too much," continue him as he release the collar and take out his phone. Calling for someone.

"What do you want to do to me? Who you calling?" Ask Taesan as he feel not good with it.

"Hello, uncle. Its look like my hyung need to be punish," told Sanghyuk as he look at Taesan. 

"Okay, I'll wait for you," said Sanghyuk before he end the call.

"I can't do anything that can harm you because I have soft heart for you. But not them," told him as he look at his brother.

"What do you mean?" Ask Taesan as he look at Sanghyuk nervously.

"Its mean you're dead," reply Hakyeon as she give mocking smile at him. Taesan swallow hardly as he look at them. 

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Chapter 12: Happy ending ◌⑅●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅◌ good job, authornim! I love your stories so so much ♡
Chapter 11: Finally Taekwoon confessed ^o^ good job, Taek! And good job too, authornim ♡
Chapter 10: Im glad that everything is okay :D cant wait for Hakyeon to wake up... Thank you, authornim!
Chapter 9: Hope Hakyeon is okay... And hope the baby(?) of HyukBin is in a good condition...
Chapter 8: Creepy Hakyeon on mode XD
Chapter 7: Naughty Hyukkie XD
Chapter 6: I hope call was still connected and hyuk heard it. :(
Chapter 6: Luckily Hongbin learned how to defend herself. Hope she will be okay...
Chapter 5: This is where the challenges in relationship start... Stay strong, hyukbin...
Chapter 5: ugh. we all already have these two morons. -_-