Chapter 3

Let Me Hold You

"Where you come from?" Ask Sanghyuk without looking at Hongbin.

"Meeting my friends," reply Hongbin as she put her bag on the table before she sit on the bed to rest for a while.

"Friends? You mean your boyfriend. You think I don't know you meet that man. Its look like you have been so desperate for a man touch. Because I don't want to touch you, you try to find someone else. How low. How cheap you are," said Sanghyuk as he look at Hongbin. That girl look at him in disbelief.

"Just think whatever you want. I don't care. I'm already tired to defend myself," reply Hongbin weakly. She then stand up and walk toward the bathroom. Before she can enter it, Sanghyuk grab her hand and push her on the bed. He jump over Hongbin and hold both of her hands. Hongbin already shaking with teary eyes as she suddenly remember almost happen before at the club.

"Why you need to be scare? I'm your husband. You are my wife," said Sanghyuk before he lean down and start to kiss Hongbin hungrily. Hongbin keep her eyes shut as she still shaking. Not responding to the kiss.

Sanghyuk look at the scared girl before he cup Hongbin's face softly that make the girl open her eyes. Sanghyuk keep rubbing her face softly as they stare at each other. When Sanghyuk can feel Hongbin relax under him, he continue kissing her. That girl slowly responding on it as she close her eyes.

One by one their clothes fall on the floor. Until nothing left on their body. Both of them look at each other in lust. Sanghyuk position himself between Hongbin's legs as he look at Hongbin. He does not know how they can ended up like this. But what he know, he want this girl right now. He want this girl so bad and he will never want to let her go.

Sanghyuk slowly put in as Hongbin's face slowly change, holding the pain that she feel. Sanghyuk lean down when he realise the changes on Hongbin's face and kiss her to distract her. When he can feel that girl become more relax, he slowly move and his movement become faster. Their moan fill the room as they feel so good together until they reach the together.

Sanghyuk lie beside Hongbin as they breathing heavily. Sanghyuk then pull the girl closer to him and put the blanket over their body. Hongbin who feel so tired slowly drifted into dreamland.

Sanghyuk rub Hongbin's hairs softly. He start to think why he ignore her before. Someone beautiful and kind like her. He know someone like her before but that girl just see him not more than a brother.

"I'm sorry," whisper Sanghyuk before he give a peck on Hongbin's forehead. 

Its all because his friends. He met them just now. When he told them about his wife, they accuse her to have affair behind his back. Worst, they said maybe his wife already sleep with that man. He can't accept that. He know Hongbin will not do something improper like that.

When he drove back the car to where he left Hongbin, he can see that girl sitting in a cafe with a man. He feel so angry when that man casually pat his wife's head. 

But, tonight he prove that his wife never sleep with that guy or even other guys. He is her first and he glad to be the one who take her ity. He pull the girl closer to him and close his eyes as he inhaling Hongbin's sweet scent. Its so calming and he think he already become addicted to it.


Hongbin become shock to find herself in Sanghyuk's embrace when she wake up. Then she realise in what condition she is. With body as their body touching each other make she feel hot. She stare at Sanghyuk's face carefully. How handsome her husband is. She admit she already fall for him. But what can she do when this man does not like her. She hold Sanghyuk's face softly before she lean forward and kiss Sanghyuk's nose.

"I love you," whisper Hongbin softly before she sit up. She hiss when she can feel the pain at her lower body. After that hot session, she does not even clean up and she can see the blood and stained on the bed. She can feel her face become red when she saw it. She stand up slowly and walk toward the bathroom to take a bath. 

Sanghyuk open his eyes slowly and watch his wife's back. He think at Hongbin's confession just now. What have he done? He start to feel regret on what he do to her before. Those insult. Those harsh treatment. Those ignore. He never talk to her nicely. His ego is too big to realise about that. Stupid ego. 

Then he remember what Hakyeon told him. Learn to become a responsible man. Learn to protect what he really like. Learn to be independent. But how? He just a spoil brat who always follow his mother's words. 

"Sa... Sanghyuk, good morning," greet Hongbin when she saw her husband already wake up when she walk out from the bathroom only in her towel. Thats sight make Sanghyuk's member become hard again. With Hongbin's wet hairs that make she look more y. 

Sanghyuk stand up and walk toward the girl with his eyes still fix on her. While Hongbin look down when she saw her husband walk toward her without wearing anything. She can feel her heart beating fastly. Her husband look so y right now.

Sanghyuk caress Hongbin's face softly and scan her beautiful face carefully. Her eyes, nose, lips. "Beautiful," mumble Sanghyuk that make Hongbin blushing more. He keep doing that before he lean forward and crash his lips with Hongbin. 

Hongbin put her arms around Sanghyuk's neck as she deepen the kiss. Slowly the towel fall down revealing Hongbin in front of Sanghyuk. He then lift his wife and put her down on the bed softly without releasing the kiss for second round.

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Chapter 12: Happy ending ◌⑅●♡⋆♡LOVE♡⋆♡●⑅◌ good job, authornim! I love your stories so so much ♡
Chapter 11: Finally Taekwoon confessed ^o^ good job, Taek! And good job too, authornim ♡
Chapter 10: Im glad that everything is okay :D cant wait for Hakyeon to wake up... Thank you, authornim!
Chapter 9: Hope Hakyeon is okay... And hope the baby(?) of HyukBin is in a good condition...
Chapter 8: Creepy Hakyeon on mode XD
Chapter 7: Naughty Hyukkie XD
Chapter 6: I hope call was still connected and hyuk heard it. :(
Chapter 6: Luckily Hongbin learned how to defend herself. Hope she will be okay...
Chapter 5: This is where the challenges in relationship start... Stay strong, hyukbin...
Chapter 5: ugh. we all already have these two morons. -_-