Now its physical!!!

They went to their room and closed the door.While walking backwards and making out they finally fell on the bed.Kyuhyun being on top they were taking layers after layers of clothes off each other.As Kyuhyun kisses down his body reaching his boxers Sungmin looks at kyuhyun. "Wait!! I don't think I'm ready." "Oh...okay."(kyuhyun says while moving to the corner of the bed) "I'm sorry don't be mad kyuhyunnie." "Actually.... its not okay."(as he turns his head to Sungmin while crawling towards him with a smirk) With no hesitation Sungmin karate kicks him and says "no."Kyuhyun falls to the floor in pain. "Oh my gosh!! I'm so sorry kyuhyunnie!!" (In a mumble)"No it's my fault,I came on to fast." "Trust me I'll be ready soon,its just I'm so surprised that you went from hating me to liking me." "I get it just tell me when your ready I'll aways be here for you." Kyuhyun POV: Everday I spend with my new lover is magical.But makes me even more eager to get in his pants.All we have been doing is making out but I'm fine with that. Sungmins POV: I think today I'm ready. I really like my evil maknae.I don't want to let him down.So I will suprise him tonight...I hope.^_^ As we were laying down Sungmin looked at me and smiled.Of coarse looked back and smiled. "My innocent ears!" "What do you mean Sungmin?" "I can here hyukjae and donghae threw the wall,can I cuddle with you??" " You don't even have to ask." They started to warm each other with their bodies.Then Sungmin started to bite on kyuhyuns lip.He got on top of kyuhyun. "I'm ready." Then he went back to kissing his maknae.Kyuhyun loved the way Sungmin was rubbing his hand on his cheek while kissing him.kyuhyun reached the botton of sungmins shirt and pulled it right off of him.Kyuhuun wrapped his arms around his lover and felt his soft skin.This time Sungmin was the one who wanted to get in kyuhyuns pants.But since the zipper didn't budge he just stuck his hands in his pants.He grabbed his lovers package and started to to move his hand back and forth.Kyuhyun moaned in enjoyment"Ah..S-sungmin!!" Kyuhyun switched positions with his lover.His managed to get Sungmins pants off. With Sungmins belly was faced down kyuhyun stuck his package in sungmins hole.Sungmin moaned in pain but then was for enjoyment.After a couple of rounds they both took a deep breath.They cuddled with each other once again. "I'm goin go get something to drink do you want anything??" "No thank yoyu kyuhyunnie!"^_^ As Kyuhyun opened the door their religious friend Siwon was ease dripping. "Ahhhhhh Siwon were you listening the whole time!!" "Um...Let Shizus be with you,you naughty naughty boy."( he runs out the dorm quickly)
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tiqgob99 #1
minie change to evIl pumkin
hahaha LOL
ELFreader #2
haha siwon is hilarious
Kyu_saidy #3
Heehee friend I'm going to make a part two for this story
Dinolex915 #4
Oh gosh friend, your dirty like me now huhuhu, I'm so proud -tear tear-
buahahahaha...siwon is soo funny...