You really need to tell them

The one I may never get to have

Maybe we could be friends after all since we have one thing in common, okay that probably wasn't enough for us to be friends, but whatever. I just stared at him in amazement. He blushed...blushed?! Oh no! Now, I see why Jung wanted to hook us up. He was gay! Ugh! This was not happening. Jung, you are evil.

"A little dancing?!" I said my jaw still touching the floor.

"Okay so maybe I was being modest. I use to be on a dance team in high school. My parents didn't approve of me wanting to live my dream so they made me go to college to study math and science to become a doctor or something "useful" as they put it. I love math and science don't get me wrong but I manged to sneak a few dance classes into my schedule which pissed my parents off, but to be honest I really don't care." Minhyuk said turning back to the mirror doing some cool move with his feet and legs all in one motion kind of looked like a robot.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in." I said surprised he trusts me after a few hours of knowing me.

"Sorry. I'm a pretty open person. That stuff to me isn't that personal. So what about you?" He asked taking a set on the floor. I walked over and sat next to him.

"What about me?" I asked a little confused.

"Like tell me about yourself." Minhyuk smiled. He had a nice smile, I'll admit.

"Well, I grew up here or I've lived here for as long as I can remember. My parents are doctors they own that clinic in town down. Well, whatever down town is. My parents are pretty supportive of whatever I do well with the things they know. I have a little sister, named Yooni. We are pretty close." I said trying to stay away from the person stuff.

"Yeah my parents think if anything isn't normal then it's bad." Minhyuk said shaking his head. What did he mean by not normal? Then I thought of my thought I had earlier.

"You're gay." I blurted out mentally slapping myself for saying that. I need to learn to keep my mouth closed.

"That obvious huh?" Minhyuk asked still smiling.

"I'm sorry. It is obvious but I mean it's not bad or anything." I said understand how he feels. "Atleast your parents know. Mine don't." I slipted up slapping myself again mentally.

"You know me telling my parents doesn't make me brave. Now, that I look back on it, it wasn't that hard. I knew they'd disagree with it and wouldn't accept me but I was okay with that because my parents are nuts. You really need to tell them." Minhyuk said. Why did I suddenly need to tell them. Why did he care so much if I did or not?

"Why?" I asked my curiousness getting the best of me.

"Because then I can take you out sometime." Minhyuk said smiling that cute smile at me.

I know that you guys have already read this chapter! But parts of it got delted so I decided to rewrite what I remembered so here it is! I will try to update again today! I've missed my AFF so much!! >.<

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I am writing the next chapter this right now! But no update tonight >.< maybe tomorrow!


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Chayazosi #1
Chapter 13: Yeah they back together hihi
they back together :'D in the dance soom. Hawt *0* haha XD UPDATE UPDATE!!
Btw, Happy Belated Birthday~
woot they are together again!~~ keke t.. >//<
OMG jaehyo what have u done...
Hehehe sorry my language XD
Update soon~
Ubomb moment asdjhklfgdsaddglbgn *smash keyboard* ♥(>̯┌┐<)•°
Awww~ yukwon is nervous XD made out? As in kiss or that thingy? Hehehe minhyuk so sweet. I love this update.
I smell that Jaehyo going to come out --' geez. There goes ubomb moment. <---- just guessing >W<
Kyungs girly screech! Haha so funny!!! I can seriously imagine that!!!
Great chapter wonderful date hehe zikyung!!
Loved the update I cant even imagine kwonnie's hotness!! It's overload!!! I ant wait till u update again!
Finally~ you update *cry a river* hehe
''My cheeks were turning red as Minhyuk pulled me into a hug. He was wearing a jacket with a blue plaid shirt it was tucked into his skinny jeans. He looked so handsome I thought smiling as I wrapped my arms around his neck."You looked so good." Minhyuk whispered in my ear for only me to hear. My face turned even redder.'' <-------- THISSSS!!!!!!!!!! KYAAAHHH!!!!!!! >.< so sweet. They going on date. I can't wait for that chapter. Update soon~
Btw, good luck with the tennis tournament~