Disaster is near!!!

Crazy Obsession

Morning arouse as birds chirp and light began to light the room as Yunho and Nathalia woke up at the same time... Yunho made his way to the kitchen when he heard a loud bang on the door so he ignores it and came into the kitchen to prepare their breakfast. .

Nathalia was done when she came out Scarlet pushed her back in the bathroom and had her hand over to prevent her from yelling... next Scarlet filled the tub with warm water as it filled up... few minutes the tub was full and pushed Nathalia into it and began to drown her...

Nathalia didn't have time to breath as Scarlet was smirking as she saw her whole body thrashing her body around as she saw her bubbles coming out of meaning its working... 

Yunho came to tell Nathalia that breakfast is ready but when he opens the door he saw Nathalia already drown in the tub full of water and not even moving... Scarlet managed to drown her completely and maybe destroy EXO and Yunho...

Yunho quickly grabbed the clog and drained the water... then Yunho carries Nathalia as he rushes to the emergency... Yunho made it and quickly notified the nurses as he lends his daughter to them while he calls Suho... " Yunho hyung what's wrong?" Yunho responsed " Suho... Nathalia isn't moving and she's not responding!!"...

Rosalinne and EXO rushes to the hospital immediately... Nathalia was getting CPR right away but while working on her... Yunho saw a 3yr old sitting in a bench when Yunho said " what's your name?" The little girl said " my name is Danielle Jung!" Yunho sighed and looked into the room... his Xavier is also on the hospital bed...

The doctors came out and told Yunho that Nathalia is awake and breathing which made Yunho sighed in relief... Rosalinne and her crew arrived and saw Danielle there and she tells them everything on what her ex-grandma did to Xavier... Kai went in there and told him that he'll be ok...

Yunho was in a room where Nathalia is resting... Rosalinne came and suddenly she had a flashback...

Rosalinne flashback...

Kai was holding her hands while she breathed and pushed their third daughter after Danielle... after giving birth to her third she named her Nathalia Jung and soon she was passed on Yunho to take of her since she can't take care of her enough...

Rosalinne saw Nathalia's pretty features as it was the time where she hands her over to Yunho as she scans her face one more time and said " my pretty daughter I will always remember you and Yunho when you grow up I'll never forget you since I've given birth to you and someday our destines will cross!"...

End of Rosalinne flashback...

Rosalinne now knows her daughter since she is her daughter as she comes in to scan her beautiful features as Nathalia said " like you said " someday our destines will cross!" Which I find it amusing that the day came!" Rosalinne held her hand while she smiles with tears falling slowly... she hugs her tightly as she will never let anything cross ever again...

Nicole is still missing which police don't have enough prove that she is still alive but where is she??...

Yunho is worried that Nicole disappeared just like that... could they find her??

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exofan43 #1
If anyone would like to help me with my password for this account... this one is also mine is that I accidentally logged out and I couldn't get back in so please help me!!!!
Chapter 9: Anyone who wishes to post a comment on this story so far... plus I'll update my other ones if you guys want to understand them better!!!

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