Only One

My Cup of Tea

"No, I think the silk is better... But the other suit also looks nice on me as well." Kibum said to the suit salesman. "Jinki is sort of thick in his thighs so that grey one I saw earlier will have to be altered just a little bit to make him comfortable." Kibum explained and looked at himself in the mirror in the black silk suit. He really did like it, it brought out his complexion, and it also made him feel very confident and the associate even said that the particular suit Kibum chose even came with a corsage. "Yes, I think I'll go with the black silk instead of the red since our colors are grey and black anyways." he finally chose, looking at himself in the suit once more and then going to the changing room to take it off. Once he had changed, he paid for both of their suits and for Jinki's alterations and he told the tailor that Jinki would be in during the weekend so he could make the proper changes. Now the hard part, the wedding planner. He sat down at one of the tables and spoke to the lady that was in charge of planning the weddings and It was so much to answer and he couldn't answer all of these without Jinki. So he rescheduled the appointment for the weekend so that way they can sample cakes, choose music, everything else that all goes into planning their special day. "Once he left the wedding planner's office, he got a call from Jinki and he answered right away, smiling like a girl with a teenage crush. "Hey, darling~" Kibum spoke first, making Jinki laugh a little. "Hey my love, did you take care of our suits and everything? " Jinki asked. "Yes, I just came out right now~ I rescheduled the planning because we have to taste the cake samples together to pick, and a whole lot of other things. Plus you have to come here yourself because your suit needs alteration around the thighs~~" Kibum replied and got in his car. Kibum smirked a little bit because he could practically feel Jinki blushing through the phone.  "You -- You didn't tell them that, did you?" Jinki asked, a little embarrassed. "Maybe." he replied, smiling to himself. "I met with my psychologist today. He was... new. But I feel like I've seen him before." Kibum said and started tapping on his steering wheel. "Oh? know him from where?" Jinki didn't like the sound of that, but he didn't know if it was the inner jealous guy in him or if he was just curious. "I... I don't know, he just seems so familiar." Kibum said again, but a little softer this time as if he was thinking. Jinki nodded, then tried to get his mind off of it. "Maybe it's just someone you think you know, but they're just a look-a-like." He said and sighed a little. "Don't stress out about it, baby." He continued. Kibum shook his head, temporarily shaking off the stranger for now. "You're right, so what do you want for dinner tonight?~ I can stop by the store since I'm already out. " he asked, and started his car, driving out of the parking lot. "Are you on the menu?" Jinki asked, slightly feeling proud of himself for that comeback. Kibum felt the red creeping up his cheeks and tried his best to focus on the road. "Ya! pick real food or I'm hanging up." Kibum warned him, playfully pouting as he drove. "Chicken stew or.....we could go out for dinner." Jinki replied, smiling to himself. "Well, I can't pass up a date offer, can I?" Kibum said and then did the cute giggle he always did when Jinki flattered him. "Good. Can we meet at Maple Tree House in Itaewon after I'm done with work? " Jinki asked, willing to change the location if he didn't appeal to Kibum. "Sure, I'll see you there. I Love you.~" Kibum replied, blushing again. This day was getting better already and he couldn't wait for his fiance to get off. "I Love you more. I'll see you soon, bye." Jinki said once more and hung up. Kibum put his phone down in the passenger seat and then started to focus on the road again, getting giddy inside. He really loved when they'd go out from time to time and Kibum didn't know if it was because he missed him so much when he would be away, or if he just was glad to be his. However, the fear of Jinki abandoning him during the wedding still lingered and was always in the back of his mind. 


Once Jinki got off work, the couple met up at the restaurant and Jinki called in advanced to reserve them a table. They stared at the menu for a while, trying to figure out what they wanted and Jinki ordered a water to start and spicy chicken and beef to put on the grill at their table while Kibum ordered Champagne as his drink. "So darling how was everything today?" Jinki asked, taking a sip of water and gazing at Kibum. The lights in the restaurant made him look so much more handsome than normal, maybe because they highlighted so much of his side profile. Kibum did that shy smile he normally did while talking to Jinki as if it was their first meeting all over again. "Well, I should be asking you that since you were so busy today." Kibum replied,  taking a sip of his Champagne. "Everything went as planned today, minus the fact that I ran into someone strange..." Kibum told him and sighed a little bit. Jinki started to get a feeling, he couldn't quite place it, but it wasn't a good feeling. "Tell me more about him, what made him so familiar?" Jinki asked, getting really curious and looking at Kibum's face as he spoke, just to determine if Kibum liked the guy or not. "Well, he just... he just acted as if he knew me somehow. But I keep getting the feeling I've genuinely seen him before...." Kibum went on, sort of furrowing his eyebrows as if he was thinking really hard. Soon, the waiter came with their spicy chicken and Jinki immediately started cooking the pieces on the grill. "He's not your ex is he?" Jinki asked, looking at Kibum and the meat on the grill. Kibum blushed a little. "No... I believe I would have definitely remembered that if he was...I just--" "You don't like him do you? " Jinki asked but a little more sternly. "Ah~~ Are you jealous, Jinki?~" Kibum replied, smirking a little bit and teasing the older. Jinki blushed embarrassed and tried to keep his bearings. "No. I'm just asking. It was just a question..." He explained, taking the meat off the grill finally and starting to eat some with his seaweed and rice. Of course, he was jealous. A part of him wanted to see this guy that Kibum was talking about, just to see if he was really up to par with Kibum's actually ideal type which actually was Jinki himself. Kibum started to eat a few pieces of the chicken as well and some of the rice cake. "Well, i'm marrying you, not him. So there's the answer to your question." Kibum replied after a few bites, with a slightly sassy tone. Did Jinki really think Kibum was going to settle for some Psychologist? He was nothing compared to Jinki and he couldn't supply him with what Jinki could.... even though Jinki hasn't been having as much time to spend with Kibum lately....that was the part that really ate at Kibum, but he wasn't going to think about it. Jinki was the one for him and that wasn't going to change. 

Once they were done eating, they finally made it home and took showers, then prepared for bed. Jinki stayed up in bed for a little, reading a book and Kibum had his head on Jinki's shoulder, looking in a magazine while Comme Des and Garcons lay at their feet. "Jinki?" Kibum started, still looking in the magazine, seeing his own design on one of the models. Jinki pushed up his reading glasses. "Yes?" He responded and looking at Kibum a little. "I think my next idea is going to be Kids pajamas and Dresses, like After 5 dresses and Prom Dresses." Kibum said in his thinking voice, making a smile spread across Jinki's face. He loved it when Kibum randomly just told him his next idea and design he was going to do next. "Kids pajamas? Why Kids?" Jinki asked him, closing his book and putting it on the nightstand. Kibum just blushed and flipped pages in the magazine, not answering for a while. "Do you want a baby?" Jinki asked seriously even though Kibum was being quiet. "WHAT?? I--I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT!" Kibum defended himself quickly, startling the dogs a little and Comme Des moved into Jinki's arms as if Jinki was his safe haven from his owner's outburst. Garcons was immune to it and just yawned, trying to get comfortable again back at the couple's feet. Kibum put the magazine away and folded his arms, looking at Jinki with Comme Des. "See, Comme Des even thinks you were being too defensive, right Comme Des~~~~? Good boyyy~~" Jinki said to the dog and petting him. Kibum was still embarrassed. "No...I don't want a baby... Maybe it's because I like Kids clothing and I want to finally add some to my clothing line." Kibum replied and scratched the back of his neck. Kibum honestly wanted a baby....sometimes, other times he was really glad they didn't have Kids. "Whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart." Jinki said with a chuckle and Kissed his fiancee quickly on the lips, then let go of Comme Des when he wanted to go lay back beside Garcons. Kibum turned off the lamp on his side and Jinki did the same, taking Kibum in his arms when they laid down. Jinki was so warm... everything about him was so comforting and he could just stay so relaxed in his arms like this... God, he couldn't have asked for a better man. But the thought of Minho still lingered at him... where had he seen that man before??? Why did it bother him so much? Jinki was also bothered by it. What if he wanted to leave because he was more interested in the other guy? Jinki didn't want Kibum to be focused on anyone else but him. But it seemed like this new guy, this 'Minho' Was really coming in close second getting Kibum's attention and Jinki didn't like it all. 

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Chapter 11: Waaaa i need an update. This fic is really good >.<
ariska1013 #2
Chapter 6: Omg they did it! I cannot stop smiling to read this part!
Chapter 11: Who is choi minho??? Omg I can’t wait for your next update (these fanfics makes me happy and forget abt what happened)
Chapter 11: oh my!! (0_o)
who's this choi minho??
how dare he try to disturb jinki and kibum '~'
can't wait for next update ><
Chapter 11: Who is choi minhoooo tell meeeeeeee >.<
Chapter 10: oh god im nervous for whats next..
Chapter 10: i wonder why the new psychologist is flirting with kibum although kibum already stated that he's engaged and going to get marry to jinki..
poor kibum, so tense and scared about being push away..
hoping jinki can do something to makes kibum trust him more..
can't wait to read next chapter ><
Chapter 10: Oh gosh now i can't wait ööö
Inkeybum #9
Chapter 9: Ohmylord ohmygod I wanna jump jump JumP jUmp highly I'M SOOOO EXCITED (๑♡∀♡๑) My poor OnKey heartssssヽ(´∀`)ノ It gets too much OnKey attacksㅋㅋㅋ Daddy and Comme des moments tho hahahahaha sooo cute XD Okay the matter was done. Can't wait the next chapsㅋㅋ This is greattttt don't worry.. I'm :" :" :" you know this? I'm satisfied(。’▽’。)♡
Inkeybum #10
Chapter 8: OMG finally sweet momentttttt aakhhh my horrrrttttssssszz ?? JinKibum on the bed yeaaahhhhhhhh *goingcrazy* You never fails, Hatsu..hahahah thankyouuuuu???