
Wilting Flowers and Frozen Hearts


  Jungkook's parents and all of the servants had left the castle. Why? Simply because they wanted Jungkook to "bond" with his new mate.

 Jungkook had just gotten back to the castle after he went for a run to clear his head. He had so much going on and he just needed some time to think.

 He stepped into the castle and slammed the doors behind him. The sound echoed through out the empty castle halls. 

 Jungkook sighed and walked through the halls so he could go get a shower. He was all sweaty from his run and he really needed a shower.

 He trekked to his parents shower since it was the most grand. His clothes started to slip of and reveal sweaty, pale muscled limbs and a very toned stomach.

 Jungkook started to sing as he washed himself and the lovely melody carried throughout the empty castle. 

 When he was finished, he stepped out and slightly dried himself off.

 He wrapped the towel around his hips and closed the bathroom door behind him. 

 He started to hum and began to walk back to his room. A sudden knock on the doors had startled him out of his mindless walking.

 He cautiously walked to the door and put his ear to the giant doors. He could hear someone muttering outside and his black ears twitched on the top of his head. His tail was swaying, but it was hidden by the towel around his waist.

 Whoever it was knocked again and Jungkook fell flat on his .

 He stood up and pouted as he rubbed his hurting bottom.

 He slightly growled as he thought about yelling at the person outside.  His tail really hurt. No doubt it was from his epic fall.

Another knock brought him out of his anger laced daydream. 

He put on a stoic expression and slowly opened the door. 

The sight before him had his wolf whining and pawing at his ribs. 

The male in front of him was beautiful and very attractive and very omega

His wolf was running in circles as he caught the delicious scent. Jungkook blinked and stopped raking his eyes down the other males petite figure.

Their eyes met and the cute brunette looked away and unconsciously bared his neck to the alpha. 

The male heard the other whimper slightly and that was it. 

"H-hi," the omega stuttered and Jungkook had finally had enough.

He did the most rational thing he could think of before he jumped the cute omega.

He slammed the door.

Right in the omega's face.

 He rubbed his hands down his face and his back slid down the closed door until he ended up on the floor. He heard the omega squeak and he groaned.

" I'm such a terrible person."

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Chapter 7: Ughhhh so cutee need moree
anaha10 #2
Chapter 7: Beautiful story.
Update ♡♡♡