Because of You [kikwang//hae-won] [for nadya1989]

Love Vending Machine ☆ (사랑 공장) [APPLY ONE/TWO-SHOTS]

continuation of the previous chapter,
decided to separate this one-shot into two chapters (:
this is to make reading easier for all of you out there ^^
the other applications are still being processed! <3

I never had abbreviations or *(s) in my stories,
but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
so here's a * for this story,
and before I forget,
* means: it'll make sense if you were an AJ fan (before kikwang debuted in b2st/beast).

and I personally found the ending abit cheesy ><.
but I hope nadya1989 and all of you like it hehe ^^

I waited for near to an hour as I constantly dialled kikwang's number on the phone but was greeted by his voicemail.
by the fourth time I could already memorise his voicemail message.
"hi I'm the adorably cute lee kikwang, if you're looking for me and got directed to this place, don't worry. I just went to get my dan-dan-dan-dan-dancing shoes*! call you back in a second! love you, bye-yeom!"
I was stomping my feet due to the cold and swore to myself that I'd never bother another text from kikwang.

just when I was about to turn around and walk away,
I could feel a hand grabbing my arm.
"I'm sorry pants pants that pants I'm late pants.." kikwang looked at me with the perfect puppy eyes with panting.
seriously, how could anyone look so hot even when they're late.
I stared at his face which was glowing and the black and white jersey he had put on.
"yeah, I know. you wanted to leave home. BUT THEN you got a call from someone, right?" I suggested sarcastically.
"woah, hae-won, you're a fortune teller! how did you know that?" he looked at me with incredulously huge eyes.
its incredible he fell for that.
"nevermind. shoot, what did you want to discuss about?" I continued rubbing my hands and looked down to the floor.
"you're cold, we should talk indoors." he gave me a large grin and dragged me into a cafe nearby.
when he held my hands,
our fingers intertwined.
I could feel an inexplicable surge of euphoria within me and something in my ribcage was thumping crazily.
it must be another winter syndrome,
I conviced myself.

when we reached the cafe,
he pulled out my chair for me and tucked me into my seat before sitting down opposite me.
but the next second,
he stood up suddenly and gave me a shock.
"yaah lee kikwang what do you think you're trying to do! you scared me!"
"I forgot to order drinks for us!" he said and scurried off to the counter.
I smiled at his silliness and shook my head.

when he returned,
he placed a drink in front of me and an identical one in front of me.
"caramel latte, less ice, less milk, more caramel and fresh cream on the top!" he smiled widely.
how did this guy manage to remember all my preferences!
I stared at him awhile without even realising.
"there's something on my handsome face?" he joked and earned a gentle slap from my on his hand.
"the thing you wanted to discuss?" I reminded him and took sips of my drink while biting on my straw.

he looked reluctant to get to the matter.
"it's.. it's about a girl.." he fumbled with his words.
my heart sank.
"that.. you like?" I finished his sentence for him.
he nodded.
my heart sank yet again.
and I did not know why.
why should my heart feel like this when my good friend just told me that he has a girl that he likes.
"don't tell me you need me to teach you how to get girls lee kikwang!" I joked it off,
"you're a charmer, look at those school girls behind you."
I pointed to the school girls behind him who were staring and spazzing over him ever since we stepped in.
he turned back awkwardly, "you mean they're discussing about me?".
"or do you think they're talking about me?" I asked him instead and he gave me a laugh.
"but this girl that I like, she's kinda tough to get." he said.
"what kind of girl is she like?" I stirred my drink with my straw.

he coughed a little and began to sit up even more upright in his seat.
this also made me look up from my drink to focus my vision on him.
"she's quite a socialite I must say. she's the kind of popular girl you'll find. but not haughty, never proud, never trying to get things her way. she's the aim of many, she has so many people to protect her, but I want to tell her that I want to be the only one protecting her."
he said them all in one go that it made me wonder how hard di he fall for this girl he's talking about.
"and although she's got the money, she's got the popularity, she's lonely inside. whenever I talk to her, I wish I could tell her to throw away her facade of being happy, and that she can cry with me around. she doesn't have to be strong all the time. if she needs to vent her sadness by screaming, I can bring her to the Han river and listen to her all night. if she needs something or someone to hit, I'll be that pillow that she needs to throw around. if she needs to drink, I'll be the sober one making sure I'll get her home safely. you know.. these kinda things?"
I smiled at him and he blushed.
stop feeling so exposed lee kikwang,
its okay you can talk to me.

at that moment,
when I saw his love-struck face and heard all that he had to say,
I kind of hoped that the girl he was talking about was me.
but I know it's not possible.
he just treats me like a dongsaeng,
like how donghae oppa treats me too.
park haewon,
stop having wayward thoughts about him.
can't you see this pabo is in love?

"and because of this girl, I've had many sleepless nights."
he paused for awhile.
"should I confess? but what if she doesn't feel the same way towards me? like how I feel for her?" he asked.
"just follow your heart." I gave him an ambiguous answer.
"but you should confess, you know. like if you really don't wanna lose her or something. she might get snatched away any second seeing how you describe her to be so perfect." I scared him a little.
"would you get snatched away anytime soon?" he asked me but swallowed the "you".
I supposed he was trying to ask "would she get snatched away anytime soon",
so without further hesistations,
I nodded my head firmly.

he stood up from his seat halfway and bent forth so that he could look into my face.
our faces were this close,
this close till I could see the glistening iris in his eye.
I hitched my breath and could feel my heart skipping a beat.
this pabo better get back to his seat,
if not..
I reached out my hand and wanted to push him away,
but he caught my hand instead and gave me a light peck on my lips.
when we broke from it,
I came to my senses and looked around with my scorching face.
"yah lee kikwang! that's no way to practise how you should kiss that girl!"
"I'm just making sure she won't get snatched away! so I need to tell her now!" he said with a wide grin.

and then,
he made all the sense that was needed in my world.
"that girl.." I stumbled.
"yes i have sleepless nights because of that girl. because of you."
how did he get so bold.
I knew by his look he was waiting for some sort of answer.
but I didn't know how to answer him.
many people have confessed to me before.
but not one was able to stir such waves in my heart.
I was simply lost.
I bent my head and finished more than half of my drink all in one slurp.
I was smiling to myself like a pabo this time.

"so that means yes? that's why you finished the drink so quickly? you want to go on a date with me elsewhere right!"
he literally jumped around the cafe.
I dragged him by the hand out of the cafe,
the exact opposite way of how we came in.
"the next time you want to kiss me, don't kiss me in the public in front of so many people." I said sternly.
"okay." he sulked and shuffled his feet like a kid.
"wait, did you say next time? YOU JUST SAID NEXT TIME!" he shouted and laughed and smiled.
I ran off leaving him behind,
"it's up to you to interpret it however you want" with a curve forming up my lips.

he carried me from behind on the snowing streets of Seoul.
"let me down lee kikwang!" I shouted embarrassedly.
"only if you promise to be my girlfriend!" he returned my shout.
"okay! yes! whatever! just let me down!" I hit him.
and the night along Gangwon district was filled with victory yells of that pabo.
that particular pabo that I decided with my heartbeat, that:
I love him.


I've ended I've ended I've ended YAY ^^
but aww i kinda love this story too!
like all my other stories! :D

comments are welcomed.
please do let me know how this is going and if anything needs to be changed!
kiss_xander23 dear, hows it! (:
hope I've not disappointed you.
till the next manufacture,
I love all of you who're taking time to read.

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Update please author~nim >,,<
ohhhkeo #2
Cant wait for mine ><
im just applied<br />
a shoutout to the best readers one could have: @Jaeha--Jung @Mistral @AyraLovesKibum @TeenTop_Chunji @JustWinter @xxkittyoo @LeeJiseung<br />
I LOVE YOU GUYS <333<br />
very very grateful to the warm welcome once again, look forward to bring more joy and greater fandoms! (: <br />
<br />
and as for @JustWinter unnie: aww yeah I'd be happy to add in the Rinchyeon and Doojoon dance :P but since the story is over, we shall keep that scene in our hearts hehe! you're welcomeee <3 sorry for dragging yours the longest ):
yay! welcome back dear!<br />
-huggies-<br />
nice update!<br />
looking forward for more :)<br />
Aja! <3
welcome backkkkk <3<br />
update update n - n
Wow, such a surprise and i loveeeeeeeee it! <br />
I should request that Rinchyeon & DooJoon had their dance in prom night!<br />
Love to see how Taem dominant in the stories and thankkkk youuu so much my dear!<br />
<br />
I'm just happy that you're back! Love ya~
i love all my loyal subscribers and readers <3 <br />
totally makes my day to know that once i've updated, i get instant support. makes me feel so loved (:<br />
tell me guys how'd you like my comeback update (;