Chapter Two

We Were Strangers


It's 7 o'clock, and once I finally manage to sit up, I feel my leg begin to throb with soreness and pain. I think about screaming for Junmyeon, but something inside me tells me not to do that. I don't want to wake him up, and Chanyeol especially.

Instead of trying to walk downstairs on my own, I scoot over a little so my arm can reach the wall where I knock loudly for Junmyeon to wake up. In this moment, I pray for him to be a light sleeper.

After two minutes, I knock again. Louder. Then, I wait.

He doesn't show up, so I try just once more. I wait longer.

He shows up at my door ten seconds later.

"Hey. Did you sleep well?" he asks me, opening the door just slightly. I lean back on my hands, my weight sinking into the bed.

"Sure, I guess. Yourself?"

"Better than normal. You need help getting downstairs?"

I give Junmyeon a subtle nod before pushing off the bed and standing up. Junmyeon rushes over to me and grabs my arm, wrapping it around his shoulders.

When we exit the room, we notice Chanyeol is awake, despite him attempting to turn on the TV to check the news in silence as he rests on the sofa in the living area.

"Hey Chanyeol," Junmyeon yells from upstairs, "you got a pair of crutches? I don't know how much longer I can do this."

Chanyeol looks up from the screen before standing up and walking towards a door with off-white paint that was slightly chipped. When he opens the door, a cold breeze flows throughout the house. I get chills when he leaves it open.

After a few minutes, I let Junmyeon rest and instead I grip onto the railing of the stairs.

When Chanyeol returns, he carries in two pairs of beat down crutches.

"Better than nothing," I mumble as I hop my way down the stairs, holding onto the railing tightly.

Once we reach the bottom of the stairs, Chanyeol brings the crutches over to me. I hop on one foot as he holds out the crutches, and I grab onto the handles and rest my shoulders.

Junmyeon walks past me, along with Chanyeol, and they both sit down on the couch. Chanyeol picks his phone up from the table and turns it on. I assume he’s trying to see if there’s any cellular signal, but my question is answered when he angrily throws the phone back on the coffee table. “No signal. Now it’s really the end of the world.”

I look down at my leg which has goosebumps along with dry blood surrounding my wound. The towel around my thigh is completely red now, and I suddenly feel sick thinking about the bullet sitting in my leg.

"What do we do now?" Junmyeon asks out of the blue, grabbing both my and Chanyeol's attention.

"What are we supposed to do?" Chanyeol retorts.

Junmyeon sighs loudly, resting back on the sofa. "Get as far away from this place as possible. People are looting like crazy in the more populated areas. If there’s somewhere smaller we can stay in, that should give us more...time."

Junmyeon looks at Chanyeol, who's looking at me.

"Not a terrible idea," Chanyeol states, now staring at the floor.

Junmyeon glances at me.

"If we're leaving for good, we're going to have to prepare. We'll need water, food, weapons, whatnot. Sound like a plan?" Junmyeon exchanges looks with Chanyeol and me, us both nodding in return.

"Alright, we'll leave in thirty minutes. I'll grab food and drinks, Junmyeon, you grab my guns in the garage. Sehun - you rest,” Chanyeol instructs before standing up.

I sit in silence as I watch Junmyeon open the door and walk into the garage, and Chanyeol heads to the cupboard with a backpack. I see him put bags of chips and different treats like Oreos and popcorn into the bag. The sight of the snacks makes my stomach grumble.

Junmyeon enters the house after a few minutes. He holds a large rifle underneath each arm, and two smaller guns in his hands.

"How badass do I look with all this?" Junmyeon laughs as he pretends to point the guns at imaginary people. I laugh for the sake of it.

He sets the rifles on the floor and brings Chanyeol one of the smaller ones, then makes his way towards me.

"You know how to use this?" he asks as I shake my head and laugh.

"Alright. This right here is most important. If the switch right here shows red, that means safety mode is off. You're gonna want this to be showing whenever you're in action," he begins, gesturing to each part of the gun. I can already tell that I'm going to forget all of this, but I listen anyway.

"I have a feeling you'll be using this a bit, so once you use up all the bullets, just let me know. I have more ammo with me in the car." He completes his lesson by showing me the trigger, which I had already known how to use.

"Use it wisely,” he concludes, passing the gun to my hands.


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Chapter 1: Cool~