Chapter Six

Different Worlds

Jervis POV

"Jervis, my dear, behave please" Zach sighed. He snapped his fingers and the maidens scurried over to clear the mess.

"Do I look like a dwarf to you? Why is the portion so small?" I shoved the plates out of the grand table while all of them flinched at the impact.

"Why are you throwing one of your infamous tantrums again?" 

"My mate coincidentally came to our family restaurant for a job interview. She rejected and went to work at a night club instead!" I puffed out loud.

Knowing me well, he prompted, "And then?"  

"Of course I will not let that happen. I stomp my way to the place, demanding them to hand over the property but the bald head said no. He rejected me." 

"Me. The Prince! The Crown Prince!" 

"I pounced on him and all ready to shred him off into pieces but guess what, he threw me the document." 

"He made an alliance with Father." I  crossed my arms and snorted in displease. 

I wanted to command the boss to fire her and just be done with it. Yes, I can do that. But I didn't. I know that my little tiger will not want to work for my family's restaurant. If I pull that act, she will have no job left and I do not wish that upon her. As much as I hate to see her work, I am trying my best to respect her. To give her what humans called the privacy. 

In fact, I got it all planned out. Me claiming the nightclub so that I can assign easier workload for her. I will spy, I mean, observe her from the sidelines. Heck, I even wanted to implement a nap session since she always seems like she has not been getting enough sleep.  All of it, without her knowing. 

But clearly, my plan got thrown out of the window when the old-good-for-nothing man gets in the way. Once I ascend the throne, he will have an early retirement. I will hang him up as decorations for my father's grave. 

That's how much I hated him for getting in the way. 

"Stop plotting that murder plan of yours and utilise your brain juice for something practical." Zach intruded my thoughts while he smacked the back of my head.  

"What should I do then, Mr Genius?" I snapped.

"Give that poor girl some space! She has to deal with your ed-up a-" I glared at him,"I mean oh-so-fancy personality in school already. She does not need to carry that burden at work too." 

"But I am giving her space! I wanted the ownership of the nightclub to protect her!" 

"You mean, to beat the hell out of any guys who are interested in her? Oh trust me, she looked like a pound of pork meat, who would want her? Especially in an n-" Before he can even complete his sentence, my eyes turned pitch black. I could feel my wolf getting angsty and the choice of words Zach used set him on fire. 

The next thing I know, Zach was beaten into a pulp, with a swollen eye and claw marks evident on his face. I blinked my eyes a few times to ensure I gain back full control. Once I am positive that my wolf has calm down, I approached Zach. 

He was lying straight on the floor while his body and face were covered in blood. I stood there, unfazed as I watched him struggling to breathe. I think Buros broke some of his bones. Not that I give a damn since he will heal. No big deal. 

"You deserve it," I commented. 

"Yes, I do. I said that so you would have an excuse to vent your anger on me." He smirked a little, not bothering about his wounds at all.  

"I know." I rolled my eyes, stretching my right arm out to offer support. 

He grabbed it without thinking as he pulled himself up. As he tore his shirt off to wipe the stains off, he remarked, "And you still do it? Gosh, I can foresee your future family will have some domestic abuse involving."

"In my defence, I am not the one who resort to physical violence." I shrugged. 

"Well well well, I am so honoured to be your punching bag. Now, will you please shut every hole you have, especially that mouth of yours and just ing sleep?" 

With that, he yawned and strolled towards my bed, preparing to sleep. I shake my head at his behaviour. I guess he is the only person who dares to pull such stunt on me. Not that I mind of. At least, he treated me as a real friend, not a tool to climb up in his ranks. 

There are times he understands me more than anyone else on this planet. Even my biological family would not know me as well as he does. 

I walked back towards my bed and tugged myself in for the night. 

The next morning, I received a file from my private investigator. He had completed his background check on my little tiger. To my displease, there was nothing that I can find about her. It was as if she is deliberately being wipe out of this planet. The only thing I know is her name. Arianna Neo. Other than that, I have no clue. Her past. Her friends. Her family. Her interests, hobbies and everything else that I should be kept updated of. 

I run my hand through my hair as I let out a frustrated sigh. 

Times like this, I wished my mate is a she-wolf. 

"Come on guys, even my grandmother can prepare faster than you lots!" As usual, Zach's voice is always the loudest in the morning. 

"Wait a minute, I am going to get my jersey for today's practice," Jackson yelled back. 

"You no need that, we are ditching today!" Zach announced. 

"Says who?" Jamie popped his head out and questioned. 

"The mighty beta! My mate is having her singing audition today. I am going, to show my tender love and support!" He beamed. 

"Okay? You're old enough. I am sure you can take real good care of yourself." Medwin said. 

"Where did the 'all for one, one for all' went?" Zach started his whining session while the rest of them groaned in frustration. 

"Jervis, control your lapdog!" Damien's baritone voice resonated from upstairs. 

"Yes, Jervis. Listen to your elder brother." Zach batted his eyelashes at me. 

"Is it necessary? For all of them to go?" I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Obviously??? They have to be cheerleaders for my mate as well as the future Luna." He said as if it is the most obvious thing ever. 

The word Luna, caught my attention. 

My little tiger is going to be there. Oh, I am definitely going alright. 

I snapped my fingers and spoke,"All of you will go. I am not asking for permission. This is an order." 

Zach pumped his fist in the air as he did a victory dance.

"And you lots are coming with me too." I pointed the group of security guards. Honestly speaking, all of us can protect ourselves and those guards are just spies of our father to check on us. 

Well, I am not complaining. After all, they can be useful under certain circumstances. 


All of us sat in the last row of the auditorium while the guards stand by at four corners in silence. Throughout the entire audition, I am getting impatient. I am not interested in the first few contestants. Not even close. In fact, they are out of tune and no sense of rhythms. Basically, a bunch of nonsensical clowns with zero talent.   

"I wish I could tear off their vocal cords. They are pollution to my beautiful ears." Jackson clutched onto Jamie's arms and whined. 

"Come on, we have to wait till the Luna's turn before we can go." Jamie patted on Jackson's head as he closed his eyes and groaned in annoyance. 

"Mary and Louis, negative 100. Do us a favour and ban yourselves from singing.Now, show yourselves out of the door." The judge dismissed them off like a pest. 

"Okay, next team: Rose and Arianna!" 

Zach's mate walked up the stage with her head up high. She did not seem like the timid nerd that everyone assumes her to be. Everything around her resonated confidence. She has the type of look, one that tells us she will be owning the stage. The superior aura does not tally with her background as a poor student who relied on scholarship. 

I have nothing against her. Honestly. She is a pleasant girl. However, I can't help but think that she is more than what she appears to be. To be able to have such elegance, it is not something that you are born with it. You have to be taught. And the low income will not have such luxury.  

As my little tiger appeared, I zoomed my focus onto her. She looked out of place. Although she hid her expressions well, I could see she wants nothing to do with this, especially the way she her lips and looks around the environment. If your attention was not solely on her, you will definitely not realise it.  

Looking at the both of them, Lily is ready for this. But my mate wasn't.

I furrowed my eyebrows, contemplating why is she so nervous. Did she not have enough rehearsals? But she sounded perfect yesterday. I do not think she needs any more practices. Then why does she looked like she wants to get the hell out of there? 

My thoughts were soon interrupted by Zachary commanding the guards to cheer for his mate. He went even further by preparing poms poms for them to support the girls while he himself turned into the cheerleader captain. 

"Will you please stop embarrassing us?" Jackson cursed as he hid his head underneath Jamie's jacket. 

"I thought he was injured last night! How can he be so energetic today, especially at this timing?" Jamie remarked. 

Zachary seems unfazed by it as he continued to show extreme support towards his girl. 

Losing my patience level, I roughly pull him back to the place he belongs and whispered into his ears, "Zach, shut the hell up and get your stick to that freaking chair. Lily and MY MATE need to perform."

"Or else, it will be you who I remove the vocal cords from." I left with no room for discussion as I tilt my head back to the stage. 

With a cup in her hands, Arianna sat down on the floor and waited for further instructions. Meanwhile, I saw Lily mumbling something to my mate. Using my super powers, I could hear her telling Arianna not to screw up since she is dying to get into the club and meet new friends. After waiting for a few more seconds, they finally started to sing. 

Lily begin the first part of the song first and she sounded not too bad. I mean she is good but it did not give me the feels. Unlike the ones, I heard from my mate's. When it is going to reach the chorus, Lily signalled her to come in. They harmonise well together and for once, it was something pleasant to my ears. 

My heartbeat accelerated as my wolf and I waited for my mate's solo. Once I saw my mate's going to sing again, I leant forward, preparing to admire her beautiful voice. However, to my horror, she sounded different. It wasn't the voice that touched my soul. It wasn't the right melody and expression. I do not know how to put it but it was just, different.  

As she continued the song, I saw her looking at Lily, as if waiting for her part to finish singing so that she can start again. Once it's her turn again, she let out a small breath while she tapped the cup on the table continuously. While she does that, she bites her lips and look down, showing remorse. 

Judging from her actions, I know she did that deliberately and that caught me to ponder again. Why did she want to screw up an audition? Wasn't Lily her friend? Did she not want her to get the spot? But it makes no sense, she waited it was her part before she did it. Then why will she want to put herself in such a bad light? So many questions but no answers. 

I was so consumed with my thoughts that I did not realise the audition has ended. 

"Rose: 80/100. Arianna: 50/100." The judge announced. 

"Stop frowning. You look ugly." Zach flicked my forehead while I flipped him off his seat. Literally. 

"Why are you so violent? I still considered as a human. In case you don't know, I do feel pain!" He winced in agony as he rubbed his new found bruise. 

I stood up abruptly and abandoned them while I marched off to the backstage. 

I wanted answers and I need it now.

"Although you have several mistakes here and there, you did great!" Lily beamed at my mate while she nodded back with a smile.  

"Arianna?" I called out. 

She turned her head back and rolled her eyes, "I know what are you here for." 

"Okay so tell me why then"

"A word, please?" She pointed towards a more enclosed and private area.

Before I could react, my mate closed the gap between us and dragged me to the cleaner's room. 

"Okay. Tell me now." I restated. 

"Mind your own business."

"I could always ask Lily." 

"Her name is Rose." She snapped while I shrugged in return.

"She can name herself whatever flowers she like, I am not interested. The only person I cared about is you. Why are you hiding your great vocals?"

"Or better still, why are you hiding it from Rily?" I voiced out. Her eyes widened at my assumption but it was quickly replaced with her poker face. 

"I have my reasons. Keep this as a secret."

"Are you telling me or pleading me?" I smirked. It's not everyday I get to have a 100% full attention from my mate. Of course, I would want it to last a little longer. 

"Fine. Can you please keep this as a secret?" She said unwillingly. 

"Unlike humans, I am not so compassionate. I never help people without anything in return." 

"Why do you make it sound like you're not a human at all?" She threw a question back at me. Realising what I just said, I cursed under my breath. 

, I have been too careless!

"I am just trying to say that I don't do charity," I explained smoothly. I do not know she buys the reason not but at least, she stopped questioning me about it. 

"Alright. What do you want in return? As long you keep it as a secret, I will do anything." She sighed in frustration. 

"Anything?" I asked again.

"Yes, anything. Now get on with it!" 

I scratched my chin using my index fingers as I pretended to think. Deep down, I was doing multiple victory dances. 

"Well, I have not thought about it yet." 

"Find me when you have a demand then." She turned the door knob, preparing to leave me here.

Without thinking, I shouted,"Be my girlfriend!" 

"What?" Her jaws dropped in shock. 

"Yes, I have seen you fend off those crazy es in the canteen. I need you to act as my fake girlfriend so no one will disturb me." I explained.

"I can be your security guard if you want?" She offered.

"No!" I replied almost immediately. "I need them to stop bugging me everywhere I go. Being a security guard will only be a temporary solution. But you being my fake girlfriend, it sends a message to them that I am off the market. It will be a win-win situation." I beamed, feeling satisfied with my bull excuses. 

I can't wait to go home and tell Zachary about it. 

"Is there any other thing I could do for you?" 

"No. Besides, you're the one who said anything." I mimicked what she said a while ago. 

Arianna looked conflicted with this arrangement but I was too happy to even care. She did not have a choice. And I translate that as my opportunity to know her better. 

"Okay fine." She responded after what seems like decades.

"BUT... just fake girlfriend. No physical contact or whatsoever. Nothing more, nothing less." She added. 

I nodded my head vigorously. I do not care whatever condition she give. As ridiculous as it sounds, I wanted her to agree to be my girlfriend. Even if it was faking. 

I fished out something from my pocket as I handed her an iPhone 7 plus. "First thing first, this is your new smartphone. I picked gold colour since you are do not seem like the girly or hippie girl type. Silver is too plain. But gold suits you. It brings out your unique personality and wisdom. The way you carry yourself, it reminds me of gold."   

"The old SIM card could no longer fit in this new phone. I also couldn't retrieve back any old information or data, especially the contact numbers." I emphasised on the word contact. Strictly speaking, I did not lie to her since I cannot be bothered to even check the SIM card.

She needs a new phone number and preferably away from that dude she called him her favourite. From now onwards, I will be her favourite. No one else but me.

However, expectations do not always tally with reality. 

"Thank you. It's okay. I can remember all the numbers." 

I pout in displease while she took the phone from me and shove it into her pocket.

"Stay here as much as you wish, I will show myself out of the door." With that, Arianna left the janitor's room without bidding goodbye. 


Author's Note:

Hey, guys. I finally updated. Sorry for such a long wait but school has been busy for me. I am currently having my off-campus learning week. Once I am back for lessons, I will be having at least two submissions every single week till mid-august. After that, I will take my finals. And I thought I can have some time to relax but no, the school decided that I should go for my internship straight away. Gosh. I guess this is is the downsides of a senior student who is about to graduate next year. 

Anyways, thank you all for being so understanding and considerate. I truly appreciate it. 

Please do comment and vote it if you like this chapter!

Till next time,


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grapegurl96 #1
Chapter 11: Haahahhahaah I hope Arianna catches on the pups word. Lol. And awwww Ara kiss him back. Im soft rn
grapegurl96 #2
Chapter 10: Yeayyy a new update! Congrats on your diploma :))
I was reading Inevitable changes after this and thought “it is so similar that except for the characters and venue without the supernatural element that I was worried it was plagiarised “. I wAs relieved to find out it was you, too. I enjoyed it as well that I was laughing out loud while reading it. Thanks for continuing with this. I am curious as to the history of Fabio and Ara because although Ara sees him as family, Fabio comes across as a jealous boyfriend instead. Although hints were given about Ara’s past in Singapore, I am curious how she became close to Rose and why is she overweight when she is great in sports and self defense.
grapegurl96 #4
Chapter 9: Finally :’)
Hi. Just read your story since I love IU. Hopefully, you will continue with the story. I like the way you write because it gets the reader involved with the characters and the story. Its funny and unexpected with narrative that is direct and smart. I will look forward to your updates soon. Thanks
Lovatongeok #6
Chapter 8: Love this story
grapegurl96 #7
Chapter 8: Been waiting so long for an update from you! I'm really curious what does Fabio think about Arianna. Does he like her?
grapegurl96 #8
Chapter 7: I'm glad you're back!!!! I waited so long for this update!!! Omg why is Fabio reacting like that ?!! I thought he is only friends with Ara? Can't wait for the next updateeeee
grapegurl96 #9
Chapter 6: Suzy? I think you made a mistake there :) Btw awesome chapter just it reminds me of The Plain One if I'm not mistaken. I really love that kind of story. Keep it up author-nim!
Chapter 4: Myungsoo with his never ending flirting and cuteness and jieun with her cool city girl aura kkkk..=D