Chapter Three

Different Worlds

Ara P.O.V.

I huffed in annoyance as white hair took a seat right next to Rose. A few minutes ago, our relief teacher came and informed us to self-study as our economics teacher called in for sick. Striking at the opportunity, white hair requested to swap seats with me and I straight out rejected him. I think he is not the type of guy that would take 'no' for an answer since he dragged his own set of furniture and plopped himself down.

"So Rose, tell me about yourself." He chirped happily while I scowled in return.

Initially, my plan was to take a good nap and look how it turned out. How could I sleep in peace knowing that there is a beast out there, salivating at the mere presence of Rose?

Rose clamped her fingers together and replied,"Uhm... My native country is Singapore, and I like pink."

"Oh really?" White hair scooted closer to Rose and said cockily, "My favourite colour is pink too."

"He is trying too hard." I blurted.

"Sorry, but I do not recall talking to you." He smirked.

"Did I even mentioned that I am talking to you?" I retorted, raising an eyebrow.

"Rose! She is mean to me!" White hair faked a tear and clung his hands towards his chest, pretending to be in pain.

Rose giggled at the scene and pinched his cheeks, "You're so adorable."

Realising what she had done, she shrunk her arms back almost instantly.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. I did not mean to do that."

"It's alright! I'm all yours, you can do whatever you want with me." He wiggled his eyebrows and approached Rose by putting his arms around her shoulders.

"Do not touch her with your filthy hands!" I shouted, louder than necessary as I pushed his arms away and pulled Rose closer to me.

"What is your problem, light bulb?" He gritted his teeth at me.

"You can talk all you want but physical contact is out of bounds." I threw him a murderous glare.

"I am not trying to take advantage of her. It was only a - " Before he could continue to explain himself further, the recess bell rang.

"Alright students, class dismiss!"

"Great! Feel free to stay and flirt with the air. We will show ourselves out." With that, I yanked Rose forward and shove her out of the classroom.

"But I kind of like him!" Rose pouted.

"Keeping a low profile, remember?" I quoted with my fingers.

"About that... I think I might change my mind." She replied sheepishly while I shook my head in disbelief.

"Let's see about that."

We made our way to the multi-purpose hall and saw a crowd blocking the entrance. Many girls were screaming at the top of their lungs and yelled obscene description that would pollute your mind for the rest of your lives. I squinted my eyes to take a closer look and saw two boys fending the girls off from something or rather, someone.

Not wanting to be a gossip girl, I dragged Rose to the toilet and get changed.

"Good morning class, I am Mr Park. For the upcoming four weeks, we would be focusing on netball. Basically, it's similar to basketball, but you are only allowed 3 moves when you are holding the ball. Alright, please get into your own groups, and I will start the game in five minutes."

"Are you sure you want to play? I can tell Mr Park about your condition, and we will sit on the bench to cheer for your white hair." I offered.

"Ara, please stop treating me like a person with disability okay? I am tired of it." Rose let out an exasperated sigh, and I puffed my cheeks out in frustration.

If Rose wanted to do something, there is nothing you can do to stop her. At times like this, she is a stubborn cow.

"Now, I am more worried about the opposing team, though. By any chance, can you be less gentle and nicer to our opponents?" Rose requested, and I shrugged my shoulders.

A match is a match, Rose.

"Okay, folks! Get ready for a jump ball." Mr Park blew his whistle and threw the ball up in the air. Both representatives jumped up in instinct and the opposing team got the ball.

For the first five minutes, I observe the court and analyse my opponents. After knowing their tactics, I started to participate in the game.

"I know for someone your weight, you belonged to the sedentary category. But could you please make yourself more useful instead of roaming around the court like an aimless ghost?" The white hair stood in front of me and hissed.

I kept my lips sealed to refrain myself from throwing him a comeback. Show them what you got, Ara.

"What are you doing here?" White hair threw an accusing look at the figure behind me, and I turned my head around.

A well-toned man with sharp cheekbones strolled in and the bun hair made his jaw line more prominent.

"I came here to see you. I miss my friend." His baritone and a deep voice spoke while staring intently at me.

My eyes widened in recognition. It was the guy who winked at me in the early morning! They are friends?No wonder, the same birds flocked together!

"Hi. Are you a Google? Because you're everything, I have been searching for." He sounded rigid and rehearsed.

I put my hands up to stop him and continued, "Hold on a second. Let me google it for you. That's a pretty bad pick up line."

Suddenly, Mr Park blew his whistled and hollered, "Gillfield, please stop disrupting my class and harass the poor girl!"

"I am not harassing her if both parties enjoyed it, Sebastian." He smirked at Mr Park.

"Although I like you here as my student, I don't think you are in the right class." Mr Park retorted with a hint of playfulness lingered in his voice.

"Soon, Sebastian. Soon." He smiled, still not breaking eye contact with me.

"Come on, Jervis. Get your head into the game then." Mr Park blew his whistle again. "Game resumes!"

Jervis tied a yellow bib around his forehead as he joined the opposing team. He stood on the white line and dribbled the ball a little while he glanced around the environment. As he threw the ball high up in the air, I knew exactly who he is throwing towards to. I watched the girl bounced up with excitement as she tried to position herself in a perfect angel to catch the ball.

Instantaneously, I dashed in front of her and intercept the ball. Once I grab hold of it, I threw a thunder ball towards Rose who was standing at the far end and she passed it to white hair which threw the ball into the goalpost.

"1 to 0!" Mr Park yelled. Rose squealed in delight, and I threw my thumbs up, acknowledging her efforts. During the entire game, I acted as a defender and intercept most of the ball which made the opposing team groaned at my presence. There was one time where I passed the ball to Rose and a girl tried to block it but ended up hitting her right in the face instead.

I turned my back against her and sniffled a laugh. After laughing for a second, I wanted to go forward and help her, but white hair barked, "Light bulb, go snatch the ball!"

I take a look at the surrounding to find the location of the ball. In turn, I saw the two-metre guy trying to pass the ball to Jervis, and I let my body take charge as I ran forward.

"You think you can block me? Maybe if you hug or kiss me, I can consider letting you win." He teased, and I rolled my eyes at his arrogance.

"If you're that desperate, you can always purchase a doll."

"Feisty. I need someone like you to spice up my boring life." Jervis smirked.

"Actually, I prefer you a lot better when you're a mute." He looked taken aback by my words as he tried to think of a reply. As if on cue, someone threw the ball harshly towards our direction. I look up, made a swift move and caught the ball in my hands. Then, I threw a 3-pointer goal while Jervis stared at me, dumbfounded.

"If you continued with that mouth gaping open, I am afraid you will lose your sharp jaw." My turn to mock him.

"I was only letting you because you're a girl!" He defended.


For the remaining game, Jervis was on fire. His speed and strength increased tremendously as the way he moved on the court was magnificent. Because of him, it turned the table around since he kept scoring. Every time a goal went in, he would sneak a glance at me to ensure that I had watched him score. For a moment, I would think that he was trying to impress me. But I am aware that he was only trying to provoke me.

"Time's up! The winner is Jervis' team!" Mr Park bellowed, and the opposing team cheered out loud.

I cursed under my breath. Not that I am a sore loser, but I know I could do so much better.

Maybe if you stop eating so much and start to get back in shape, then we would do fine! The inner me reprimanded.

"It's okay, Ara. Jervis was out of our league." Rose hugged me and smiled brightly.

"Cheater." White hair groaned.

I frowned at his comment. Cheater? Did Jervis eat some steroids during the break just so he can win the game?

"Arianna, right? You're good. In fact, better than some of my members. Are you considering in joining any sports related club?" Mr Park looked at me and questioned.

"No, I am only here for 6 months." I bluntly replied.

"Well, think about it. I'm sure as long you are interested, there would be an open spot for you anytime. Even if it's for 6 months, I can train you into an exceptional athlete." He handed me a sports brochure and walked away.

"Wow. Did I just hear Sebastian praising you? Feel honoured man, he hardly compliments people. Not even me." White hair gasped.

"I think it's simply because you have nothing for him to praise about."

"!" He growled.

"Is that the best you can come up with?"

"Did I just heard you calling her a ?" Jervis who came out of nowhere snarled at the white hair.

"What? No! I was complimenting her." He explained quickly.

"I do not need you to protect me, stranger." I snapped and pulled Rose towards the direction of the female toilet.

On our way to the cafeteria, a few girls stopped us as one of them roared, "Do you have to be so rough in the game just now?"

"And you are?"

"I am the one who got hit in the face by the ball because of you!" She shrieked.

"It's a match and accident happen?" I retaliated.

"But we are all girls! You should be lenient with us. Also, I am one of the four beauties in the school, I demand some respect from you!" She crossed her arms and spoke.

"I'm sorry. A what?" I asked.

"Beauties. Think of it like the queens in the school." She said proudly, and I wanted to laugh in her face for such a ridiculous name.

Rose elbowed me and mouthed the word "Don't". So, I ignored the beauties and carried on wit walking our way to the cafeteria.

"I told you to be nice. Look, now we made enemies. To make things worse, they are the popular girls in the school!" Rose blabbered on and on until we bumped into someone.

"So, I heard from my friends that you deliberately hit her face with a ball?" A girl caked with makeup and perfume waggle her index finger, pointing at me.

"It was an accident." I corrected.

"But you don't look like you're sorry about it." She pursed her lips.

I frowned, why should I feel guilty when I did not do it on purpose. Does she expect me to give her my heartfelt apology, get on my knees and kiss the ground they walked on?


"I know you are new here so I shall give you a pre-warning. I am Brittany Gomez. The head of the four beauties in school. Next time, when you see us, you jolly well show us some respect, or I can make your life here like a living hell."

I don't know is it only me or that every prestige school I went, the people there loved dramas. Biting my lips, I ignored Brittany and get Rose out of their sight.

To my surprise, she stopped us again as she demanded an answer, "Is that a yes or a no?"

"Yes! We will get out of your way." Rose shouted immediately.

Brittany smirked at her respond, feeling satisfied. "And you?"

"No," I said in a calm tone and Rose's face paled as white as a ghost. Her eyes widened in sockets as she nudged me repeatedly, thinking I am crazy.

"Look. The last time I checked, we did not come here to please you and your beauties. Respect goes in two ways. You want respect? Fine, show us some respect first before you come here and start yapping like a ."

"I apologise on her behalf. She is feeling sick toda-... " Before Rose could finish her sentence, Brittany shoved her aside which caused her to stumble off to the ground while I was pushed against a wall as she grabbed my collar and sneered at me.

"" I glared straight into her eyes.

"Or what?" She snickered.

"I'm giving you a warning. Let go of me now before you regret it." I promised.

"You do not have the rights to ask me for anything." She hissed. I poked my tongue to the side of my right cheeks. In a split second, I sweep her off her feet, and her body was crashed against the locker next to the wall. Brittany tried to fight back, and for a petite size like her, she is strong.

Nevertheless, I held her in the place and she bared her teeth out at me like an animal. Her eyes were switching into different shades of purple, and I tightened my grip on her neck.

Is that a hidden talent? Everyone here could change their eye colour as they pleased!

"I will say this for only one time and I sure as hell will not repeat it again. Never, grab my ing collar. The next time you try that on me again, you will not just get a shove. Is that clear?"

Sensing no respond from her, I slammed her head towards the locker and let out a low, menacing voice that I never realised I am capable of. "Are we clear?"

The latter whimpered in pain and nod her head meekly. Afterwards, I her to the ground and glowered, "And this, is a tribute to you for shoving my friend, Rose."

I helped Rose to get up and leave them as soon as possible since her minions were too shocked to even react.

"We will visit a professional doctor now." I breathed, trying to control my raging anger.

"I am fine, I only lost my balance." I let my eyes roamed over her body, checking for any external injuries.

"You shouldn't have done that!" Rose complained. "If you kept quiet and let me do the talking, we will be just fine. But no, you decided to open that witty mouth of yours and create a group of powerful enemies."

"Oh, let you do the talking and then what? So you can receive more physical assault by her? I know you're not the type of person who is too timid to fight back or weak. For goodness sake, you're a black belt in martial arts. You're just too caught up in your idea of 'living a normal teenage life' that you forget your true self!" I yelled, completely losing my cool and it was only the second day of school.

"Why are you always so hot headed and up front! Is it wrong for me to desire an experience of living as Roslyn Smith, a simple girl who only wants to party, make friends and be free? For once in my life, I do not want to be Rosalie Pierce, the girl everyone cared, noticed and feared." Rose cried, and I exhaled, feeling exhausted.

She always enjoyed the attention and like being pampered like a princess. I guessed she wanted to prove herself to her stepmother that, even without her status and her father's connections, she can still be a well-liked and popular girl in school.

"Can we stop fighting? I'm sorry for taking out on you." I murmured softly, and Rose immediately lurched forward, engulfed me in a tight hug.

"My Ara is finally back. You were so scary just now! I thought you are going to leave me like the rest of them." She half hiccupped and half wailed.

"I will never leave you, Rose. You of all people should know that."


After collecting our food, I set my tray on the corner table and waited for Rose. I grabbed one large pizza, chicken pasta, garlic bread with mushroom soup, chicken wings, banana and milk.

What can I say? I'm sleep deprived and a growing woman. Besides that, I am not having a fantastic day.

"Ara! I saw an ice-cream booth! We will eat it after our lunch!" Rose exclaimed as soon as she saw me.

I gave her a curt nod and began to dig in. Rose softened at the sight of me eating to my heart's content. According to her and I quote, 'It's better for you to eat so much rather than eating nothing at all'

"Eat well and slow, alright? I do not wish for you choking yourself to death." She said in a playful tone.

"I will. Eat your food." I responded while chewing my food.

Our peaceful lunch was soon disrupted by the six shadows roaming behind us.

"Hey ladies! May I have the luxury to sit with both of you?" A familiar voiced asked and I groaned under my breath.

"No." I replied within seconds.

Rose hissed at me and continued, "Show some manners, Ara!" She turned around and looked at white hair dreamily. "I'm truly sorry for her behaviour. She did not sleep well last night."

No, my behaviour towards you had nothing to do with my sleeping hours.

"There is no space here for you." I snapped.

"That is not an issue." Another voice said and I frowned.

Jervis, the arrogant hulk. 

He clicked his fingers and in a flashlight, two men wearing all-black tuxedos appeared with a square table and few chairs. They placed the table down next to ours and wiped it with a cloth before ushering him and his friends to take a seat.

When he took a seat next to me, our knuckles graze past each other and I flinched a little at the contact.

"Hello, I'm afraid I did not catch your name just now. So, what's your name?" He asked with a pleasant smile.

I ignored his question and continued to eat.

Sensing my hostility, he frowned and white hair came to the rescue.

"Arianna, her name is Arianna Neo." White hair answered for me.

"Look, Arianna. I know we did not start off good but let's start afresh ok? Nice to meet you." White hair said politely. I looked up from my food and allow my eyeballs to wander over him. He sounded sincere but from the way his eyes squinted a little, I could tell he was forced to do this. For what reason, I have no idea.

Maybe to impress Rose or get on her good side. Whatever it is, I am not interested. 

"The feeling is not mutual since It's not nice for me to meet you." I scoffed and white hair gave me a death stare while Rose stomped her left foot onto mine.

I hold in my breath and winced inwardly.

"Nice meeting you." I rephrased and plastered a fake smile.

"Uhm... our food is getting cold. Shall we dig in?" Rose smiled awkwardly and side glance me with a you-better-shut-the-hell-up face. Without further ado, I grabbed my spoon tightly and gobbled down my food, ignoring that I might look unladylike to the boys.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Jervis, crown prince of the Gillfield family." He cleared his throat and started a conversation.

"I am Jackson, younger brother of Jervis." He beamed.

"Jamie, twin of Jackson. The youngest and iest." He grinned.

"These are our guards. Peter and Sam." Jamie motioned the two black males surrounding our table.

"So... that makes all of you a Royal?" Rose's eyes widened in realisation.

"Yes, honey. But I am the beta of- I mean guard of Jervis." White hair stuttered.

Basically, that makes you a guard dog which needs to obey orders. I let out a small smirk and that caught Jervis' attention.

"What are you smiling about?" He nudged my shoulders and asked.

"Nothing." I wet my lips and requested, "Oh, and don't touch me."

"Jervis, my baby. Why are you not eating with us?" A high squealed voice echoed around the cafeteria. She wore a black tube that covered half of her s and denim shorts which reached just above her cheeks.

Damn, she got an irritating voice.

"Your face made me lose my appetite." He retaliated with a blank look and I raised my eyebrows.

"Leave me alone." He commanded in an authoritative voice and the girl bowed her head down.

Guess I am not the only one being rude now.

Leaving Jervis, she sashays her way to white hair and squeeze herself between him and Rose as she threw herself onto his body. Not giving a damn about the new unwelcomed guest, I proceed on with eating my lunch.

"Oh, Zachary. You're so handsome and strong. Come to our table and sit with us." She whined.

" off, Tatia. I am having lunch with my beautiful Rose." White hair snarled.

Tatia seemed to not catch the hint as she tightened her hold on his arms, refused to let go. In the midst of it, Rose kept quiet and slowly move away from them. She did not say anything but I could see the invisible frown and disappointment laced around her face. The way her lower lips jittered out and those sad puppy eyes were enough to make me do something about it.

"Get your hands off white hair before I make you." I spoke.

"What is that yellow pig doing here?" Tatia narrowed her eyes. "Does she even have a neck? Oh wait, she does but her double chin is covering it up."

I could hear a faint growling sound rumbling next to me. If I didn't know any better, I would think it came from Jervis' mouth. I brushed the growling issue aside since I still got es to deal with.

"You heard her. Leave me alone." White hair commanded while attempting to grasp Rose's right elbow.

"Zachary, you're so foolish. Can't you see that the Rose you are fond of is pretending to be innocent and gentle? Beneath the fake mask, she is nothing but a !"

When Tatia finished speaking, white hair's face was fuming red and his eyes turned into glazing gold. He let out an animalistic snarl, sending a warning to Tatia.

"I am not wrong! Look at her, not even denying it. I bet she manage to get many guys into her bed!" 

Screw Rose and her rules.

I threw the steaming hot mushroom soup across the table and the liquids landed directly on Tatia's face. The latter yelp in pain while white hair sat there and blinked his eyes, trying to contemplate what just happened. Although the impact was not directed at him but a few drops of white liquids were forming around his face. For that, I did a victory dance in my head.

"What the , you !" She stood up and wanted to grab my pony tail. Instinctively, I used my remaining strength to push her hand away and without any hesitation, I flung my fist which collided into her face.

"My nose! You disfigured my nose!" Tatia went all crazy and charged at me again while I took Rose's sausage and threw, preventing her from coming any nearer. One of her fake eyelashes dropped and she screamed even louder. The people around us winced at her voice and I sighed out in relief.

I have been wanting to do this for ages.

"This is for insulting Rose and disrupting my lunch."

"I will kill you!" Tatia's voice went three octaves higher and I stared at her, void of emotions but what I wanted to convey was 'bring it on, .'

"Tatia," Jervis called, not in an endearing manner but more threatening way. That one word was enough to convey his message of asking her to 'back off or she would face the consequences'. On the other hand, I was struggling to ignore the cold and solid voice that caused a shiver down my spine.

"I will come for you. It's not over." She flipped her hair and stomped away, probably fixing herself up.

After the little performance I created, the entire cafeteria was in a total silence and the boys who sat on my table were too stunned to say anything as they dropped their jaws in shock. Even the two guards were avoiding eye contact with me.

See, the reason why I have no friends at all. If only I was the stereotypical girl which everyone thinks I am, I will have a much better social life.

I resumed to eating my lunch as Rose sighed and whispered, "We can totally ditch the idea of keeping a low profile. But I do thank you for standing up for me. As always."


What a dramatic day, I thought to myself.

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grapegurl96 #1
Chapter 11: Haahahhahaah I hope Arianna catches on the pups word. Lol. And awwww Ara kiss him back. Im soft rn
grapegurl96 #2
Chapter 10: Yeayyy a new update! Congrats on your diploma :))
I was reading Inevitable changes after this and thought “it is so similar that except for the characters and venue without the supernatural element that I was worried it was plagiarised “. I wAs relieved to find out it was you, too. I enjoyed it as well that I was laughing out loud while reading it. Thanks for continuing with this. I am curious as to the history of Fabio and Ara because although Ara sees him as family, Fabio comes across as a jealous boyfriend instead. Although hints were given about Ara’s past in Singapore, I am curious how she became close to Rose and why is she overweight when she is great in sports and self defense.
grapegurl96 #4
Chapter 9: Finally :’)
Hi. Just read your story since I love IU. Hopefully, you will continue with the story. I like the way you write because it gets the reader involved with the characters and the story. Its funny and unexpected with narrative that is direct and smart. I will look forward to your updates soon. Thanks
Lovatongeok #6
Chapter 8: Love this story
grapegurl96 #7
Chapter 8: Been waiting so long for an update from you! I'm really curious what does Fabio think about Arianna. Does he like her?
grapegurl96 #8
Chapter 7: I'm glad you're back!!!! I waited so long for this update!!! Omg why is Fabio reacting like that ?!! I thought he is only friends with Ara? Can't wait for the next updateeeee
grapegurl96 #9
Chapter 6: Suzy? I think you made a mistake there :) Btw awesome chapter just it reminds me of The Plain One if I'm not mistaken. I really love that kind of story. Keep it up author-nim!
Chapter 4: Myungsoo with his never ending flirting and cuteness and jieun with her cool city girl aura kkkk..=D