“Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?” for mihyo pls

Anything Goes

A sort of continuation to "I dare you!"

Jihyo didn’t know what went over her. But now she’s in the closet with a flushed Mina, possibly shocked from what just happened the way she leaned her full weight on the closet door behind her. Her chest was heaving and her breathing heavy that Jihyo swore it could be heard from the other side of the door. Jihyo bit her lip, partly from guilt, partly for something else. Did she overdo it?

It looked like Mina wanted to fan herself for air but the moment she lifted her hand she kept on the door for support, she almost stumbled forward if it was not for Jihyo catching her. But because it was such a small space, the older wasn’t really able to get a stable footing and they both fell with thump.

“What is happening in there, unnies?”
“You guys only have 7 minutes, okay? Save the rest for later!”
“Park Jihyo, you are a god and a legend!”

Jihyo hears from outside the closet in voices that sounded like Chaeng’s, Sana’s and Jeongyeon’s respectively. But she pays them no mind. Instead she focuses on the girl on top of her who seemed to be burying her face in her hands now.
“Hey, you okay? About what happened, uhh..sorry. I mean, you probably didn’t like it.”
Mina murmurs something and Jihyo freezes for a moment.

She was about to reach out to take Mina’s hands out of her face when Sana bursts open the door like she wanted to catch something indecent.
“Time’s up!”

Mina stands up and walks briskly out of the closet and into her room.
Game night is declared over and everyone retires back to their room, sans Jihyo who chose to stay in the living room. She tells the members she didn’t want Mina to be even more awkward and that she’ll give her space for tonight, which was true, but also because of something else.

The next day, Jihyo catches Mina alone in their room. She figured she wouldn’t get a better timing than this so she speaks.
“Hey, those things you said yesterday…did you mean them?”
She saw Mina’s eyes widen. “You…heard that?”
“Of course I did. It’s you. I always hear what you have to say. But you’re not answering my question. Did you mean them?”
And in the softest, most beautiful voice she’s ever heard, Jihyo makes out a small “..yes.”

With a smile on her face, Jihyo replies “I feel the same.”

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Wivern #1
Chapter 5: Bang! You asked for it. ;P
Chapter 8: I dare you to make a part 2! LOL Thank you for this ficlet! ^^
Chapter 2: Lmao sana is hilarious well do Mina have? Kidding HAHA
Chapter 5: omg take off your clothes should be made into an actual fanfic, or just a long oneshot waowww