“Did you really just insult Captain America in front of me?” Jeongyeon to namo.

Anything Goes

“Guys! It’s been 3 hours, decide already! We’re going to be late to the party.” Jeongyeon called out. She’s been sitting on their couch in her Mustard bottle outfit for forever. They were supposed to be going to a costume party but looking at the time, Jeongyeon is not so sure anymore.

“Well I’m not going until Momo changes her outfit.” Nayeon says as she walks into the living room dressed in an Iron Man outfit.
“But /I/ wanted to be Iron Man.” Momo follows suit dragging her feet all the way dressed in something similar.
“No! You can’t be Iron Man.”
And it goes on and on, that Jeongyeon had to interject.

“What if you both be Iron Man?” Jeongyeon suggested.
Momo and Nayeon snapped their heads at the same time as if what Jeongyeon said was blasphemy.
“Okay then, no. What if one of you goes as Captain America instead? You know, like a Civil War thing. You’ve got the arguing down.”
Truthfully, Jeongyeon would have gone as Captain America herself if she didn’t promise Mina already that they’d go as Ketchup and Mustard. Everyone knows how much of Cap Fangirl she was.

”I’m not changing into a human flagpole made from a vile.” the pair somehow managed to utter the same sentence which Jeongyeon would have to admit is an impressive feat but still.
“Did you really just insult Captain America in front of me?” 

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Wivern #1
Chapter 5: Bang! You asked for it. ;P
Chapter 8: I dare you to make a part 2! LOL Thank you for this ficlet! ^^
Chapter 2: Lmao sana is hilarious well do Mina have? Kidding HAHA
Chapter 5: omg take off your clothes should be made into an actual fanfic, or just a long oneshot waowww