"I'm going to take care of you, okay?" + NaMo 3

Anything Goes

It started out as a flemmy cough followed by a heavy duty nose blow. Within the blink of an eye, her beloved girlfriend had become a vessel for a nasty cold and a dreaded strep throat.
Momo didn’t really know what to do. For as long as she could remember, Nayeon never got this sick. In fact, Nayeon had always been the one to take care of her. But now it was up to Momo to play doctor.

She had imagined a sick Nayeon as needy Nayeon, demanding things that will make her feel better, whether it’s a glass of water, a bowl of hot soup or freshly fluffed pillows to lay her weary head on, but instead she is met with weakened, stuffy-nosed Nayeon who could barely open her eyes to look at her. She felt her heart sink.

Momo had only barely stood up after tucking in the her girlfriend to get started on her duties when Nayeon mutters, “I’m sorry for being a bother.”
That’s just like her though, to feel guilty for being bother the only time she actually needs it.
“Don’t be silly. You’re never a bother.” she said as she parted the other’s stray locks off her face and started leaning closer. “And today, I’m going to be the one to take of you, okay?” 

“Hirai Momo, I swear if you kiss me right now and catch a cold too, I will end you.”
Momo chuckled at the sense that threat made. That’s also just like Nayeon, to suddenly have a burst of energy when it was her well-being the one at stake.
“Well then you better get well soon if you want to end me then.”

Okay. I don’t know what this is but let’s pretend it made sense. When I was writing it, it did. Now I’m not so sure. 

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Wivern #1
Chapter 5: Bang! You asked for it. ;P
Chapter 8: I dare you to make a part 2! LOL Thank you for this ficlet! ^^
Chapter 2: Lmao sana is hilarious well do Mina have? Kidding HAHA
Chapter 5: omg take off your clothes should be made into an actual fanfic, or just a long oneshot waowww