“You can’t die. Please don’t die.” namo

Anything Goes

They warned her about this. You shouldn’t really operate on someone close to you. A friend. A family member. A lover perhaps.
It clouds your judgment.
But Nayeon was stubborn. Well, more than that, she couldn’t trust anyone else the life of the only person she loved. They told her it was a lost cause, but she’ll be the judge of that.

“Dr. Im, we’re losing her. There’s no hope.”
Shut up shut up shut up.
Nayeon just wanted all the other voices to stop. She didn’t go through all those years of medical school just to be told that she can’t save the one that matters the most. She can’t lose Momo. Not now.

“You can’t die. Please don’t die.” Nayeon was already whimpering to herself. She’s fighting so hard to steady her hands and stop the tears from blurring her vision. Pathetic. This isn’t the place to break down. And yet she was.

And then the most deafening sound hit Nayeon’s ears. A long steady sharp tone. A flatline. She’s gone.
The nurses and other doctors had to restrain her.
“You did what you can.” they tried comforting her.

But still not enough.

Think of this as a somewhat prequel to this: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1222382/2/things-you-said-nayeon-momo-twice-monayeon-namo

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Wivern #1
Chapter 5: Bang! You asked for it. ;P
Chapter 8: I dare you to make a part 2! LOL Thank you for this ficlet! ^^
Chapter 2: Lmao sana is hilarious well do Mina have? Kidding HAHA
Chapter 5: omg take off your clothes should be made into an actual fanfic, or just a long oneshot waowww