“Can I touch your ?” Saida

Anything Goes

Dahyun has been spending the last 5 minutes staring at Sana’s chest and to be honest, she knows she has already solicited a lot of skeptical looks from the people around them. It’s not like she was being lecherous or anything. She was genuinely just curious.

”Tiddies are soft because they’re close to the heart, they’re full of love.’’ she once heard someone say. Just how soft did tiddies get though?

She would ask the rest of the maknae line but then none of them really had a bust to draw answers from. Mina, she assumed, would turn red just from being asked the question. Jihyo seemed like a good option for obvious reasons but she wasn’t there right now and Dahyun needed answers. Nayeon would probably kill her if she asked that of Momo and the other way around. Jeongyeon would seem like the type to give her answers but not her other request.

And so Sana was the most apt candidate. 

When she caught Sana’s eye, Dahyun looked straight back and without missing a beat said, “Can I touch your ?”

To which Sana replied, “Just the ?”

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Wivern #1
Chapter 5: Bang! You asked for it. ;P
Chapter 8: I dare you to make a part 2! LOL Thank you for this ficlet! ^^
Chapter 2: Lmao sana is hilarious well do Mina have? Kidding HAHA
Chapter 5: omg take off your clothes should be made into an actual fanfic, or just a long oneshot waowww