[SideTrack] That Used To Be Perfect Guy

My Hero

Hak Kun is now my ex. We used to be together. For about 14 months. He was the perfect guy. My everything that I was scared to lose. But we broke up. And I asked for it. I couldn’t stand him anymore. He was like controlling me. I brought up the excuse of him having to concentrate with his studies. Whenever people ask me why I broke up with him, the reason I gave was because I couldn’t stand him. There was more than that but I just could bear to tell it out.  We have never dated only texted and went home together. We only meet rarely. But we do see each other during school. A lot of things happened between us. We went through the ups and downs together and everyone keeps on saying that we were a perfect couple. Maybe just too perfect that everything fell apart. He gets jealous easily and is not always there for me when I needed him the most.

He even didn’t talk to me for 2 months just because he got jealous of me being with my friends instead of him. Actually, I planned a lot of things to do with him during the 2 months holiday but everything didn’t go as planned. I spent more time with my friends and rarely talked to him. He would only ask how I was on certain days. I would just reply him and our conversation would just stop like that.

When school reopened,I didn’t went home with him and we texted like normal. It seemed like he forgot about what had happened and pretended that he didn’t ignored me for the past 2 months. As I could not stand his behaviour,I decided to break up. How could he leave me alone for 2 months and pretend that nothing have ever happend. I could not stand suffering anymore. It wasn’t only because of the 2months silent treatment but many more that is just hard to express.

I didn’t want to get hurt more and I didn’t want him to get hurt too. I felt that my decision was right. That was how our 14months relationship ended. I suffered depression and tried to get back on track with life. Eventhough I didn’t physically cried on that day,other nights when I am lonely I cried soo much till my eyes were swollen the next morning. I slowly lived live as normal,with a broken heart and a different mindset.

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ONEW^^~~ <3
pinkaddict #2
Chapter 9: i thought the picture was leeminho. haha1
Cute story ^^
grrreat storyy..<br />
but it's too short..
MissFreshMilk #5
WonderrFul Storry :D