The Reason Why

The Price of Pride

A/N: We have been kicked out of our website for fixes, so I'm bored and kept writing and decided to post this. As the title suggests, you will know (sort of) why Woohyun had been acting the way he was towards Sunggyu. This chapter is a little longer than the first one.


Sunggyu sighed for what was probably the hundredth time. Across from him, his companions all looked at each other, worriedly.

There was, of course, his best friend Dongwoo, Sunggyu’s little brother Myungsoo, and Myungsoo’s best friend Sungjong. Myungsoo had gathered them all together because he noticed that his older brother had been down in the dumps lately and wanted to cheer him up. So, he asked everyone to go out for lunch that Saturday since it was the older two’s day offs and the younger two didn’t have classes.

“Hyung, if there’s something going on, you can tell us,” prompted his younger brother, smiling kindly. “You know we’re here for you.”

On either side of him, the other to nodded.

With that, the oldest sighed again. “I don’t know what it is I’ve done or doing wrong,” he started. “But… Woohyun has just been really… distant. And… I miss him… I miss him so much.”

Now, Kim Sunggyu was, by no means, an emotional man. He prided himself in being level-headed most of the time. But, when it came to Woohyun… he could feel the sting of tears prickling at his eyes and he willed them to go away.

“I can’t help but wonder if maybe he’s… bored?” he asked the others. They all threw each other confused looks so he continued. “You know how Woohyun was back in the day. He had a new fling almost every month because he was easily bored. I’m surprised I even lasted this long-.”

“Hyung! Don’t say that!” Myungsoo exclaimed, eyes widened. “He loves you, that’s why. He said so when he confessed, right?”

Sunggyu thought back to the confession and laughed a little bitterly. “Yeah, that must be why I lasted this long. But, I guess he got bored now.” He sighed. “Let’s face it. I’m boring. I have boring looks. Boring interests. Even my job is boring sometimes!”

He sighed again.

Meanwhile, the youngest, Sungjong was pursing his lips, staring at his best friend’s older brother,

“Hyung, where is Woohyun-hyung now?” he asked.

Sunggyu shrugged. “He’s at home… I think. But he says he’s going out to a Club with his work buddies tonight. Apparently, it’s one of their birthdays.”

Sungjong suddenly perked up and whispered something into Myungsoo’s ears. His brother frowned for a few moments before beaming and whispering into Dongwoo’s ear now. The three suddenly looked at him with scarily matching grins.

The older flashed them curious looks. When Lee Sungjong schemed… it couldn’t be good.




“Kim Myungsoo, you have got to be kidding me!”

“What? You look great, hyung!” the younger answered.

“Yeah, Sunggyu-hyung,” Dongwoo added. “If I didn’t already have my eye on someone else, I’d ask you out.”


“Sunggyu-hyung, stop squirming and let me finish!” Sungjong demanded with a glare and Sunggyu had no choice but to stay still as the maknae finished off putting eyeliner on him.

The younger looked at him for a moment before clapping, satisfied. “Ta da! My masterpiece! Woohyun-hyung will not be able to resist! Pfft! Boring. Let’s see how he feels about you being boring now! You look hot, Sunggyu-hyung!”

And Sunggyu stared at himself in the mirror in disbelief.

They were in the apartment Myungsoo shared with Sungjong. His younger brother’s fashionista friend had shoved him into a pair of tight black jeans and a white graphic t-shirt and topped it off with a black leather jacket. Then, he had tousled his mahogany brown hair that made it look attractively messy and lined his eyes with black eyeliner.

He felt like he had stepped back in time to his teenage years during his rocker phase.

His first words to the younger, however, were, “How did you get clothes that fit me?”

Because no offense to Sungjong, but the maknae was much slimmer and a little shorter than Sunggyu.

Sungjong just waved a hand. “Never mind that, aren’t you going to thank me?”

The older only flashed him a look, not wavering.

Sungjong sighed. “Fine. Myungsoo had been planning on kidnapping you about a year ago to be the model for his photography project, and he enlisted my help.”

“But, my professor changed my assignment and he had me do landscapes and still life instead,” added Myungsoo. “So, we kind of forgot we even had these. Well, until Sungjong reminded me today.”

Sunggyu wanted to ask more questions but decided to let it go for today. First, the issue at hand.

“So, how is this going to help me with whatever problem I have with Woohyun?” he questioned.




Dongwoo drove him back to his apartment, with the two younger in the back seat. As he nervously got out and walked up to his building, they sent him “Fighting!” signs before driving away.

As he reached his door, he nervously swallowed the lump in his throat but repeated in his head, “You’ve got this. You’re hot. And Woohyun loves you.”

Putting on a smile, he opened the door and announced that he was home.

It appeared that Woohyun was about to head out, himself as he was already dressed and putting on his jacket. He paused when Sunggyu came in, his eyes raking over his figure. Sunggyu thought he saw a flash of want in those brown eyes for a second, and his confidence grew.

But, it was soon crushed.

“What are you wearing?” the younger asked, frowning.

“Um… Well… Sungjong and Myungsoo wanted to give me a make-over,” he answered, technically not lying. “Is it okay?”

He hoped that Woohyun would compliment him.

But, the younger only shrugged as he finished putting on his jacket and his shoes. “I guess,” he answered, walking over to him and pecking his forehead before heading for the door. “Well, I’m off.”

Sunggyu’s eyes widened. “Wait!”

Woohyun paused, his hand on the door knob, looking over questioningly at his older boyfriend.

“Can’t you… stay home tonight?” Sunggyu asked, and he cursed the softness of his tone; it made him sound so weak and vulnerable. “We haven’t really done anything together in a while and-.”

“Sunggyu, you know that this has been planned for weeks,” said Woohyun, sounding a little annoyed. “I can’t just back out, that would be rude.”

“Oh.” Sunggyu pursed his lips. “Can’t I come with you then?”

Woohyun hesitated before shaking his head. “It’s invitation only, sorry,” he said, not sounding sorry at all.

The nonchalant tone made Sunggyu’s heart ache. “Oh… right… Okay then.”

They stayed in silence for a few moments, the atmosphere suddenly tense and awkward. Woohyun then cleared his throat.

“I’ll be going now,” he stated, opening the door.

“Okay, I…”

The door slammed shut.

“… love you…”

Sunggyu sighed in disappointment, before turning to the mirror in their living room. He stared at his reflection for several minutes, wondering if he really was that unattractive.

Were his eyes too small? He had always been insecure about his eyes. His nose was sharp, but was it too big? And his lips were really thin, kind of chapped too, sometimes. Was that why Woohyun had stopped kissing him these days? His stomach was kind of chubby, but he didn’t really have time to exercise. Were his cheeks fat too? Was that why Woohyun wouldn’t touch him anymore? Because he was fat? Should he lose weight?

Sighing again, Sunggyu managed to pull his cell phone out of the pocket of those tight jeans and call Dongwoo.

“Hey, hyung! Did it work?”

“No. He left.”

“What?! Is that Nam Woohyun blind?!”

“I don’t know Dongwoo-yah. But I guess it wasn’t as effective as you guys thought. Anyway, wanna come over and watch a movie or something? I’m bored.”

Dongwoo was silent for about a minute and Sunggyu waited patiently as he slipped the leather jacket off and headed for the bedroom to get changed.

“Don’t move.”

Sunggyu stopped in his tracks.

“Don’t do anything. I’m coming to get you and then we’re picking up Myungsoo and Jongie again.”

“Why? Where are we going?”

“You said Woohyun’s going clubbing?”


“Then, so are we!”

“Wait, what?”

“Be there in 20 minutes!”



The younger hung up. Sunggyu stared at the phone, wondering what he got himself into this time. But, hey, if it helped him forget how ty he was feeling, he supposed it couldn’t be too bad.




He was wrong. It was bad.

The Club Dongwoo took them to was apparently the same Club that Woohyun and his co-workers were at. And the younger had spotted him right away. Which was why they were now standing in a corner, with Woohyun glaring at him in what appeared to be disappointment. What he was disappointed about, Sunggyu wasn’t sure. He used to be able to read the younger so well, but now… he barely knew him at all. Maybe he never did.

“You seriously followed me here?!” Woohyun exclaimed.

“I didn’t!” Sunggyu defended. “Dongwoo took me here!”

“Is that why you got all dressed up like… that.” The younger’s brows furrowed and Sunggyu wondered if the younger was disgusted with his look.

His small eyes narrowed into slits at his boyfriend. “It’s not like you were going to be home anyway,” he retorted, scoffing.

Woohyun clenched his teeth. “I told you, this had been planned for weeks!”

“And that’s fine with me.” Sunggyu could play the nonchalant game too. “You stick with your friends and I’ll stick with mine.”

Without another word, he walked past his boyfriend, making sure to lightly brush their shoulders too, for effect.

Needless to say, he spent the next hour, sitting at the bar and staring into his glass of beer, taking tentative sips. Dongwoo, Myungsoo, and Sungjong had disappeared into the crowd of dancers.

What was he even doing there? What was the point? If he was supposed to forget about his neglectful boyfriend for a few hours, then it obviously backfired because he was somewhere in this room, having fun, surrounded by women and men who obviously wanted his attention.

“I should just go home,” he said to himself out loud.

“That would be a shame. I was hoping to get to know you, handsome.”

Sunggyu turned his head to tell that person to just leave him alone. Next to him was a man whom he could only describe as a handsome prince looking back at him. No, seriously, the guy looked absolutely regal. He was tan, with large brown eyes that sparkled, a high pointed-nose, thick pink lips, and a slender neck.

The guy smiled, flirtatiously at him, revealing a set of pearly white teeth. He held his hand out to Sunggyu. “Ken,” he introduced. “You?”

“Um… Sunggyu.” He slipped his hand into Ken’s and the other guy lifted it to his lips, planting a small kiss.

Sunggyu turned red and tried to gently take his hand back without being rude.

“So, Sunggyu-shii” Ken perched himself on the stool next to Sunggyu. “What brought you here tonight if you were going to go home anyway?”

Sunggyu sighed, he seemed to be doing that a lot lately. “It’s a long story,” he answered before taking a sip of his beer, cringing slightly at the bitter taste… like his love life.

Ken shrugged. “I have all night. I’m here with some work friends but I don’t mind chatting with you for a bit.”

His head must have been fuzzy because the next thing he knew, he was lamenting his boyfriend woes to this stranger who looked on and listened, sympathetically. Before he knew it, he was on his third glass of beer and he was definitely feeling fuzzy.

The stranger was a good conversationalist, he had to admit. He told funny stories, made Sunggyu laugh, and even complimented him, saying that his boyfriend must be blind if he could resist him in that outfit.

Which was probably why he didn’t protest when this stranger… Ken… led him out onto the dance floor, twirling him around and swaying with him.

Sunggyu was not the best dancer. No, that was Dongwoo and Woohyun. But, hey, he could bounce to a beat! And for a while, he was really starting to have fun with Ken. He didn’t even mind when the other wrapped an arm around his waist, bringing him closer…..

He was suddenly pulled back by a firm grip on his arm. He turned his head, ready to give that rude person a piece of his mind but stopped when he saw who it was: Woohyun.

The younger was scowling at Sunggyu’s dance partner and new friend. “Back off, Ken,” he growled.

Sunggyu blinked. How did he know his new friend’s name?

Ken looked surprised too. “Hey, I got to him first. Go find someone else, Woohyun-ah.”

“Woohyun, what are you doing?” Sunggyu whispered.

The younger turned to him, furious. “What am I doing?” he seethed. “What are you doing?”

“I was dancing with my friend,” Sunggyu tried to explain, but it looked like Woohyun wouldn’t have it.

Without another word, the younger began dragging him through the crowd of astonished dancers and out into the back alley where the smokers and lollygaggers went. The alley was empty at the moment, though.

Sunggyu couldn’t help but wonder… was Woohyun jealous? He had that familiar glint in his eyes that sent shivers up Sunggyu’s spine and made him weirdly excited. If Woohyun was jealous, then there was hope. Woohyun still loved him. He wouldn’t be angry otherwise.

The younger shoved him against the wall and the older hoped that he would get a searing kiss to seal the deal.

But, instead, he got a glare. “What was that, Sunggyu?! Are you trying to piss me off?!”

Offended, Sunggyu glared back. “Not everything is about you,” he hissed. “And it’s not like you care anyway. You’ve been ignoring me!”

“Ignoring you?! When the hell did I start ignoring you?!”

“Oh, you don’t know? Let me tell you then! In the morning when I wake up, you’re not there. When I come home from work, you’re still not there! When we’re both at home, you’re too busy watching T.V. or you’re on your phone! When I call you or text you to ask where you are and when you’re coming home, I don’t get an answer! When I ask you to help me with something or to do something, you pretend like you can’t hear me! When I try to talk to you about something serious, you leave! When was the last time we even went out on a date and had a proper conversation?!”

For a second there, Woohyun almost looked guilty. But, by then, Sunggyu stopped giving a damn and let it all out.

“You’re always out! You barely talk to me at home! Do you even remember the last time we kissed?! Or had ?! Or just hugged?! Or even said ‘I love you’?! Do you?! Cause I don’t!”

Sunggyu’s breaths were coming in short pants now, his heart pounding so painfully against his chest. He could feel the tears threatening to fall, but he refused to show them to his boyfriend… his boyfriend who was now looking away from him and staring at the gravel.

Woohyun actually had the gall to sigh and look resigned. “Alright, you got my attention. What do you want, Gyu?”

He looked up at the older now… there was some concern in those eyes.

It pissed Sunggyu off. “Can you stop acting like you actually care?! Because you don’t, Woohyun!”

“What the hell do you want from me?!” Woohyun threw his hands balled hands into the air as he shook in fury. “You ask for me to start caring, and when I do, you want me to stop. What do you want from me?!”

“I just want some sincerity! I want you to pay attention to me! And I want you to act like my boyfriend again!”

Woohyun groaned in annoyance, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. The action caused Sunggyu’s heart to sink. He really didn’t care…

“For God’s sake, Sunggyu, I can’t pay attention to you all the time! I have a life too!”

“I’m not asking for all of your attention! Just some of it! Is that too much to ask?!”

“Yes! You’re asking for too much, okay?!”

Sunggyu stepped back, feeling like he’d been slapped. Woohyun, himself, was looking red and flustered as he glared at the older.

The latter could not recognize the man in front of him. Where was the man who begged Sunggyu for a date? Where was the affectionate man who never left home without kissing him goodbye? Where was his loving boyfriend who enveloped him in his warmth in the cold mornings and brought him flowers for no reason? Where was his Woohyun?

Something wet and warm fell from his eye and slid down his cheek as he stared at the unrecognizable man in front of him, who now bore a guilty look. And that look alone clenched at his heart, squeezing until there was nothing left.

“Did I do something wrong?” Sunggyu whispered, more to himself than to Woohyun. “Did I say something or do something that pushed you away?”

Woohyun stayed silent, his eyes wide as he stared back at the older.

Sunggyu continued his questions.” Am I ugly? Did you finally realize that you dated someone unattractive?”

 “Sunggyu, stop.”

“Do I nag you too much? Do I talk too much?”

“Stop it, Sunggyu!”

“Or maybe I was the one who stopped paying attention to you? Did I neglect you, Woohyun?”


“Or maybe I’m boring, right? Do I bore you, Woohyun? Are you bored of-.”

“Yes!” Woohyun blurted out.

With that one word, Sunggyu felt his entire world crash. But, it didn’t stop there. Because like Sunggyu, it seemed that Woohyun also had a lot to say.

“Yes, I’m bored! I’m bored of just staying in and watching DVDs all the time! I’m bored of the same old cafes and restaurants and movie theaters! I’m bored of going straight home from work! I’m bored of seeing the same faces every day! I want to go out drinking and hanging out with my friends! I want to meet new people! Okay?! I miss the old days! I miss the old me, the one who could have fun without needing to text or call someone to let them know just because they’re waiting for me at home! I miss my freedom! I want my life back!”

Silence echoed in the alley. The Club’s upbeat party music and the honks of passing cars sounded distant.

Woohyun ran a hand through his face. “Look… I… I can’t deal with this right now,” he said, tone much calmer now.

And to add salt to the wound, the younger turned around and entered the Club again, leaving Sunggyu in the alley to nurse his broken heart.



He didn’t know how he managed to get home without Dongwoo, but he did. Everything that happened after the alley was a bit of a blur, but as soon as he stepped foot into the cold apartment, he went straight into the bedroom.

He felt like a robot as he went about taking a suitcase from the top shelf of their closet, grabbing some of his clothes in the process. He could barely register the sniffles, the tears falling from his eyes, and the tightening in his chest. He ignored the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach and his shaking hands as he stuffed shirts and pants and random shoes into the suitcase, not even sure if they were his or the other’s.

Suddenly, his phone rang, interrupting his packing. Sunggyu picked it up to see that it was his brother, probably calling to ask where he was. Instead of answering, he hung up the call and switched the phone off before turning his attention back to the half-full suitcase.

What was he doing? Was he really going to run away like some rebellious teenager, just like that? This was his home too, so why did he have to leave?

But, what was the point of staying? Woohyun had made it clear: he was bored with Sunggyu. He was bored of their simple relationship. He felt like being with Sunggyu was taking away his freedom and his life. Sunggyu was a burden.

The older’s knees finally gave way and he sunk onto the floor next to the bed, heaving as the tears streamed down his face. The aching in his chest multiplied tenfold as he curled up into himself.

Despite everything that the younger said… Despite the hurt… Why could he not find it in himself to hate Woohyun?

And furthermore… why couldn’t he bear to leave?



A/N: And there is the reason!... Or is it?

'Til the next one, chingus!

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Chapter 10: The ending was beautiful. It was the perfect ending to this beautiful story. As always I loved reading this story. You always deliver in your stories❤️
Chapter 9: This is good. Pillow talks are so great. That really helps couples to understand each other better. Have heard about it somewhere and I think it is very practical if both of them wants to listen to each other. Thanks for the update
Chapter 8: This is so good so far. Love is that foolish but beautiful feeling no one can resist. Loved reading this
Chapter 1: I am finding your stories again. Excited to read this too.
Chapter 2: My heart hurts!!!
Chapter 10: I love the story. It made me believe in happy endings again!
Chapter 10: I'm so stupid. ..I thought the previous chapter was the end! Didn't see the next chapter option...(sigh)..but what a surprise^^ I loved it!!! I loved every single thing of this story~
This beautifully written piece of art will be close to my heart for infinity! ♡
Chapter 9: You brought tears to my eyes but I'm more than glad that I had the chance to shed my tears on this beautiful piece. I subscribed to this story long back.. most probably when I was searching for woogyu fics... but I kept it for some other time as it was kinda sad and eventually I forgot about I was going through my subscription in search of an old story and I came across this in my second last page...I was like I don't remember reading this. .. I opened it and started reading. Tbh, yesterday( it's now 5:12 in the morning) was kinda blue for me... and I needed something to relax and clear my mind before going to sleep... I must say this lovely fic took me to a rollercoster ride which was surprisingly very relaxing and calming even though I was crying & smiling at the same time ..I'm really really happy that I found it again and didn't miss it this time..otherwise I would regret later knowing that I had neglected a jewel in my possession for so long. Finally, thanks a lot for writing and sharing this masterpiece with us!♡
p.s sorry for the long note...I couldn't help it.
Amoreno2 #9
Chapter 10: OMG this story was sooooo cute :)))) I love this couple :))) Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story authornim :)))))
Chapter 10: It was like a bee hive. It was once, the bee would sting you and then the hive make it up and full of sweet honey. Oh gosh... I really love this roller coaster ride. Its thrilling but amazingly well written.