
The Price of Pride

A/N: I'm just spoiling you all today, aren't I? ;)

“Hi, is this seat taken?”

“No, you can sit.”


“I’m Nam Woohyun, by the way.”

“Kim Sunggyu.”


“You’re a music minor too?”

“Yeah. Looks like we’ll be sharing a few classes together.”

“So, can I call you, hyung?”

Chuckle. “Fine.”


“Stop that.”

“Stop what?”

“Stop looking at me like… that.”

“But you look really cute, hyung.”

“I’m not cute! I’m a man!”

“Fine, you’re handsome, Sunggyu-hyung.”

“Are you blushing?!”

“Shut up!”


“Hyung, let’s go out.”

“Sure, what do you want to do?”

“No, hyung. I mean… let’s go out.”

“I don’t know, Woohyun.”

“But, why?! Don’t you find me attractive?”

“I do, it’s just that…”


A sigh. “I’m looking for a commitment, Woohyun, not a fling.”

“I can commit!”

A snort. “Right.”



“Nam Woohyun, what the hell are you doing?!”

“This is my proof, hyung! I’m going to prove to you that I’m serious about you!”

“What are you-.”

“Everyone! Listen! Do you hear me? I’m in love with Kim Sunggyu! You all got that?! He’s mine!”

“Nam Woohyun!”

“Hyung, be mine. I love you.”

“Y-Yah! Get up from there!”

“I’m not getting up until you agree to give me a chance!”

“Nam Woohyun!”


“Fine! Fine! I’ll go out with you! Just… get up, you idiot!”




“You know I love you. Do you love me?”

A mumbled reply.

“What was that, hyung?”

“I love you too, okay?! I… I love you, Woohyun.”


“Woohyun, I graduated!”

“I’m so proud of you, hyung! Waaah, my boyfriend is amazing!”


“Hyung, I’m nervous. What if they don’t want to hire me?”

“You got this, Nam Woohyun! Fighting!”


“Will you move in with me, Woohyun-ah?”


“Woohyun-ah, I brought your favorite cake!”


“I told you to check the expiration date! Idiot, but I guess I would have to take care of my sick baby. You’re lucky I love you, Nam Woohyun.”


“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Woohyun.”



The said one blinked and shook his head, clearing his mind of the memories. He turned to the one who called him, his co-worker whose birthday they were celebrating that night. The co-worker who also caused his blood to boil that night.

“What the hell, man?!” Ken whined as he fell into the seat across from him. “You’re such a killjoy! I was getting along so well with that cutie with the boyfriend and you ruined it!”

Woohyun stared back at him, his brows furrowed. “ boyfriend?!”

Sunggyu called him an ?! How dare he?!

“I didn’t even get his number!” Ken continued to whine, oblivious of the dark aura Woohyun was emitting. “His boyfriend sounds like he’s going to dump him-.”

“I am not dumping him!” Woohyun exclaimed, irritated. “What the hell gave you that idea?!”

Ken blinked as he stared at him. “Wait… what?”

“I’m not dumping Sunggyu! Why the hell would I do that?!”

His co-worker’s mouth was wide open in an “o” as he stared back at him, confused. “You’re… Sunggyu-shii’s boyfriend?”

Woohyun scowled. “Yeah! So stop dreaming and find someone else worth your time.”

“He’s definitely worth my time,” Ken mumbled.

“Yah!” The irritation grew and his grip on the glass of beer tightened.

“Dude, I thought you were single!”

It was Woohyun’s turn to look confused. “What gave you that idea? I always talk about my boyfriend!”

“Yeah…” Ken nodded, flashing him a skeptical look. “But you stopped a couple of months ago. You started hanging out with us after work. Before, you were all ‘My boyfriend this…’ and ‘My boyfriend that…’ And now it’s ‘Are you guys going out tonight?’ or ‘Where are we going drinking?’ We thought you guys broke up and you’re wallowing your sorrows in liquor! Why do you think Mia and Jisoo have been flirting with you a lot these days?”

Woohyun blinked. “They were?”

“Dude, seriously?!”

Woohyun shrugged and took a sip from his glass of beer. “I have a boyfriend. I didn’t notice.”

“Didn’t look like it,” Ken muttered.

Woohyun’s eye twitched. “Excuse me?!”

“What? Your boyfriend spent a good hour talking to me about how his boyfriend barely talked to him in the last few months, won’t even touch him, and always coming home late. It sounded like you’re on your way to dumping him.”

“Will you stop saying that?! I’m not dumping him!” Woohyun slammed his glass against the table, pissed off now. “I can’t believe he called me an !”

“He didn’t.”


Ken took a slow sip of his beer, prompting Woohyun to glare at him. “He didn’t call you an ,” he explained matter-of-factly. “I’m the one calling you an because that's how I see it. In fact, he kept saying how he misses you and asking if he did something wrong or what he can do to make you pay attention to him again. No offense, but you’re kind of an boyfriend for ignoring your man.”

“Hey, we’ve been together for 3 years, I paid him a lot of attention all that time!” Woohyun defended. “I just want time for myself! Is that too much to ask?”

Ken raised an eyebrow. “Time to yourself? For how long? Dude, if I had a boyfriend that sweet and caring-.”

“He’s a nag.”

“Nagging is caring. Wish I had a guy who nagged me, maybe I’d actually get done. Anyway, what I meant to say is if I had a boyfriend who cared so much about me and at the same time, that hot…”


“… I’d never let him go. I’d smother him in attention until he grew sick of me!”

Woohyun scoffed. “No wonder you’re still single,” he muttered before sipping his beer, but now he had this strange, unpleasant feeling in his stomach.

He couldn’t deny that Sunggyu was attractive, of course, he was. Sure, compared to most, his looks were average at best, but Woohyun had always liked his eye-smile and those chubby cheeks. He could be incredibly handsome when he put an effort on his fashion, but he was also really cute in just plain baggy shirts and sweatpants. And especially tonight, when dressed in those tight jeans and leather jacket, with his hair all messy like that and his eyes lined with eyeliner, he looked like a million won; Woohyun had almost jumped him when they were at home earlier.

And after hearing Ken talk about Sunggyu that way, it made him want to throw punches. But, he had to control himself for the sake of his reputation; he may be a party animal but he was no brawler.

“Woohyun, did you know he was here tonight?”

Ken’s question broke through his thoughts about his boyfriend… the boyfriend who was now upset with him…

“Yeah, I saw him earlier, he’s here with his friends. Why?”

“And you just let him go off on his own, just like that?” Ken gave him a look of disbelief.

“What? It’s not like he’s a kid who can’t take care of himself. He’s a grown man.”

Woohyun took another sip of his beer, trying to act nonchalant, but there was a sudden uneasiness in the pit of his stomach.

“So… you didn’t mind all those guys and girls ogling your man like they want to eat him up?”

The drink got caught in his throat and Woohyun coughed in succession while flashing confused looks at a laughing Ken.

“Dude, seriously?!” his co-worker exclaimed, still laughing. “If I hadn’t made a move, someone else would have! Your boyfriend looked hot!”

He could feel his blood boiling now. “Will you stop that?! He’s my boyfriend! Mine.”

His co-worker scoffed. “Really? Then maybe you should start acting like it again.”

Ken’s words made him pause. It weirdly echoed what Sunggyu had said to him earlier.

“I want you to act like my boyfriend again!”

The uneasy feeling in his stomach grew and he felt like throwing up.

“Woohyun, man, I’m saying this partly because I care and partly because I have the hots for Sunggyu,” Ken said, ignoring the glare the other sent his way. “If you don’t get your act together and start appreciating him, someone else is going to come along and snatch him from right under your nose. That someone could be me, or they could be someone else. Like I said, your boyfriend’s hot and from your stories, he’s smart and can actually hold a stimulating conversation. And it sounds like he cares a lot about you. Trust me, you’d want to hold on to a guy like that or you’ll regret it.”

Ken took a sip from his beer, leaving a contemplative Woohyun to his thoughts.

Everything that Sunggyu had said to him just an hour ago in the alley came rushing back to him.

Yes, his relationship with Sunggyu was, plain to say, fine over the last three years; it was stable, barely had any problems they couldn’t solve, and Sunggyu was an attentive and doting boyfriend.

But Woohyun had been feeling... restless.

He didn’t mean to ignore the younger. He only meant to give himself a little space to breathe and have fun again. He just thought that because they had been together for so long, that maybe they had been spending all of their time with each other and not enough with other people.

He meant to give not only himself space, but also give Sunggyu some space, so the older could pursue his own fun and interests without waiting for Woohyun all the time. Sure, Woohyun missed spending time with him, but he finally got a taste of the fun he used to have back in college… maybe he had a little too much taste… and maybe Sunggyu didn't exactly see his intentions that way. 

Now that he thought about it, his mood in the last couple of months often fell into the realm of constant annoyance and irritation... which the older obviously noticed. He had also been taking more hours so he was often stressed out at work. In order to unwind, he would go drinking with his colleagues. And he admitted that in his rush in the mornings to get to work early, he would leave without saying goodbye to Sunggyu, but the older never complained about it before… until earlier that night, that is.

All the things he did in the last few months played in his memories like a film… It was a film he never wanted to watch ever again.

He saw himself brushing off Sunggyu’s concerns. He saw himself tuning out Sunggyu’s nagging. He saw himself rejecting Sunggyu’s attempts to take him out on a date at their favorite restaurant. He saw himself drinking and clubbing many nights and coming home to a passed out Sunggyu sleeping on the couch, waiting for him. He saw himself being tempted to kiss away Sunggyu’s pouts, but never did. He saw himself resisting hugging Sunggyu whenever he shivered at night… all in the name of giving themselves space from each other… space that Sunggyu never asked from him, but Woohyun stupidly thought they needed.

, did he take it too far?! What had he done?!

Without another word, Woohyun grabbed his jacket, slapped some bills on the table for his share of the food and drinks, and rushed out of the club, ignoring Ken’s calls asking where he was going.



All the lights in the apartment were off when he arrived. He hung up his jacket, took off his shoes, and headed for the bedroom.

There, on the bed, laid his boyfriend, fast asleep on his side, his back facing Woohyun. The younger carefully tiptoed towards the bed and sank onto it, gently. For a minute or so, he simply stared at Sunggyu’s back, guilty feelings eating at his chest.

He swore that in the morning, he would apologize and make it up to Sunggyu.

He got up and went to their dresser to grab some pajamas to change into when he noticed how messy the clothes in it were, as if they were stuffed in there quickly with no care whatsoever. He found it odd because Sunggyu always made sure their clothes were placed neatly in the drawers to avoid wrinkles.

When he turned to head for the bathroom, his eyes caught sight of their closet; the door was ajar. Again, another odd thing because Sunggyu always made sure it was closed. Woohyun padded over to it and pushed it close. It refused to budge. Something was blocking the door from fully closing.

Curiously, he pulled it open and it took his eyes a few seconds to adjust until it made out a dark blob on the floor of the closet. Taking out his cellphone and turning on the flashlight, he waved it over the blob.

One of their suitcases lying flat on its back stared back at him. It made his entire body go cold. What was a suitcase doing down here when it was supposed to be up on the shelf?

Woohyun got on his knees and with one hand holding the phone, the other shaky hand reached over to flip the ped top open. Inside were Sunggyu’s clothes, unfolded and messy, like they were haphazardly thrown in there in a hurry.

Seeing that suitcase full of clothes, Woohyun felt like he was finally being slapped awake from his stupidity.

Was Sunggyu… going to leave him? But… he was still here! Was he waiting until the next morning then?

With so much guilt in his heavy heart, the younger closed the suitcase and pushed it further inside the closet. He would have lifted it up to the top shelf, but that would create too much noise and would wake up the older, so this would have to do for now.

Then, he went back to the bed next to Sunggyu. He was tempted to wake him up, whisper apologies in his ear. But… he couldn’t bring himself to do so. He felt so ashamed of himself.

It was his own fault. He should have just talked to Sunggyu, explained why he was acting the way he was, explained his stress at work, that he needed a little space… not just suddenly cut him out, just like that, leaving the older confused and panicking.

No, his apology would have to wait until tomorrow. For now, Woohyun would let him sleep. After all the emotional stress the younger put him through, Sunggyu deserved it.

So, Woohyun got ready for bed and slid under the covers beside his boyfriend. He considered pulling the older into his arms and wrapping him in a tight hug… but, he felt like he didn’t deserve such an intimate act. Not after what he had done these last few months. No, he would start off nice and slow tomorrow, build it up again.

Tomorrow was a Sunday anyway so he didn’t have to be awake early for work. He would sleep in this time so that when Sunggyu awoke, Woohyun would be right next to him. Woohyun would then make them breakfast and apologize for the things he said and would promise to make it up to him. He would then take Sunggyu out on a date and hold hands with him, kiss him behind menus, take him to the movies, or whatever else it was that the older wanted to do.

Woohyun would make it up to him tomorrow.

Satisfied with that thought, he fell asleep.




When he woke up the next morning, it took him a few moments for everything that happened the night before to come back to him, to remind him of what he swore he would do today.

Smiling, Woohyun rolled over and blindly reached out for the warm body next to him. His hands met air.

Confused, he opened his eyes. The space next to him was empty.


A/N: I know a lot of you are really angry at Woohyun right now, and you have every right to be. He made an move and now he's paying the consequences for it. But, don't forget, there are two sides to every story. There are two people in a relationship who need to work in order for it to succeed. And at this point, neither of them are doing a very good job of it.

Sigh... I definitely know how that feels... 

Anywho, 'til the next one, chingus!

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Chapter 10: The ending was beautiful. It was the perfect ending to this beautiful story. As always I loved reading this story. You always deliver in your stories❤️
Chapter 9: This is good. Pillow talks are so great. That really helps couples to understand each other better. Have heard about it somewhere and I think it is very practical if both of them wants to listen to each other. Thanks for the update
Chapter 8: This is so good so far. Love is that foolish but beautiful feeling no one can resist. Loved reading this
Chapter 1: I am finding your stories again. Excited to read this too.
Chapter 2: My heart hurts!!!
Chapter 10: I love the story. It made me believe in happy endings again!
Chapter 10: I'm so stupid. ..I thought the previous chapter was the end! Didn't see the next chapter option...(sigh)..but what a surprise^^ I loved it!!! I loved every single thing of this story~
This beautifully written piece of art will be close to my heart for infinity! ♡
Chapter 9: You brought tears to my eyes but I'm more than glad that I had the chance to shed my tears on this beautiful piece. I subscribed to this story long back.. most probably when I was searching for woogyu fics... but I kept it for some other time as it was kinda sad and eventually I forgot about I was going through my subscription in search of an old story and I came across this in my second last page...I was like I don't remember reading this. .. I opened it and started reading. Tbh, yesterday( it's now 5:12 in the morning) was kinda blue for me... and I needed something to relax and clear my mind before going to sleep... I must say this lovely fic took me to a rollercoster ride which was surprisingly very relaxing and calming even though I was crying & smiling at the same time ..I'm really really happy that I found it again and didn't miss it this time..otherwise I would regret later knowing that I had neglected a jewel in my possession for so long. Finally, thanks a lot for writing and sharing this masterpiece with us!♡
p.s sorry for the long note...I couldn't help it.
Amoreno2 #9
Chapter 10: OMG this story was sooooo cute :)))) I love this couple :))) Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story authornim :)))))
Chapter 10: It was like a bee hive. It was once, the bee would sting you and then the hive make it up and full of sweet honey. Oh gosh... I really love this roller coaster ride. Its thrilling but amazingly well written.