Fifth Panda, revealed ◙

We Got Married [Apply CLOSED]


AFF Username: Dulcet
Name: Park Eun Kyung
Birthday: 18 May 1990
Born Place: Oslo, the capital city of Norway.
Height: 5’6
Weight: 48kg
School: She graduated from a two-year university in Norway called Høgskolen i Molde.
Generally, Eunkyung is a likeable person. She tries to stay on everyone's good side and usually succeeds in doing so. When someone asks a favor of her, she'll jump at their word and try her best to help them out. Her inner self could easily be summarized as loyal, admittedly easy to trick, sweet-hearted, and creative. A secret passion of Eunkyung's is sketching. She loves to spend time sketching animals and nature with just a simple pencil and paper. Quite a harmless girl, right? Well, not really. Despite her sweet personality, Eunkyung can be the living incarnate of the devil when she wants to be. She can be devious and sneaky when she needs to be, which is usually when she's standing up for a friend or exacting her revenge. That's right. A sweetheart, who holds a deep, dark grudge for a good, long time.
- Fashion and style.
- Baking and simple home-maker activities.
- Hiking and camping.
- Speaking in Norwegian to confuse people.
- Singing. And quite badly, to say the very least.
- Jogging in the morning.
- Swimming (has an irrational fear of water due to childhood).
- Spicy foods.
- People who think they're better than others and people who judge.
- Golf and the golf channel. Yuck.
- Very hot weather.
- Overly competitive people.
- Nibbling on thumb when worried.
- Not eating when upset, worried, stressed, etc.
- Bouncing on heels when idle.
- Grabbing peoples' hands when excited.
- Humming.
Yang Yoseob
Lee Sungmin
Eunkyung was born in Oslo, Norway to two Korean parents. She is, in fact, of completely Korean background; her parents only moved to Norway because of job stability and family. When she was seven years old, Eunkyung was swimming in the chilly Atlantic ocean at a beach near her aunt's home. The current pulled her under and little Eunkyung was pulled out to sea by a rip tide. For several hours she was tossed around and lost, with her family (and a police water squad) frantically searching for her. Luckily she was saved by a rookie police officer and his CPR skills, but Eunkyung has refused to go near any body of water since. Other than that, she lead a more or less average lifestyle. Her family was middle class. Both of her parents worked in a technology factory until Eunkyung was ten, but after that they opened a bakery together. This is where Eunkyung's love of baking came to life. She graduated high school and went on to attend Høgskolen i Molde. She soon graduated and moved to Seoul, Korea, and hopes to open a bakery of her own very soon. She has a strong love for life and is a generally down to earth girl. She has only ever had two boyfriends, and has never properly kissed a boy. The one time she was 'kissed' was when her first boyfriend tried to kiss her, but she didn't want to. He only ended up pecking her cheek, so she really has 'never been kissed.'
congrats to Dulcet!!! :)
our FIFTH panda! hoorayyy! waaaahh! I'm already use with panda~
Panda unnie, I'll give you bamboo. Hahaha!
<3 baeunalurve19
stay tuned! ^^
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don't worry, unnie<br />
i'll wait :) kekeke<br />
and it's so sad that you can't attend SHINee's concert but you have another chances right? so don't be sad!<br />
huhuhu don't be sad *hugs*<br />
I'll wait, chapter 1 pleaaase!^^ kekeke~<br />
fighting~~!! ^^
taemine #3
@baeunalurve19 [A]: haha yeah Jonghyun has the same bday as me! lol also Gummy... :D
taemine #4
hello! i just did the form! hehe, it was kinda long coz i explained it in :D<br />
can't wait for the story to start!!<br />
btw, i'm jealous of u MyLovelyPanda! ur going to korea for SHinee's concert?? waaaaah! i wish i could go too....huhu please film some fancams for us? hehe
i sent the form already~! :D good luck writers~!!^^<br />
sorry for the late reply! :D<br />
omg i'm under adam couple, they're my favorite couple in WGM! :)<br />
in the process of filling the form now<br />
Adam couple!! :D<br />
oooh~ O.O seems like it'll be complicated ><<br />
in the process of filling the form now :D I'll send it in a few mins ;)<br />
yay! toootally can't wait for this!^^
The KhunToria couple, huh?<br />
-Twitch-<br />
>_>;;;<br />
This is gonna be interesting. LOL! Oh, you know me~<br />
brainyjs #9
did the form!! and unnie... you spelt my name wrongly in the form... ><...<br />
sigh... anyway... updateeeee!! XD!
JennyIsAineseKiaile #10
i did the form :D