Seventh Panda, revealed ♥

We Got Married [Apply CLOSED]


AFF Username: BluxYue
Name: Rin Raemi
Birthday: 5 September 1988
Born Place: Ulsan, South Korea
Height: 164cm
Weight: 54kg
School: Seoul University


- She's the type of girl who people tend to question about sometimes. She's weird and she isn't afraid to admit it either. Perhaps one of her weirdest traits is that she ALWAYS has to have a sticky notepad plus a pen with her at ALL times. People ask her why and she normally replies with a smile, write something down, stick it on their forehead and just walk away. But honestly, it's mainly because she has this bad tendency to forget important things, so she uses the sticky notes to remind her. And she WILL freak out if she forgets either or both items. Besides that weird trait, she's a rather sensible girl who smiles a lot and isn't really the type to get overly hyper or overly loud. Normally gentle and really nurturing, she sometimes gives out this motherly vibe. She always attempts to stay away from arguments, but if she must, she'll try to solve it. She hates flaunting her "high status" and will NOT say anything about it. If it ever comes down to her background, she tends to lie, saying that she comes from a humble and really plain family. However, get her angry and that becomes a different story. Another weird trait she has is that she WILL go all out just to find something that belongs to the person she's angry at, then attempt to either hit them with the item or throw it at them. She has a weakness though, especially when she's angry. Her weakness is coffee flavored Japanese mochi. 


- Asian Media
- Witty comebacks
- Standup comedy
- Junk Food
- Reading fanfiction and comic books


- Carrots
- Spiders 
- Super Sweet and Spicy Foods
- People who talk behind my back
- Forced Excise 


- Throwing people's own stuff at them
- Being quiet about my real feelings
- Great listener
- Always looking at the bright side of things
- Always prepared for the day

- Kim Jaejoong

- Yoon Si Yoon



Raemi was born in Ulsan, South Korea by her Chinese father and her Korean mother; however raised in Olongapo City, Philippines for most of her childhood life. During her high school years, she spent those years studying at the States as an long term exchange student before she returned to Korea to be with her parents, who had also returned to Korea during her time away. Born as an only child, she was somewhat spoiled, which is why she was allowed to study in the States for four years, but she somehow managed to not develop the "Princess Attitude". Both her parents are considered to be "upper class citizens", which also gave her the chance to study at Taiwan for one year. She's doing this show behind her parent's back. She's fluent in Korean, Tagalog and English; however, currently learning how to speak Mandarin.
seventh panda, revealed! i love this number, seven!
ahahaha, by the way then,
congrats BluxYue!
oh yeahhh! two more girls to go!!
stay tuned! hope there's none of Panda unnie appliers UN-subscribed her story! :((
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don't worry, unnie<br />
i'll wait :) kekeke<br />
and it's so sad that you can't attend SHINee's concert but you have another chances right? so don't be sad!<br />
huhuhu don't be sad *hugs*<br />
I'll wait, chapter 1 pleaaase!^^ kekeke~<br />
fighting~~!! ^^
taemine #3
@baeunalurve19 [A]: haha yeah Jonghyun has the same bday as me! lol also Gummy... :D
taemine #4
hello! i just did the form! hehe, it was kinda long coz i explained it in :D<br />
can't wait for the story to start!!<br />
btw, i'm jealous of u MyLovelyPanda! ur going to korea for SHinee's concert?? waaaaah! i wish i could go too....huhu please film some fancams for us? hehe
i sent the form already~! :D good luck writers~!!^^<br />
sorry for the late reply! :D<br />
omg i'm under adam couple, they're my favorite couple in WGM! :)<br />
in the process of filling the form now<br />
Adam couple!! :D<br />
oooh~ O.O seems like it'll be complicated ><<br />
in the process of filling the form now :D I'll send it in a few mins ;)<br />
yay! toootally can't wait for this!^^
The KhunToria couple, huh?<br />
-Twitch-<br />
>_>;;;<br />
This is gonna be interesting. LOL! Oh, you know me~<br />
brainyjs #9
did the form!! and unnie... you spelt my name wrongly in the form... ><...<br />
sigh... anyway... updateeeee!! XD!
JennyIsAineseKiaile #10
i did the form :D