eight panda, REVEALED :)

We Got Married [Apply CLOSED]
AFF Username: baeunalurve19
Name: Lee Euna
Birthday: 19 September 1993
Born Place: Seoul, South Korea
Weight: 45kg
School: Jeongshin Girl’s High School

She doesn’t talks, scare, and shy with strangers. She does be talkative if she was in good mood ONLY. She hates awkward situations which make her become fully quiet. She can’t control her voice when she was talking and it was sound like… she was yelling at you. She is nice, caring and helpful person if you know her well. She is very good in playing pranks, tricks, teasing and lying on people with her innocent face. She will do silly-billy things is she was nervous or in rush. She likes to hang out at the mall or café with her friends. She is very choosing in buying stuff especially clothes. She can be funny clown and dorky donkey sometimes if she was really happy and laughing non-stop after that like an idiot. Cry hardly if there any farewell party and it will takes LONG time for her to stop and ended up by having RED eyes and nose. Really have sharp eyes and will noticed any mistake of people around her. However, you can say she deaf, because whenever people called her, she never respond as she didn’t hear them. The one that stupid in doing house-works especially cooking… even boiling water she is STUPID with it. She really loves her sister so, anyone that bad-mouthing about her sister or her family, will get big 'LESSON' after that.

•BANANA!! Or Banana Milk
•Spicy foods & Mint Ice-cream
• Gadgets & Technologies
• Star King! Kang Hodong!!!
• Photography & Designing

• HEIGHT! Mostly, roller Coaster
• Blood or anything that related to its
• Drunker & Smokers
• Swimming

•Walk around the city if she was upset
• Hang out at the café and mall almost every day
•Take photos if there are cute scenes are happening in front of her
• Pout when waiting for someone
• Slap people on face if they are waking her up early in the morning
• Eats banana everyday!

Kim Kibum [Key]

Kevin Woo, UKISS


Euna was born and raised in Seoul, Korea. When she turned to 6 and her brother was 8 that time, her parents send Euna and her brother to live with her grandparents (mother-side) in China to learn kung-fu as it as their family traditions to learn. In China, she doesn’t have many friends there but she learns how to become an independent girl. She always helps her grandma going to harvesting in morning and companies her grandpa to fishing in the evening. 6 years later, her parents took them back to Seoul and they lived as usual. At first, she doesn’t want to go back to Seoul but since her mum ask to, she just could agree with it although her heart said no. And now, she was currently study in Jeongshin Girl’s High School, the school which is fully girls and no boys while her brother was study in Dankook University, the same university as Jonghyun’s SHINee. And she was the cousin of Lee Jieun but no one know including her classmates. The only one who know this, her family and her best friend.
eight panda revealed!!! well, i'm supposed telling you guys too that unnie choose me.
aaaaaaahhh! stupid me, isn't?! hmmmm...
by the way, i dunno who is the last one... since unnie didn't give me her apps yet..
well, we just need to wait for the last one as i also don't read her apps yet :D
last girl, we will wait for youuuuu! :D
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don't worry, unnie<br />
i'll wait :) kekeke<br />
and it's so sad that you can't attend SHINee's concert but you have another chances right? so don't be sad!<br />
huhuhu don't be sad *hugs*<br />
I'll wait, chapter 1 pleaaase!^^ kekeke~<br />
fighting~~!! ^^
taemine #3
@baeunalurve19 [A]: haha yeah Jonghyun has the same bday as me! lol also Gummy... :D
taemine #4
hello! i just did the form! hehe, it was kinda long coz i explained it in detail..lol :D<br />
can't wait for the story to start!!<br />
btw, i'm jealous of u MyLovelyPanda! ur going to korea for SHinee's concert?? waaaaah! i wish i could go too....huhu please film some fancams for us? hehe
i sent the form already~! :D good luck writers~!!^^<br />
sorry for the late reply! :D<br />
omg i'm under adam couple, they're my favorite couple in WGM! :)<br />
in the process of filling the form now<br />
Adam couple!! :D<br />
oooh~ O.O seems like it'll be complicated ><<br />
in the process of filling the form now :D I'll send it in a few mins ;)<br />
yay! toootally can't wait for this!^^
The KhunToria couple, huh?<br />
-Twitch-<br />
>_>;;;<br />
This is gonna be interesting. LOL! Oh, you know me~<br />
brainyjs #9
did the form!! and unnie... you spelt my name wrongly in the form... ><...<br />
sigh... anyway... updateeeee!! XD!
JennyIsAineseKiaile #10
i did the form :D