Sixth Panda, revealed ☼

We Got Married [Apply CLOSED]


AFF Username: joonies
Name: Song Naeul
Birthday: 28th January 1992
Born Place: New Jersey, US.
Height:  5.6 ft
Weight:  110 lbs
School: Chunyang High

She didn't like the other girl who wants have skinny body & bunch makeup on their face. She has her own natural beauty. She’s talkative but still a caring girl. Where there is a group of people, there will be a high probability Naeul is in the crowd floating around. She got a lot of friends, she's a cheerful girl but will be a crybaby sometimes. She loves to share stories that are not of this world. The stranger the better. And she believes that rules are made to be broken, she may seem like an obedient girl, but she's not. She easily likes people but she forgives hardly. She loves her friend that much that she often hide her own feeling to make her friends happy. She’s also a good secret keeper since she's a good listener too, but bad at giving advices. She afraid of losing her friends. She’s longing to have a sporty & smart boyfriend so she could give her boyfriend a lot of support whether bringing her boyfriend food for him to the field when he finished doing sports or anything. She’s a er for romantic things, just like ordinary girls. But she hates cute stuffs like fluffy dolls etc. she's also into nowadays fashion, but she's not a fashion victim, she wear what comfortable for her. Even though she's rich, she doesn't spoilt or somewhat, she must work hard for the things that she wanna get and that makes her character to be bold. But it makes her being a stubborn girl too; too low profile sometimes that she usually feels that she cannot do anything towards her friend who always is a leader. One more her weakness is she believes people too much that she often got bad things from her own fool.
- Sunny days
- Pranks the other person
-  Boybands, yeah she was a total fangirl
-  Romantic Things
- Photography

- liars
- bugs
-  hospital's smell
- horror movies
- public restrooms!
- darkness
- being woken up
- Eat like there's no tomorrow
- Humming when she's nervous
- Open when she's too distracted
- Doodling all over her room's wall
- Taking pictures everywhere
- Sleeping half
- Pinching people's cheeks
- Holding a person next to her when she's walking

Song Joongki

Choi Minho


She was born in French-Korean family in New Jersey, USA. Her French name is Odetta Belle Dupont. They lived in a Korean neighborhood though. They lived a happy family life, the business going well etc. But her dad dead in a car accident when she was 12 years old and it leaves a big hole in their family. Her mom can't bear to live in the house that she built together with her dad so they moved to her mom's hometown in Seoul.She against this idea of entering this show before, she got into Ulzzang Generation which is also known as Ulzzang Shidae and she gained many haters, the fans didn't like her at first but the fact that her cheerful personality really match with Minho, this couple has so many fans right now. 













the very detailed apps that we got! Congrats joonies unnie :)
by the way, neh~ seems like we already have three couple that become SHINee members's wife, huh?
wonder if Key and Onew will joing the others too.. Hmmm..
what do you think? Ahahaha!
oh yeah! Panda unnie not online, she's busy with something~
so, stay tuned!! I'll might be revealed another girl tonight! (night in my country since I'm Asian XD)





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don't worry, unnie<br />
i'll wait :) kekeke<br />
and it's so sad that you can't attend SHINee's concert but you have another chances right? so don't be sad!<br />
huhuhu don't be sad *hugs*<br />
I'll wait, chapter 1 pleaaase!^^ kekeke~<br />
fighting~~!! ^^
taemine #3
@baeunalurve19 [A]: haha yeah Jonghyun has the same bday as me! lol also Gummy... :D
taemine #4
hello! i just did the form! hehe, it was kinda long coz i explained it in :D<br />
can't wait for the story to start!!<br />
btw, i'm jealous of u MyLovelyPanda! ur going to korea for SHinee's concert?? waaaaah! i wish i could go too....huhu please film some fancams for us? hehe
i sent the form already~! :D good luck writers~!!^^<br />
sorry for the late reply! :D<br />
omg i'm under adam couple, they're my favorite couple in WGM! :)<br />
in the process of filling the form now<br />
Adam couple!! :D<br />
oooh~ O.O seems like it'll be complicated ><<br />
in the process of filling the form now :D I'll send it in a few mins ;)<br />
yay! toootally can't wait for this!^^
The KhunToria couple, huh?<br />
-Twitch-<br />
>_>;;;<br />
This is gonna be interesting. LOL! Oh, you know me~<br />
brainyjs #9
did the form!! and unnie... you spelt my name wrongly in the form... ><...<br />
sigh... anyway... updateeeee!! XD!
JennyIsAineseKiaile #10
i did the form :D