六 006

Drabble Collection : DBSK || TVXQ/JYJ

Yunjae drabble #5

The rain hammered on the window - sending a wave of hum in the defeaning silence. The room was dark, engulfing the living person within. He was cold but the anxiety and loneliness blanketed him with warmth. He hugged his knees - pulling his legs closed to his chest. He never liked rainy days, more like he hated them. The rumbling of thunders, the sharp sparks of lightnings scared Jaejoong the most.

Just then, the door creaked open - revealing a figure he had waited for so long. The man knew Jaejoong would be like this - curling up like a ball. That's why he rushed over, drenching himself in the rain to comfort his loved one.

Though Yunho was cold and wet, it didn't matter to him. Now his blanket had changed to something warmer - Jung Yunho. Jaejoong snuggled his head to Yunho's chest, the fluffy grey locks tickling Yunho's nose. His negative emotions melted away, replacing him with nothing but confidence and love.

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