Chapter 4 : Sweet acceptance

You are the only one for me

Donghae led Jessica into the master bedroom in the villa while both of them still held their hands together tightly. When they were in the room, Jessica's heart was melted by Donghae's sweetness once again. Rose petals were laid on the bed and there was a box in the centre of the bed. Donghae picked up the box and opened it to show Jessica what was inside. It was a beautiful silver bracelet.

Jessica: Woww..oppa...this is so beautiful.(smiles sweetly)

Donghae: Glad you like it sica!Here, let me put it on for you. look really pretty wearing it.(looks deeply into sica's eyes)

Jessica:(face reddens)yahh,pabo fishy!don't try to mesmerise me with your eyes again!(turns away quickly)

Donghae: Wae???(innocent pout)I'll only look at you that way, kays?Only to you alone...

Donghae then turns Jessica's head around by her chin,placed his arms around her shoulders and looked at her deeply in the eyes again. Both of their hearts were beating incredibly fast and their fondness for each other grew by the second.Then donghae decided to get cheeky.

Donghae: Sica- ah, look there!

Jessica: (surprised)What?-

Donghae: (Pokes sics's waist) ha!got you!(runs away)

Jessica: yah!!! pabo fishy you better get back here and let me get my revenge!I hate people touching me,you cheeky little fishy!>:(

Jessica acted like she was angry and really wanted to get back at donghae but she gradually burst out laughing at donghae's funny faces and both of them had so much fun poking each other.Donghae would attempt to hug Jessica and tickled her till she's laughing so hard and can't stop,even to the extent of tearing. Both of them finally dropped onto the bed after being exhausted with all the chasing.

Jessica: ahh,okay,oppa you win!!I'm so tired now.

Donghae: Yeah me too.

Both of them were lying on the bed facing each other and Jessica laughed as their faces were getting closer when donghae closed up the distance between the two of them.It was a little awkward at first but they slowly got used to it. Donghae examined sica's features and was amazed at her flawless skin. Her eyes were bright and her petite nose was super cute. He her hair and face gently. Jessica didn't flinched like before and just smiled at him sweetly. Jessica was also examining Donghae's face upclose.His eyebrows, his mesmerizing eyes, his lips.They all looked perfect. Donghae then pulled her in by the waist and hugged her tightly.Jessica hugged him back and buried her face into his chest. His sweet smelling cologne smelled even sweeter then.

Donghae: I can't imagine how all these became so real sica.I'm just so fortunate to have you in my arms now. I promise I'll love you with all my heart alrights?even though we've just begun this journey together,please have faith in me.

Donghae looked down and realised Jessica was sleeping soundly with a slight smile on her face. "She looks so cure even when she sleeps...sica ah,saranghae." Donghae then kissed Jessica's head and whispered "goodnight,my honey princess" before falling asleep in her arms too.


The next morning...


Donghae: (pounces onto bed and hugs sica tightly) Good morning, my lovely honey princess!

Jessica: Mhmmm...(opens eyes for 2 seconds and closes)I..wanna sleep...

Donghae: aww.sorry princess you have to wake up now!!It's already 10 am and hyukkie just called to tell me all of us are leaving by 12 noon,baby.

Jessica: ...

Donghae:Hmmm, should I really use what Tiffany told me before about sica's weakness??Sigh.Looking at her state now I guess I have to use my triumph card.HEHEHE(evil smirk)

Jessica: (sniff sniff)ahhh...ahhhh..AHHHHH!!!(opens her eyes and to her horror, a cucumber) Donghae oppa!what are you doing!Get this thing out of here!IT STINKS!(quickly covers her face with blanket)

Donghae: WOWWWW.This cucumber trick works like wonders!This is such an achievement.Thanks to Tiffany!(looks toward ceiling as if looking towards the sky with a triumphant look)

Jessica: Ahh, chinja.How can you work with her to disrupt my beauty sleep..oppa please throw away the cucumber now...and wash your hands 10 times and...don't hug me for a month!(dashes to toilet)

Donghae: ahh sica, that's too much!!Can we cut it to one week?I like you more than...cucumbers?(awkward laughter)

Jessica walks out of the room to the dining table and sees the mouthwatering breakfast prepared with love by her pabo fishy prince charming.She was awed at how perfect it looked and a huge smile was drawn on her face. It was all her favourite food and there were so many hearts all around.

Donghae: (Back hugs sica)Do you like it my princess?And I washed my hands 11 times!and also, this is a BACK hug.(emphasizes on back)You didnt say no BACK hugs right??keke

Jessica: aish.You cheeky little fishy!Neh!It really wowed me!!This heart-shaped pancakes are so cute^^ sigh,Thanks so much for all that you have prepared for me,yesterday and now.I feel so fortunate to be your girlfriend.Any rewards you would want??

Donghae pointed to his cheek for a kiss and Jessica smiled shyly before giving him a quick kiss.Donghae still didn't wanted to let go of Jessica and pointed to the right cheek too.Jessica hit donghae on his hand that were encircling her waist lightly and donghae pretended to be hurt. Both of them ate their breakfast with honeyed words here and there and fed each other.

Donghae: say ahh...Is the heart-shaped sunny side up nice, sica?(feeds jessica)

Jessica: Neh!!Totally!ohh!I'm eating the core of our 'hearts' right now!!kekeke.I didn't know you were such a great cook oppa!and I really love how you decorated it!All the heart shapes makes me feel totally in love...You're so romantic>///<

Donghae: Chinja?!(scratches head in a cute way)aish.?^^ Gomawo!i learned it from ryeowook hyung. He's the cook of suju!!

Jessica: neh^^ your breakfast is really pretty and delicious!gomawo my cute fishy prince!(pinches donghae's cheeks)

Donghae: yeah no prob my princess!(pinches Jessica's cheeks like a kid)okay let's go now!The others are waiting for us.I can't wait to show them my girl.

Jessica: embarrassing..this like 'we got married'.

Donghae: would you be my bride then?

Donghae suddenly appeared beside sica and whispered into her ears while grabbing her hand.Jessica turned around and realised their faces were really close.'Gulp.Pabo fishy,don't tell me you wanna..'Jessica closed her eyes tight.Donghae just laughed out loudly and led her out of the villa to meet the others. ' sica is too cute.I just wanted to give her a scare..kekeke.' Jessica covered her face with one hand and smiled as her cheeks reddened from the thought of donghae wanting to kiss her. They finally saw the sm town members and walked towards them happily while holding hands.everyone cheered especially siwon and eunhyuk who cheered extra loud.Jessica smiled while looking down and donghae waved to the guys proudly,indicating that sica was his girlfriend now.They finally let go of each other's hands and donghae said,'see ya later princess!^_^' which ignited the cheers and screams of the soshi girls and they all crowded around Jessica.

Tiffany: sica ah!did you have fun last night with donghae oppa?;) (nudges her)

Jessica:neh..(smile)but its not what you girls are thinking now!i can see it from your faces.(skeptical look)

Yoona: jeongmal??(giggles)

Sooyoung: yeah,only two of you were in the villa and besides the atmosphere must be sooooo romantic!(both hands cupped together and blinks eyes repeatedly)

Sunny: girls.I believe in sica...she was not what we think she was last night..she was MORE WILD.(naughty look from sunny then giggles from her and other girls)

Jessica: this how you girls think of me?!>:(

Taeyeon: (laughs)aish stop teasing sica already.she's getting annoyed and embarrassed.let's bring all our luggages up the bus now.manager oppa is waiting!

Tiffany: oh yeah.sica don't worry.I helped you pack your stuff already.Here!(passes luggage to her)


Jessica met donghae coincidentally when they were walking towards their buses and of course,pabo fishy went to help his honey princess with her luggages.They were chatting and giggling happily and all these was seen in the eyes of Sulli, whose jealousy was slowly brewing up to a huge ball of hatred for the new couple.

"If I can't get donghae oppa,so can't you sica unnie...although I'm really sorry to you but my hatred towards you has been growing since the last few months when they pair up you and donghae oppa and increased greatly after last night.I won't let you get together with him so easily.It's not fair!I've not been given a fair chance to compete against you yet!Besides, I'm younger than you and as pretty or even prettier than you!I will fight for this relationshp as well.wait for me donghae oppa!I'll prove to you I'm better than sica..."


End of chapter 4!^_^ Its kind of a short update on their whole villa romantic scene thingy.hahah sorry not much pictures for this chapter!I dont really know what pictures I can put for the story in this chapter and I'm a bit lazy so there's only 1 pic.keke and  I decided this fanfic would be a 'clean' one, so most prob there might not be those *erhem* scenes which you all might like to read in fanfics..kekeke xP prob only describe it very vaguely.the furthest I'll be going is kissing scenes:)I'm really sorry if you wanted that to happen in my story!hehe anyways,hope you guys like this chapter and anticipate my upcoming chapters^_^ will be updating pretty soon I guess?because I've already thought of how to progress the story!hehee Thanks for all the encouraging comments!I'm so happy my story really allows you all to love haesica even more!!and in related news,I'm so happy donghae uploaded a selca of him and sica!!XD *victory dance,waves arms in air frantically* hahaha hopefully they still have a chance even though he's going on wgm with eunseo unnie:(aigooo...anws if he really likes her,I'll be happy for him!!But still hope haesica remains a sweet memory in our hearts and hope that this pairing will come true one day because we'll never know.muahahha!!:D HAESICA FTW~ <3 oh and pls do comment because they often give me a boost of energy for more haesica moments and goodness.keke!:)thanks guys!

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@minstal_1 yupp love haesica<3

@ Asiantakes Updated!!!:D Hyukfany will come soon hopefully:;)

@cutieyzza and jessica21c Yeahhh so sad to just break them so I didn't:D hehe!
pls upload fast and pls dont break them up they just had their 1st kis ㅠ^ㅠ
NOOOOOOOO! :( PLEASE NOOOOOO TT__TT They're just starting :'(
Omo! Hope Hae isn't forced to break up with Jessica >.< Update soon! Want to see Eunhyuk's confession to Tiff and what will happen to Haesica!!
minstal_1 #5
so cute :))
@cherry_max haha!yeah IKR???HAESICAAAAA ftw^_^haha thanks!I've updated!:D
@sweetdelight haha yeahh sulli's quite a bratty girl here...
@minstal_1 yeahh!I've just updated with chap 5!^-^ thanks for your support!
aish ,sulli is a bit stubborn and annoyed me now.<br />
how can she think that she can insert into haesica.><<br />
update soon please , it's so interesting
they're so sweet. But what? Sulli? Oh,