Chapter 1 : I'm falling for you

You are the only one for me

Day of SNSD's comeback on Music Core for 'The Boys'


Just like any usual day, the 9 SNSD girls were practicing in the dance studio for their comeback stages for 'The boys'.


They were going to perform on Music Core that day and wanted to show their best to their beloved Sones.As usual the hardworking girls were all doing their stretches and posing and didn't notice their Suju oppas coming in through the back door.

Suju: Annyeong, hoobaes!

SNSD: OH! Oppas, annyeong!

Leeteuk: hey, we brought some food so just take a break now and eat something!I think you girls haven't eaten anything since morning right?(laughs)

Taeyeon: Ne ,oppa.We are dead beat.But all this is worth it for the fans!^^Thanks so much oppa!Girls,come here and -

Taeyeon turned her head around and laughed at the sight she saw.The snsd girls were already crowding around the bags the other suju guys were carrying and picking the food they wanted.

Sooyoung: Yah!Yoona, why do you always fight over with me for Food?!Last time it was chicken now its pizza!Ahh chinja!

Yoona: But I like all the food you like unnie!So too bad!(merong)

Sooyoung: Aish!okay I'll just let you off since you are smaller than me.

Sunny: Yoona is officially the new shikshin!^^

Yoona looks into the mirror with pizza in hand and pretends she's in a pizza cf.Sooyoung joins in.

Yoona: Mmmmm...Delicioussss and mouth-watering pizza!I've never eaten such a delicious pizza before!wowwww!(eyes brightens and flips hair to show off charisma)Call xxx xxx xxx to have your pizza delivered to your home now!

Sooyoung: (seductively) if not you will regret it...(bites lower lip and s seductive wink before smiling)

Yoona and Sooyoung: Jigeumen, pizza shidae!!

The suju oppas and snsd girls just burst out laughing watching the 2 cf girls and were all commenting on how seductively funny sooyoung was.

All except one guy.Lee donghae.His gentle eyes were fixed at a girl he thinks he is falling in love with after all these years.Her smile and laughter captured his gaze and he could not stop looking at the beautiful Jessica who was sitting right in front of him.It all happened a few months ago..


At one of suju's comeback stages for Mr simple..


The suju guys were all preparing for their comeback backstage of Music Bank and were feeling rather nervous when the snsd girls came into the dressing room to cheer them on.

Snsd: Annyeong oppas!! All the best for later!Oppas, fighting!^^

Suju: ne, fighting!

The suju guys and snsd girls talked among themselves and some were laughing.Jessica was running around and being chased by Heechul after she suggested that Sohee from WG might be watching his performance and made him blush.

Heechul: yah!Jessica you better come back here!

Jessica: No way, I won't! (Merong ) you've always liked her so I'm just stating the facts and - *bam*

Jessica bumped into donghae and fell on top of him.Both of them gasped and look at each other deeply in the eyes.Sica's hair was slightly touching donghae's face and their faces were really close.They could feel each other's breath and heartbeats that were both beating incredibly fast.Time seemed to stop for them when they were in that moment.Why did they felt so awkward and nervous at the same time?This was the first time they were feeling this way about each other.Their hearts were beating so fast they could die.Could it be that they were...falling for each other?Both of them finally snapped out of the temporary trance when they heard people around them shouting," Kiss her,kiss her!" Jessica quickly jumped off donghae and tidied her clothes and hair and donghae did the same thing too while facing the other direction. People around them could see that their faces were flushing like red tomatoes and they were both too embarrassed to speak a word to each other.

Heechul: Aww..what is this guys are so cute!Seems like a new couple is born!wohooo~(claps and cheers)

The other suju oppas and snsd girls also teased the new 'couple' pairing,making them super embarrassed.

Jessica: Yah!Unnies, stop it!you too,evil maknae!Go read your self-improvement books or talk to your yong who is just next door.(merong and walks off to sit in a corner)

Seohyun then gave a puzzled look and giggled with her other unnies as they are all surprised to see Jessica behave like this for the first time. Was she really feeling shy?They are gonna help her if she really falls for donghae!^^

On the other hand, the suju guys came and teased donghae while he adjusts his suit in the mirror and tries to ignore what his hyungs were saying.

Heechul: That was the most beautiful moment I've ever seen!Hey its not everyday we get to see something more beautiful than me right?(everyone laughs)

Eunhyuk: Yeah yeah that's right!But how about eunhae?!(looks at heechul pitifully)

Heechul: You can have siwon now and don't disturb those two arasso?!(hints to eunhyuk by glaring)

Eunhyuk: (pretends to cry in siwon's arms) oh siwon, donghae has abandoned me!! I'm sad but let's form sieun now!:D

Siwon: yeah duh,I've always loved you from the start my baby..(right hand cups eunhyuk's face and looks at him with his charisma)

Donghae: yah yah yah!hyukkie is mind!dont steal him from me,Choi siwon!

The guys all laughed and teased donghae whose face was still flushed a crimson red.It was then time for super Junior to go on stage to perform.As each of them walked out of the room they 'high-fived' the soshi girls one by one and everyone was anticipating how donghae and jessica would react. When Donghae walked past jessica to high-fived her, both of them became embarrassed again and both looked at different directions before their 'high-five' and muttered a soft 'hwaiting' to each other. The snsd girls and suju guys were all giggling softly and pretending not to look at their awkward actions.

Since that day, both suju and snsd have been teasing about the both of them just like the fans who have always been supporting this pair of virtual couple and have officially become 'HAESICA' shippers.They would occasionally try to pair the two up on purpose for games or for mini-performances.

Both of them really enjoyed each other's company and slowly opening up their hearts to let the other person in. They laughed and smiled shyly at each other during the times they spent together on group outings to lunch dates or dance practices. They were really falling for each other but just kept denying their feelings and sealed them in a box at the very deep end of their hearts for their company was SM entertaniment and couples were definitely not allowed in the company.Sigh...If only they had the courage to confess to each other and perhaps...something good may eventually work out between the two of them??

On a random day...


Donghae: Hyukkie...Come over here!!

Donghae signaled for Eunhyuk to come into his room quietly when he was walking past.

Eunhyuk: Haha!!Are you serious???!!!wohoooo!!So you've really fallen for her??The ICE PRINCESS?!

Donghae:Aishh!Lower your voice!I don't want the others to know about it yet!

Eunhyuk: Woww..Hae I'm impressed!You're finally in love!!After me and Tiff-oh no!(covers mouth)

Donghae: You and Tiff?!Tiffany?!o.o

Eunhyuk: Aish.Guess I should have told you sooner.Okay.I realised I've fallen for Tiffany Hwang Miyoung.

Donghae: woahh...haha!!I guess that's good news!Congrats!have you confessed to her yet??

Eunhyuk: bout you and Jessica then??Are you gonna confess to her soon?

Donghae: I don't know!!I'm so madly in love with her right now after all the match-making you guys have done that I can't stop thinking about her now.Every, single, day.And it's killing me that I can't get to see her often now that they are so busy preparing for their comebacks and new variety show.It's all your fault!!(pouts)

Eunhyuk: yah!Can you not do this anymore?!I'm still attched to Eunhae ya know...(laughs)Sigh.I have no idea too.Tiffany seems to get along well with siwon since we three are always together and I don't even know if her eye smiles are for him or for me -.- But well, time will tell and I hope you can confess to sica soon yeah!!Fighting to me and you!!


Donghae's eyes were fixed on the girl he was falling for. "Will she know how I feel towards her?Does she feels the same for me?Should I confess to her just like Eunhyuk has suggested?Argh. All this is killing me, Jessica Jung.Why have you tugged on my heartstrings by your icy stares, charismatic laughs and ever so pretty smile?I think I can't contain it anymore..I..."Donghae thought as he was walking towards Sica unknowingly.


End of 1st longgggg chapter!!:)Do you all like this starting chapter with a little eunfany in it?;)Pls do comment/subscribe!!Updating soon!

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@minstal_1 yupp love haesica<3

@ Asiantakes Updated!!!:D Hyukfany will come soon hopefully:;)

@cutieyzza and jessica21c Yeahhh so sad to just break them so I didn't:D hehe!
pls upload fast and pls dont break them up they just had their 1st kis ㅠ^ㅠ
NOOOOOOOO! :( PLEASE NOOOOOO TT__TT They're just starting :'(
Omo! Hope Hae isn't forced to break up with Jessica >.< Update soon! Want to see Eunhyuk's confession to Tiff and what will happen to Haesica!!
minstal_1 #5
so cute :))
@cherry_max haha!yeah IKR???HAESICAAAAA ftw^_^haha thanks!I've updated!:D
@sweetdelight haha yeahh sulli's quite a bratty girl here...
@minstal_1 yeahh!I've just updated with chap 5!^-^ thanks for your support!
aish ,sulli is a bit stubborn and annoyed me now.<br />
how can she think that she can insert into haesica.><<br />
update soon please , it's so interesting
they're so sweet. But what? Sulli? Oh,