Empty Space

My Cursed Lineage


Four months have passed since Sungjong retreated in his dark hole of a mind.

Four months have passed since Hanmi realized Sungjong’s sacrifice.

Everyday Sungjong loses a big amount of memory attributed to Hanmi, since the Four aren’t always there to refresh them.

Everyday Hanmi feels the emptiness of living without Sungjong. Every day they grew farther and farther apart.


One day, the Four visited Sungjong’s mind again. From their last visit, his cell had grown darker and less vivid.


“The time has almost come. Are you ready to meet Hanmi again?” asked Youngmin, bounding towards Sungjong with his face all smiles. The others were checking out the walls of his mind.


“Wh-What? You mean I’ll be able to get out here soon! I’ll be able to see my hyungs again?” exclaimed Sungjong, sharing Youngmin’s excitement.


“Yeah! But aren’t you excited to see Hanmi as well?” asked Niel worriedly.


They were all taken way back when Sungjong knitted his brows in confusion and he said, “Who’s that?”


The Four couldn’t speak for a few seconds. Then Taemin spoke up.


“You don’t remember her?” he asked, aghast.


“Uhm, no. Should I? What’s her name, Hanjin?” said Sungjong.


“This is not good, hyung,”muttered Jinyoung. “It’s only been four months.”


“In reality, no one has really remembered the one they sacrificed to. What makes Sungjong different?” said Taemin in a heavy voice.


“There must be something we can do! I don’t want my bestfriend hurt!” said Youngmin desperately.


“There’s nothing I could think of,” said Niel, wracking his brain for possible ideas.


“Memories,” whispered Jinyoung.


“We tried that, but he still forgot,” replied Taemin. “He was loaded when we last left.”


“Do you remember his strongest memory of Hanmi? Or even a feeling?” said Jinyoung. A spark of hope started flickered in his head.


“He loved Hanmi,” said Niel. “A lot.”


“Yeah. However she avoided him and made him feel like she’s not interested, he kept the faith and tried again and again,” said Jinyoung.


“And recently, he proved his undying love by the ultimate sacrifice,” concluded Taemin.


“There’s just a possibility, but I want to try it,” said Jinyoung. He approached Sungjong, who was floating in his happy bubble at the thought of seeing his friends again.


“Hey,” said Jinyoung. Sungjong snapped out of his thoughts.


“Oh, you guys done talking about me?” he said, unfazed.


“Yeah, uhm. Listen and listen well. This Hanmi we’re talking about, you loved her. She ignored you, avoided you, and pushed you away but you loved her anyway. Just four months ago you performed a sacrificial ritual that removed her vampire blood, and you fell in this cell,” said Jinyoung carefully.


Sungjong’s jaw threatened to fall off at every word. “What? Why would I pursuit someone who pushes me away? And vampires don’t exist! You’re fooling around with me!”


“Remember that. We have to go. See you when you’re awake,” said Jinyoung. They smiled one last wary smile at him before disappearing.


Sungjong was left behind in the darkness, pondering over what the four said. But soon he left all of those memories deep in his psyche and opened his eyes to reality at last.


In the real world, it was Myungsoo’s turn to watch over Sungjong. He was staring at the maknae’s face as he thought to himself.


‘Sungjong-ah, when are you gonna wake up? Are you gonna wake up at all?’ thought Myungsoo. ‘No, L, don’t think things like that.’ He Sungjong’s hand.


Suddenly, it gave a twitch. Myungsoo didn’t notice it, but it twitched again, with Sungjong’s nails grazing Myungsoo’s hand ever so slightly.


“Sungjong-ah?” said Myungsoo, his voice rising.


Sungjong’s face creased, and then he slowly opened his eyes.


“Sungjong-ah! Nurse! Nurse!”


While the hospital hands were aiding Sungjong, Myungsoo called the others. In a span of 15 minutes, they were barging into the room.


“Where is he? Is he alright?” asked Hoya frantically upon entering.


The doctor present cleared his throat, and everyone looked at him.


“Mr. Lee is stable now. You may talk to him,” was all the doctor said. Then he and the nurses went out of the room. In a flash of a second, Sunggyu was kneeling at Sungjong’s bedside.


“Sungjong-ah, are you ok? Do you remember who I am?” asked Sunggyu.


“Duh, hyung, of course he would remember who you are,” said Dongwoo with a roll of his eyes. “Why would you even ask that?”


But Sunggyu kept quiet. Sungjong slowly surveyed the room, and then his gaze fell on Sunggyu. Then he smiled.


“Sure. You’re Kim Sunggyu, hamster, and leader of Infinite,” said Sungjong quietly.


The others hooted since they all saw that none of Sungjong’s memory of them altered. Or so they think. Sunggyu wasn’t done with the questions.


“What about Hanmi? Who is she?” asked Sunggyu.


Sungjong’s brows knitted in confusion. “I don’t know, hyung. You’re girlfriend? How long was I out? Was it long enough for you guys to get girls?” teased Sungjong with a chuckle.


“You were out for four months. It drove us crazy,” said Myungsoo. “Even the Inspirits were worried beyond belief.”


“Which reminds me, we have to let out that Sungjong’s ok now,” said Woohyun. “The Inspirits will be more than happy to hear that.” He flipped out his phone and dialed their CEO’s number.


“What did it feel like, being in coma?” asked Sungyeol. He hopped on the bed and rocked it a bit, earning him a slight punch from Dongwoo.

“I-I was in coma? I don’t remember falling into coma…” said Sungjong, wracking his brain for a memory. Zilch. Nothing.


“Really?” said Sungyeol, confused. “I still remember that day. Sunggyu hyung brought you in and before we knew it you were out.”


“What? Really? What happened?” said Sungjong, directing the question to Sunggyu, who was staring at him weirdly.


“You-You really don’t remember?” said Sunggyu, aghast. He remembered what Sungjong said, months before. It all felt surreal now.


I will be out for a few months, hyung. When I wake up, I won’t remember Hanmi, or anything about the incident.


Then there was a frantic knock on the door. Dongwoo went to get it and Hanmi rushed in.


“Hi oppa. Is it true? He’s awake?” Hanmi blabbered on. Dongwoo tilted his head towards Sungjong’s bed. Hanmi went to it and stood beside Sunggyu.


“Sungjong-ah, I’m so sorry! I’ve been so stupid! And the sacrifice! Why on earth did you do it? I’m really thankful, but you shouldn’t have bothered! Really!” said Hanmi breathlessly. She got a shocked reaction next.


“Who…What…Wait, I’m sorry lady, but do I know you?” said Sungjong, confused.


Sunggyu took his cue and left the others with Sungjong while he guided Hanmi out of the room.


“Hyung, do you know who that was? Was that who Sunggyu hyung was talking about? What’s her name, Hanjin?” was what Sungjong was saying before Sunggyu closed the door.


“Oppa, what’s that? What’s going on?” said Hanmi, currently in the state of shock.


“Don’t you remember what I told you? About the consequences of vampire-blood-ridding?” said Sunggyu. It slowly began to sink in on Hanmi.


“You-You mean he-he can’t remember me now?” sniffed Hanmi.


“I’m afraid so,” sighed Sunggyu sadly.


“No! He can’t not remember me! I’m so stupid! Here comes food in a silver platter, then like a brat I just push it away,” sobbed Hanmi. Sunggyu pulled her into a hug and she cried on his shoulder.


That night, the Four visited her to comfort her. None of them said ‘I told you so.’ All they did was stay with her and console her until she fell asleep. They did this for days until Hanmi insisted they should not break rules for her.


It took a few weeks for Sungjong to get back into the midst of the workforce. The entire Woolim Entertainment hosted a party for Sungjong’s return. Even their labelmates, Epik High, was there. There was a live broadcast dedicated to the Inspirits, where Sungjong said hello and thank you for keeping the faith and how sorry he was that he worried them. It was all happy.


That night, Sungjong decided to walk all over Woolim again, just because he missed it a lot. Myungsoo asked if he wanted to have some company.


“You know, since you might come across a vampire again,” teased Myungsoo.


Sungjong scoffed. “Vampires don’t exist, hyung. I’m not scared.”


“Yeah, there’s nothing to spook him there since Hanmi’s up there too,” said Sungyeol.


“Who? Oh never mind,” said Sungjong.


Once Sungjong was out of earshot, the others crowded around Sunggyu.


“Hyung, I’m getting really worried about Sungjong,” said Hoya.


“Yeah. He can’t seem to remember Hanmi. It’s so…odd,” thought Dongwoo.


Meanwhile, Sungjong was walking on the floor where the studio, practice room, and music room were. He got all sentimental as he peeked into their practice room and tried a few dance moves, only to fall because of lack of practice.


“Nothing’s over~ Nothing’s over~” he sang quietly.


When he got bored, he went on to the other doors. Then he heard soulful music from the third door on the right. The music room. Sungjong’s body hair stood up slightly and he got goosebumps. There were stories circulating that room. Some said that the ghost of the little girl without a face comes back to play during midnight. Some said that the piano makes its own music after making many under other’s hands. Sungjong checked his watch. It was pushing 12:00 MN. But curiosity trumped fear. Who knew, he might be the one to prove the myth wrong.


Sungjong walked to the door and looked through the window. The light was on inside, and that diminished a lot of fear. He peeked and saw the baby grand with a girl sitting and playing on it. Somewhere in the darkest parts of his psyche stirred, and somehow he’s seen this before. Like a sort of déjà vu. When he opened the door, a beautiful melody registered in his ear. He doesn’t know why but he’s heard that one before too.


We are inseparable

Regardless of time and space

We’ll go on and continue living it

Me and my Inspirit


(A/N: my own little poem =D Me and My Inspirit)


Because of the music, the girl on the piano didn’t notice Sungjong’s arrival. Hanmi went on singing and crying.


‘Do you remember this song, Sungjong oppa? I wrote it for you,’ thought Hanmi as she sang the next verse of the song. ‘You’re supposed to sing this verse.’


I can’t stay away from you

I guess that’s what true love can do-


“Into the sun, walking hand in hand

Forever me and you,” finished a voice from behind Hanmi.


Hanmi turned abruptly and saw Sungjong standing there. For moment she thought he remembers, but what he said next was otherwise.


“Oh man, what was I saying? Hey, I’m sorry, I know I’m intruding,” said Sungjong. Where did those lines come from?!


Hanmi lowered her head. He really can’t remember. She turned her back on him, and went on playing another melody (a.e. Can U Smile). Her shoulders heaved as she softly cried on the piano.


Sungjong suddenly felt sorry for this girl. He may not know/remember her, so they say, but Sungjong’s the type of person who can’t stand people crying around him.


“Hey lady, you ok?” he said awkwardly. He went and kneeled beside her. Hanmi kept her hair over her face. Sungjong reached out and tucked it behind her ear. The dark part of his psyche stirred again. He took out a hanky from his pocket and wiped her tears gently.


“Th-Thanks, really, but aren’t the others looking for you?” stuttered Hanmi.


“No, I told them I’d be up here. I liked the song. If it doesn’t pain you, could you play again?” said Sungjong.


Hanmi stopped. Those words. He said those words. Again.




Hanmi prepped up her finger and played another song she was writing for Infinite’s supposed-to-be album before Sungjong slept for four months.


I believed that nothing’s over

Because she’ll come back again

And she did

She’s back

Before the dawn, I’ll ask her to be mine

We’ll both be in paradise

Tic toc, time is running out

I’ll give her a white confession

And she’ll be my cover girl

Can u smile for me?


(A/N: My Lovely Inspirit – another self-composition)


The Hanmi stopped. Sungjong looked at her wonderingly. Somewhere inside his psyche snapped. All that was needed now was a very strong memory.


“That was cool. You summed up all the songs we promoted into one song,” said Sungjong in an awestruck voice.


Hanmi only nodded. Then she tried again.


“Sungjong-ah, why don’t you remember me?” whispered Hanmi.


“Wha-What?!” said Sungjong, taken aback.


“Don’t you remember? I’m Lee Hanmi. When we first met you impersonated how I looked when I couldn’t wait to get out of Mr. Woo’s office. I played to you the song I wrote for my first boyfriend’s group: Shining Inheritance. You comforted me while I cried in this very room because of bad memories. One night you saw me in my vampire form, but the days after that you still went after me. The day when you fell into coma you performed a sacrificial rite to rid me of my monstrous blood. I heard everything you said that night, the one where the sacrifice was for me because you loved me. Please, Sungjong-ah, remember me.”


Sungjong grew quiet while Hanmi was saying all these things. Something was going on in his mind. All those memories Hanmi said had a twang of familiarity in his head. He remembered what the Four said, because even they he had stored deep inside his mind.


“She ignored you, avoided you, and pushed you away but you loved her anyway.”


He closed his eyes and the memories became more vivid. He saw himself within those long lost memories. He saw Taemin, Jinyoung, Niel and Youngmin all smiling at him. And Hanmi… Hanmi…


Sungjong opened his eyes and they sprung fresh tears as he reached out to hug Hanmi. Hanmi in turn was surprised, but she hugged him in return.


“One last memory: I ignored you, avoided you, and pushed you away but you loved me anyway.”


“Yes, yes I did. I loved you all the same,” sobbed Sungjong.

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Congrats on the feature! :3
yoohooshop #2
congrats on the feature~
congrats c:
Congratulations on the random feature!
Congratulations! :)
That_Inspirit #6
Congrats on the random feature!
congrats! c: /throws love
Congrats on being random featured :)
Chapter 14: I really like the ending!
HAHA! I love the ending!