Chapter 4

A Boy with the Red Hair
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A/N; I forgot to say that Jimin already revealed his hair to Jungkook and his friends. Or I already mention about that? I don't remember '.' 

Chapter 4

“Stop doing the ‘thing’ with your hair.” Jungkook said, he sounds annoyed at whatever Jimin has done. Jimin stopped walking and turn around facing Jungkook. “Doing what?” Jimin asked. He tilts his head to the right side, did he done something wrong?

Jungkook shrugged him off and he walks pass Jimin. He didn’t catch the look Jimin give him, a look that shows ‘is he crazy?’ or ‘you’re weird’.

Jimin catch up to Jungkook and they walk side by side. Jungkook notice that but he didn’t comment anything, he just let Jimin walk by his side although he swear he could feels the nervous sweat trickling down from his back. “What is wrong with me?” Jungkook thought while he imagines slapping his cheek.

Jungkook glance to his side and saw Jimin doing the ‘thing’ with his hair again. “Didn’t I tell you to stop doing that?”Well, Jimin is puzzle, what did he do? “All I did was ran a hand thro: - Ohh.” Jimin thought; now he knows what Jungkook is talking about. He smiled dangerously and Jungkook sense something fishy is running across Jimin’s mind because he was staring at Jungkook without any word spoken but only that wicked smile flash for a second and it’s gone to what seems to be replace as an innocent smile.

“What? You mean this?” Jimin said while running a hand through his hair. Jungkook blink his eyes before his cheeks tinted with light pink. He looks away from Jimin and murmur something incoherent words that Jimin didn’t catch.

“What did you say?” Jimin asked but Jungkook ignored him and he walks a little too fast than Jimin with his long strides. “Jungkook! Don’t ignore me.” Jimin said and once again Jungkook ignored him.  Jungkook hear shuffling noises behind him, maybe Jimin is trying to catch up to him. Jungkook stop halfway when he heard nothing. Like seriously nothing; Jimin had stop talking and that’s great but he didn’t hear anyone walking behind him because believe me Jimin had this weird habit of him that he sometimes stomp on his feet while walking that is why it is easy to know if he’s still behind or not .

Jungkook turn around and his eyes met the forest. “Jimin?” Jungkook called but he didn’t receive any answer. “Jimin!” Jungkook tried a little louder this time and negative thoughts running wild in his mind. “I’m not kidding Jimin. Come out right now.” Jungkook said. He made his way back to the place they had walk while his eyes roaming around the forest.

It is true that it won’t be hard to find Jimin because of his red hair but now, it seems so hard. The color of green make Jungkook eyesight blurred and his head felt dizzy. “What is going on with me?” Jungkook thought as he made his way to the nearest tree while trying to rest. He leans against the tree; once he settles himself comfortably, his eyes suddenly become heavy. “Jimin” Jungkook breathe before everything black out.


“Oh my god, is he dead Tae?” 

“What? No, he’s fine. He just pass out, it happens a lot remember?”

Jungkook had a hard time to open his eyes. He finally was able to open his eyes with many difficulties. He groaned at first before his hand making its way to his face. He rubbed his temple, hard before slowly registering what is happening around him.

“See, he’s awake. I told you so.” The guy with the boxy shaped smile said before helping Jungkook to sit up properly. He handed Jungkook the water bottle he pack this morning and Jungkook is more than happy to accept it. His throat burning li

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PotatoAddict123 #1
Lol is this inspired by snow white and the red hair anime ??? I'm excited to read this cause dat anime is my legit fave
Shipsssss #2
Chapter 7: Plz update!! :3
Chapter 7: Omg finally I was waiting
Chapter 6: Win you will updates
Chapter 6: am i the only one who is patiently waiting for Obi to come? anyone who have watched the anime? I really like Jungkook with Jimin but damn by bae is Obi from the anime so yeah XD my heart is ripped T^T
Infinite7forever #6
Chapter 5: My gawd im loving this ... nice one jungkook yoongi niceee XD
Pandaalem21 #7
Chapter 5: yah~~~~ they're Gay...