Haru's Mom


Jimin had visited Jungkook’s house during weekend and staying there overnight for more than two weeks after knowing about Haru, practically living there and taking care of the baby with Jungkook, so much like a happy family and Haru didn’t have much problem about except for whining over Jimin when he was about to go home, totally forgetting about her own mother.

Today is just another weekend and Jimin is getting ready to go to Jungkook’s house. Namjoon once had joked about having to change a housemate since Jimin never at home during weekend but only to be backfiring back by Jimin, teasing him about his desire to be with Jin without his presence.

“Where are you going?” Seeing Jungkook fully in clothes in front of the door got Jimin to ask him because not in his memory, they made a plan to go out. “Err…I kind a made a plan with others to go bowling today.”

And Jimin gives his confused look again. “Okay, but why no one tell me about it? Or did I miss something here?”

“Because….we didn’t invite you over?” Jungkook scratches his neck, a habit when he’s nervous.

He gets a frown from Jimin, a deep one in return. “Why?” It sounds so stern and hurt.

“Hyung, I’m sorry. I really, really sorry but I’ve to go now. I’ll make up to you later, okay?” He kisses Jimin’s lip in hurry, giving Jimin no time to reply back. Hurriedly put his shoes before springing out of his house. “Take care of Haru for me.”

“ughh,I’ll lock him out tonight.” Jimin walks inside while rambling about giving Jungkook one or two lessons later while looking for Haru.

He opens Jungkook’s room to see sleeping Haru, sound and safe, without any cloth. “Well, what you expect from Jungkook’s junior. Of course she will sleep without any cloth.” Jimin made his way to bed silently, carefully dipping his body to the bed, next to Haru before snuggling closer to her.

Jimin was intended to observe her for a while before going out to do other chores but his eyes betrayed him when it decided to sleep, hearing Haru’s soft snoring sound, like a lullaby to his ear, slowly rocking him to sleep.

The sun shines brightly and it started to get hot in the room, making Jimin to stir in his sleep but not enough to wake him up but a giggling sound from a certain person had him to open his eyes.

 “You’re awake, Haru-ah.” Jimin says while rubbing his sleepy eyes. Haru is playing with her toy that Jin had bought for her last month, only to stop when Jimin kisses her cheek. She returns the kiss, smiling at Jimin. “Are you hungry?” She nods and Jimin waste no time to prepare lunch for her.

He takes Haru in his hand, walking together to the kitchen before sitting her in a baby chair, a pink one, Jin’s favorite color that he had chosen personally for her. Jimin gives her an Ipad, showing her some cartoon to distract her for a while. Jimin is not a good cook, but not a bad one either, only knowing the basic like cooking fried rice or making a simple soup.

With a help from internet, he settles with making a simple sandwich for Haru with a cup of milk because she can’t eat greasy and heavy food. Making a sandwich doesn’t take much time so she won’t be waiting for a long time because she will seek for Jimin’s attention after some time. Jungkook keeps on sending a text message, asking about them but Jimin ignores it, switching his phone after 20 missed calls from Jungkook.

“Your papa really need to consider my feeling when he agreed to go out having fun without me, don’t you think so, Haru-ah?” She just gives him her smile, not really understand what Jimin had told her.

Jimin continues letting out his frustration towards Jungkook to Haru. “You know, when I look at how well he takes care of you, I thought finally, he’s a grown up man but when something like today’s event happened, I’m having a second thought on that.” He sighs while wiping the milk from Haru’s lip, patting her head before talking again. “That young man is really teasing my patience and I swear one day, I’ll pay back to him. How about we have our own day out, leaving him home alone until night? Do you want to go out with me? Like a date?” Haru nods like she is agreeing to whatever Jimin said. That cute little thing succeeds in making Jimin to laugh.

“Haru’s done.” She announces, showing Jimin her empty plate.

“Okay, let’s clean you first.”

They were humming to a kid song when someone rings the doorbell. Jimin closes the water tap in hurried, walking to the door with Haru, and he looks like a middle age housewife, with his messy hair and no make-up look.

Jimin opens the door to see a woman is standing in front him, face is sad and scared. “Yes, how can---“

“Mama!” the shout from Haru stops Jimin dead in his track. Eyes wide while balancing the bouncing Haru in his arm. “Mama!” She calls her again before trying to reach for her. Jimin gives her to her mother, seeing how eager she is calling for her mother.

“I’m sorry. Please come in.”

“Thank you.”

She is beautiful and very girlfriend material with her pretty voice and her s-line body that can see through her simple t-shirt and a jean. Suddenly, Jimin feels so small and jealous of her because she got Jungkook with that body and maybe she can take him away with that same body again.

She takes the seat in front of Jimin. “I’m Mina. Sorry for interrupting your day but I-I just miss my daughter so much.” Her eyes are teary and her voice is trembling a bit, probably trying to stop her cry.

“No! No! It’s okay. I don’t mind it. By the way, I’m Jimin. Jungkook’s boy—I mean friend.” And he too doesn’t have an idea as to why he bothers to correct himself.

“Don’t worry. I know you’re Jungkook’s boyfriend. You’re so cute, Jimin-shi.”

That compliment from her made him blush but Jimin still gives her his shy smile, not trying to cover his blush. “Please don’t take this wrong but where have you been for the past months? Why-err-why did you leave Haru to Jungkook?”

She kisses Haru’s forehead before looking back to Jimin. “I….everything is my fault.”

“Mina-shi, you don’t have to tell me if it hurt you. We can skip that part instead—“

“No! No! I want to tell the truth.” Her hand is still in Jimin’s hand, gathering all the strength and energy that Jimin is trying to give to her through that hand.

“We broke up, Jungkook and I, before I got to know I’m one month pregnant. At first, out of panic, I tried to get rid of her but someone had helped me to accept the baby growing in me. He is a doctor and I rely on him through my pregnancy and after I gave birth to haru, we got married.”

Jimin listens to her with so much attention, giving her tissue to wipe her tear. It must be hard for a girl to carry a baby alone and thankfully she had someone to be by her side, holding her hand throughout the hard time in her life.

“But when Haru’s eight months, he-he cheated on me with another girl, a nurse at his hospital. He chased me out for that girl. I-I have no other option aside from leaving Haru to Jungkook. It’s just temporary. I will take her back when I have a stable life again.” Hearing that Mina will take Haru back from Jungkook one day somehow had sent a subtle pain to Jimin’s heart. What will Jungkook react to that when one day Mina takes her away. Will he be sad or will Jungkook be happy because he is out from his responsibility?

“Where do you live now?”

“I-I don’t have a house. So, I just sleep in the sauna.”

“What?!” Jimin slightly raises his voice, resulting her to flinch at that but Jimin is quick to apologize. “I’m sorry.  It’s not safe for you to live there. Hmm, for now, stay here first. Jungkook is not at home now, so when he went back home, we’ll discuss this matter again.”

“Thank you, Jimin-shi. You’re so kind.”

“No worry. It’s my duty to help you.”

Jimin watches in silent how happy Haru is playing with her mother. Not that she is ignoring Jimin but Haru looks the happiest when her mother is there with her. Later in the evening, someone went home. Jimin thought it was Jungkook but Jin appeared at the door, looking mad and in fire, rambling about Namjoon’s lack of time for him.

“He ignores me for writing that damn lyrics with Yoongi. They just shut me out from their conversation. Urgh, Yoongi was supposed to out with Taehyung and Hoseok but ditched them away because Jungkook’s sudden drop of mood kills his mood in tagging along with them but bother me and Namjoon instead.” Jin makes a way to the kitchen to get some cold water to calm him down, oblivious of Mina’s presence in the living room.

“By the way, sorry for my brother’s stupidness for leaving you alone with Haru.”

“It’s okay. I guess he already learnt his mistake….oh, Jin-Hyung, we have guest in the living room.”


“Haru’s mom.”

“Haru what?!”


“Come on, man. Stop pouting. I’m sure he’s busy playing with Haru. That’s why Jimin didn’t realize your call yet.”

“But I’ve been calling him for hours.” They are in the restaurant, eating lunch when Yoongi left them after finishing his eating. It’s weekend and Taehyung had suggested for them to hang out because it’s been like three months from their last meeting time.

“Then just go home.” Hoseok, having no more patience to see Jungkook sullen mood proposed that solution.

Jungkook bangs his head to the table, surprising every people near them.” I can’t. Jimin will kill me if I go home now. I need to know his mood first before I can’t apologize. The last time I did something similar to this, he didn’t even let me to touch or kiss him. But he’s ing teasing me, torturing me in silence. Exposing his to me but not letting me to feel it. I had to solve my problem by myself and—“

“Stop, stop. So much details, Jungkook-ah. Just buy him something in return. A thing that he likes.” Taehyung keeps on assuring him to not be worried about Jimin because everyone knows Jimin is a soft person. So, it’s impossible for Jimin to sulk at his boyfriend for too long. “Come on, dude, you’re the dominant one. Just show him your power.”

“It’s not that easy. He’s too cute and I can’t wreck him hardly—“

“Can we please stop talking about our life in front of food?” With that one warning from Hoseok, Jungkook make a fullstop to his hanging sentence. Taehyung just cooed at his boyfriend’s shy face.

They continue their day out with karaoke and a second round for bowling. A suggestion from Taehyung to re-match because he didn’t satisfied with his record, losing to Yoongi-Hyung and had to pay for everyone’s lunch. He just wants to prove his bowling skill once again even without Yoongi there to beat him again.

They were in the fourth game when Jungkook got a call from Jin, urging him to go home, having an important thing to discuss. Jungkook arrives home with Taehyung and Hoseok 30 minutes after that.

“Baby, I’m sorry for lea---“ Jimin waits in front of the door, waiting for Jungkook to inform him about Mina but he gets a hug and apology instead. “Don’t worry about that. We have something more important than that for now.” Jimin cuts him off, dragging Jungkook to the living room. Taehyung and Hoseok look at each other, confused but follows them nevertheless.

Jungkook stops when he sees someone he used to know. “Mina? What are you doing here?”

“Jungkook, she’s Haru’s mom.”

“Get out of my house. I don’t care you’re Haru’s mom or not. People like you don’t deserve to be a mother.” This is the first time Jimin and everyone else see how mad and furious Jungkook is. Jimin tries to calm him down, his arm but Jungkook’s anger doesn’t disappear easily.

“I’m sorry.” Mina manages to apologize in between her crying. Luckily, Haru is sleeping in the room.

“She has already learned from her mistake, Jungkook-ah. Who are we to judge her past mistake? Please, baby, calm down.” He cups Jungkook’s face while caressing his cheek. Jungkook seems to cool down but Jimin suggest something that had made Jungkook to back away two steps from him.

“And I-I think she should leave here with Haru. Mina doesn’t have anywhere else to go now.”

Jungkook can’t utter any word, too shocked to hear that resolution comes out from Jimin. Taehyung and Hoseok are surprised at that too, looking at Jimin in disbelief.

“Jimin, do you realize what you’ve said?”

“Yes, I am, Jin-Hyung. Besides, Haru needs her mom.”

The loud sound of door being slammed hard echoed throughout the house, making everyone to flinch at that. Jungkook leaves the house, too hurt and disappointed to hear such thing from Jimin.




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mxv0109 #1
Chapter 7: YAAAAY this is art, I really liked the last part *wiggles eyebrow*
affgaga #2
Chapter 7: yeayy!! da bisch kicked out at last! the ending is kind of rushing but still I enjoyed reading it! can't wait for another exciting story from u authornim! hwaiting!!
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 5: ohh ...
Wmh_chim #4
Chapter 6: Thts woman must get out from jungkook's house. Jimin ah pls open your eyes. :')
affgaga #5
Chapter 6: no wonder jungkook was very angry when jimin let mina to stay in their house bcoz he knew the real mina.. yeah get lost mina! jungkook, just tell jimin about her advances!
Wmh_chim #6
Chapter 5: Oh pls can u make jikook happy with haru? :((
affgaga #7
Chapter 5: jimin is asking for trouble.. sigh.. never ending problems..