What is wrong?


“Jungkook! Jungkook! Wake up! Lunch break is over.” It’s already 1.00 Pm when Jimin waked Jungkook up, hesitated at first seeing how sound asleep  he was sleeping even though the sun shines brightly above them.

Jungkook stirs a bit but doesn’t open his eyes yet, “five more minutes, please.” saying that while turning to his side, using one hand as a pillow and the other hand to cover his face from the sun. Jimin is already late to go to his class, is contemplating whether to leave Jungkook there or to wait for him to wake up.

“Jungkook, I need to go to my class now.” Jimin tries again, shaking Jungkook’s body, only receiving a groan from Jungkook, a mix of annoyed and mad.

 “Ah, right!” Realization hits him right there when Jimin turned to his left. Taehyung is there too, sleeping not far from them, using a book as his pillow. He looks lonely, alone without his companion, Hoseok, precisely. “Taehyung-ah, I have class now, will you two be okay alone?”, Jimin waits for seconds before Taehyung gives him a small nod, not fully awake but conscious enough to answer Jimin’s question, hopefully.

Without any delay, Jimin stands up, collecting his belonging before sprinting out of the rooftop, running with a full speed, having no time to be aware of the eyes that giving him a fluster look along the way.

Thanks to his flexible body, Jimin managed to be on time without tripping on the way since Jimin has the tendency to trip when he walked on a flat surface nowadays but completely alright when he started to dance.

It has been happening for weeks, sometimes, Jungkook is there to hold him but one time, Jimin had sprained his ankle when he walked alone from his house to college. The odd thing is there was nothing on the road, no puddle, no vehicle and no human at all. Jimin falls and sprained his ankle, had to call for Jungkook to pick him up because it hurt so badly.

When the others are asking or complaining about his clumsiness, Jimin just answered them with “I don’t know, maybe I’m just tired from the dance class.” But of course Jungkook won’t believe him, Jimin, the one who loves dancing will never feel tired from it, practicing more than one choreography per day is just a warm up.

“Really, I’m okay, Jungkook-ah. Don’t worry too much.” It’s nothing to worry about indeed; Jimin just has to see where he is going or more like what is there lying in front of him when walking.

The truth is Jimin’s attention and focus is being distracted with something else. Lately, Jungkook had been distancing himself subtly, still noticeable by the way he always falls to sleep whenever he has spare time, during lunch and also in the library, not that Jungkook never sleep there but he did sleep every time he’s there, leaving Jimin alone to study. Before Jungkook used to company Jimin, reading his manga or fiction novel while trying hard to restrain himself from sleeping but now, Jungkook closes his eyes instantly whenever he found a flat surface.

Taehyung and Hoseok had assured him once but he still doubted about it. “Jungkook had found a new hobby. Playing game until late at night. Don’t  worry, he is not cheating on you.” And that is exactly what Jimin afraid of for Jungkook to cheat on him.

“Are he?”

“Yeah, it’s nothing, really.” It’s not convincing enough for Jimin to believe what they had told him when Taehyung tried hard to make him believe while Hoseok never match his eyes with Jimin’s, like he was hiding something  in those eyes.

So, Jimin goes to one person that is willing to be honest with him, he hope so but Yoongi had given the same answer, confirming what Taehyung had said. “He is not cheating on you. He is just busy with his new hobby, playing game.”

“And what game is it? Having to drain all of my boyfriend’s energy?”

“Urr…..a role-playing game, I guess.” Yoongi smiles, warmly but wavering at the same time, patting Jimin’s shoulder before sipping his coffee.

Jimin wants to question more but he can’t bring himself to let it out, since everyone seems to divert answering his question to something else, purposely changing the topic, like talking about his new dance movement or how stress they are.

Once, Jimin had gone to the hospital to visit Jin, having thinking what was the suitable question to ask about Jungkook without being too obvious but when he looked at how tension and anxiety Jin was, he prevented his lips from talking about his worrisome.

“Hyung, are you okay?” Jimin asked while massaging Jin’s stiff shoulder.

Jin closed his eyes, “I’m okay, this month is a really hectic month.” Nearly to fall asleep at how comfortable Jimin’s hand felt on his shoulder. So, Jimin spent 30 minutes there only to give a free massage to Jin, received a promise to pay back with a very expensive dinner later.

“Jimin-ah.” He was about to go out of the room when Jin called him again, looking at him while smiling, it’s soft and promising.

“Don’t worry too much.”

Yet, still the same answer. What is actually the thing that I have to worry about in the first place? The unspoken wariness that Jimin had in him is starting to take half of his patience. Repeating the same desperate doubtful thought every day in his mind only to calm his nervous heart with an assurance that Jungkook has changed.

This Jungkook, who chooses Jimin over their parent’s past, has changed to a good one, never once he goes back to the club or even sparing a glance towards girl or boy near him. So, what is left there for Jimin to worry? The fact that everyone keeps on affirming him that Jungkook is not cheating on him is what had thrown Jimin in unease state.

But what if Jungkook did cheat on him?

What if Jungkook is still going to the club behind his back and his friends was covering for him?

What if playing game means that Jungkook had done his old habit again, hooking and flirting with others while drunk?

Jimin’s mind is filled with what if and every possible reason as to what has happened, doesn’t give much attention to his surrounding, only to snap back to reality when one of his classmates pats his chair, telling him that class is over. He has been thinking for four hours, books left unopened, having no clue as to what the professor had thought him today.

Lazily, he walks out of the class while searching for his phone in his bag. Carefully, he presses the call button to dial for Jungkook but he doesn’t pick up the call. Jimin tries again while walking to the rooftop, hoping that Jungkook is still there but this time, he only receives a voicemail.

After 5 minutes of walking, he reaches the rooftop. Jungkook and Taehyung are nowhere to be found. With a gloomy look on his face and a broken heart, Jimin decides to walk back home, alone again this time.

Jimin walks alone, oblivious of his surroundings, unaware of two pair of eyes that are watching him in silence, “Hyung, can we tell Jimin everything? I-I feel so sad looking at him like that.” Taehyung gives Hoseok his most puppy eyes, pleading for Hoseok to allow him in doing so.

“You know we can’t. He needs to know from Jungkook himself. It’s not our place to tell Jimin because we will only worsen thing out. “


“Don’t worry. I’ll talk to Jungkook after this. He can’t hide it for too long or even forever.”

Taehyung returns Hoseok’s words by just humming to that, not agreeing to that solution but he knows that is the best option for now. They get inside the car after Jimin’s body had already gone from their sight.

In the meantime, Jimin keeps on walking while thinking about Jungkook, about their relationship and also finding the mistake that Jimin may have done in the past weeks that make Jungkook to change his attitude towards him.

His hand is on the phone, ready to dial Jungkook’s number again when he heard a pain sound near him.

“Ouch!” A girl is landing flat on his , after Jimin accidently collided with her while too deep in his thought.

That girl is wearing a cap and a mask, making it difficult for Jimin to see her face but he reaches his hand willingly clearing the every wild doubt he had at the moment like maybe that girl is running away from her crime or maybe she had killed someone by looking at how she had dressed herself, everything is black, from her top to her bottom.

“I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

“I’m okay. But you’re the not okay one. Clearly, your mind is not paying attention to your front. Is something bothering you right now?” Am I being too obvious? Does everyone can see it too?

“No, no I’m okay. Thank you for your concern.”

“Ah, okay then. I’m sorry but I have to go now.”

“Are you really okay? I can take you to the hospital?” That girl just smile to him, not that Jimin can see through the mask but he knows she was smiling by how her eyes had turned to crescent moon shape.

Then, she walks away from Jimin, stopping when she is about one or two meters away from him. “Jimin-sshi….” Jimin turns his body to his back, confused as to why the stranger had known his name but that girl only gives her back to him.

“Be happy while it last.”

She starts to walk again after saying that one sentence. “Wh-who are you?” but she just leaves without uttering anymore words, leaving Jimin to shiver from fear.

“Ju-jungkook, where are you?” he calls for Jungkook again and this time Jungkook had picked his call up but he sounds breathless like he was running at the time.

“Hyung, I can’t talk to you right now. I-I—“

“Can I wait for you at your hous---“

“No! No! Don’t come!” Jungkook cuts him off, before saying something that Jimin barely can understand. The next thing he knows, Jungkook had hung up his phone call.

This is not the first time Jungkook had rejected Jimin’s request to visit him at his house. Always giving him excuses like I’m not at home, my house is under construction, and the most ridiculous excuse is that my room is messy.

For the past few months that Jimin had done to Jungkook’s house, never once he complained about Jungkook’s room being too messy or too dirty, so what is the point for Jungkook to be shy about his messy room. They still cuddle even if the bed is full with cloth, of course after Jungkook had dumped it on the floor. And once again, he walks home with lots of negative thoughts, having a war with his own heart which was trying to tell his mind to stop assuming thing.

The sky is blue and bright but Jimin’s heart is gloomy and dark, having a war inside him. Sometimes, he missed his old self, the one time that he can be careless and having no uncertainty to worry about. Being in love is ecstatic and blissful but Jimin being Jimin, can’t run away from interpret thing in a way more complicated than the real meaning behind it.

“Jimin! Jimin! JIMIN!” Namjoon shouts his name stopping Jimin from daydreaming again.

He is already half way to his room, which is still mystery as to how Jimin can reach home by now since he doesn’t remember a single thing about him opening the door to his own house. “Err…I’m sorry. Didn’t hear you’re calling for me.”

“Are you okay, Jimin-ah?” Namjoon puts the mug in his hand into the sink before walking straight to Jimin and Jimin hates this moment.

He can only sigh hard, already has a clue as to what Namjoon is about to say. “I’m okay, hyung. Just tired. That’s all.”

“You know that I hate it when you lied to me, Jimin.”

It is not that hard for Namjoon to see right through Jimin. Just spare a second to look at Jimin’s eyes, and then he can know there is something that bothering Jimin. “You promised me to never lie again, right?” Jimin just nods at him, hanging his head low.

Neither Jimin nor Namjoon know when is the exact time Jimin’s eyes tearing up, whether it’s before Namjoon hug him or after Namjoon had hugged Jimin. Somehow, Namjoon succeed in persuading Jimin to tell him everything, what is bothering Jimin to the point that he is no longer paying attention to his surroundings.

“I’m not saying this to cover or taking his side but Jimin-ah, I’m sure he is not cheating behind your back. Maybe he really is busied with something.”  Namjoon stops for a while to cup Jimin’s face after breaking the hug. “You just have to be patient, trusting Jungkook won’t harm you, I can assure that. That kid loves you so much to leave you for someone else.”

Jimin wants to reply but Namjoon doesn’t give any opportunity for him to do so. “And if he dares to do so, I’ll make sure to give some lesson to him, okay?” Jimin answer him with a small nod, but the insecurity is still there in his eyes, never faded away and Namjoon can do nothing to ease it away. The job to erase that insecurity away is only reserved to Jungkook.

Smile is the only thing Jimin can give to Namjoon at the time, not quite reach his usual level of smiling but Namjoon is alright with it. “So, go take a shower and sleep. I’ll wake you up when dinner is ready.”

“Okay, hyung.”


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mxv0109 #1
Chapter 7: YAAAAY this is art, I really liked the last part *wiggles eyebrow*
affgaga #2
Chapter 7: yeayy!! da bisch kicked out at last! the ending is kind of rushing but still I enjoyed reading it! can't wait for another exciting story from u authornim! hwaiting!!
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 5: ohh ...
Wmh_chim #4
Chapter 6: Thts woman must get out from jungkook's house. Jimin ah pls open your eyes. :')
affgaga #5
Chapter 6: no wonder jungkook was very angry when jimin let mina to stay in their house bcoz he knew the real mina.. yeah get lost mina! jungkook, just tell jimin about her advances!
Wmh_chim #6
Chapter 5: Oh pls can u make jikook happy with haru? :((
affgaga #7
Chapter 5: jimin is asking for trouble.. sigh.. never ending problems..