

Hi...maybe I should change Haru's age, like age up a bit, two or three months.

Btw, thank you for informing me about that in the comment. Another update for today and to remind you all again, there will be angst but a very small, tiny bit of it.. So, enjoy..^.^


“Hey, come in.” Jimin is standing in front of the door with Namjoon on his right, completely in confused because Jungkook never mentioned about Jin and Namjoon will be there during their dinner before.

When Jungkook invited him for dinner this weekend at his house, Jimin thought that it only reserved for the two of them but later in the evening when Namjoon went back home early, informing Jimin that he will have dinner with Jin at his house, he just gave Namjoon a bewildered look.

“Hyung, Jungkook invited me for dinner too, at their house.”

Namjoon stops from spraying his hair, frowning at Jimin, who stood at the door frame. “Weird, Jin didn’t tell me about that.” Jimin was already in his dinner-like-cloth, a pair of black jean and a sweater, the most decent attire for having dinner at home.

Since they both are heading to the same place, Namjoon drives him there, not having much conversation as both of them are still confused but refused to make a call to ask for some brief explanation.

So, here they are, waiting for Jin or Jungkook to open the door for them. The house looks so distance to Jimin because it’s been more than a month that he stopped stepping his feet in it. Namjoon on the side is eyeing Jimin through the corner of his eye, seeing how frequent he had shifted his feet and Jimin is oblivious of that behavior.

They enter the house after Jin opens the door. “I’m sorry about our overlapping dinner.” Jin lets out his frustrated air because Jungkook forgot to inform him about his dinner with Jimin beforehand. Not knowing about Jungkook’s plan, Jin had invited Namjoon to have dinner with him but when he went home with all the ingredients to cook, that’s when Jungkook had told him about the dinner.

“Oh, it’s okay, Hyung. We can have dinner together.” Jimin assures him and Namjoon nods, agreed with Jimin.

And Jin sighs again. “But it’s important. To Jungkook at least.”  They had reached the living room. Jin tells them to sit first while he goes to prepare the table. “Jin-Hyung, where is Jungkook?” Jimin asks when he doesn’t see Jungkook or even his shadow in the house.

“Another problem.” He whispers to himself, voice too low for Jimin or Namjoon to hear that. “He-he’s sleeping. Don’t worry; I’ll wake him up when dinner is ready.”

Jungkook managed to find a nanny, a middle aged woman to take care of Haru one week after she lived with them. She will start taking care of Haru from 7.00 Am until 7.00 Pm, only to leave the house after Jungkook arrived home. At night, Haru will be in Jungkook care and sometimes Jin will help his brother if he didn’t have to work that day. On weekends, Jungkook will fully give his time to Haru from morning till night.

Haru was playing with Jungkook the whole day and that had exhausted them to the max, that they had fallen to sleep before Jin could finish cooking.

“Dinner is ready.” Jin says after clearing his throat, making the two men who were giggling about something, not aware of Jin’s presence.

Namjoon’s hand are on Jimin’s shoulder while Jimin leans his body to Namjoon, showing him something on his phone, probably a funny video when Jin came to the living room. The closeness between them looks so intimate that Jin silently watched them for more than 5 minutes before deciding to inform them about his presence.

“Now I know why Jungkook is so jealous of you.” He whispers to Namjoon, giving no attention to Jimin.

“What?” Namjoon whispers back. “Jimin loves me too, okay.”

Jin punches Namjoon’s arm lightly at that bold confession from him. “But I love you more. You are….my soulmate.” Namjoon succeed in forming a natural pink tint on Jin’s cheek.

“You’re so cheesy.” Jin bites his lip to hide his wide smile, turning away from Namjoon and that is the time he realized that Jimin is nowhere near them. “Wait! Where is Jimin?”

“I don’t know. He’s right behind us just now. Maybe he went to Jungkook’s room—“

“Oh no, no, no.” Jin stands up before walking away, leaving Namjoon alone. He fastens his step to Jungkook’s room only to see a frozen Jimin near Jungkook’s bed. And the worst part is Jungkook is still sleeping but with Haru on top of him.

“Err, Jimin-ah?”

“Hyung! Who-who---“

“Can you wait outside first? I’ll wake Jungkook up to explain everything to you, please?”


Then Jimin walks out of the room, looked dazed and surprised when Namjoon met him halfway, muttering words that Namjoon couldn’t catch the meaning behind it, but he follows him to the living room. After 10 minutes or less, Jungkook appears in the living room with Jin, head is hanging low, trying to avoid every eye on him.

They sit in a very heavy and burdensome awkward and when it starts to kill them from inside, Jungkook starts first. “Haru….her name is Haru.”

“She’s my daughter.”

Jimin blinks slowly, trying to process the information he got from Jungkook. Haru? My daughter? But still, Jimin can’t form any coherent word, it’s like his heart tries to reject that little information from entering his brain.

“What he means by my daughter? You’re not married secretly behind Jimin, didn’t you, right?”

“No! No! I don’t. Please trust me.” Jungkook denies instantly, without any time to delay.

“Okay, looks like that I have to explain it again.” Then, Jin takes his role to explain everything for the third time seeing that Jungkook is stuttering to even form one word.

“And the last few days, we got the DNA test result and its match. Haru is Jungkook’s daughter.”

“You-you’ve been lying to me for months, Jungkook. Who am I to you?” No one dares to interrupt Jimin’s rage or even trying to calm him down when he looks so angry and ready to kill whoever brave enough to move away from there. “We-we promised to never lie again but you---“and he starts to cry. Jungkook reaches to hold him but Jimin pats that hand away.

Jungkook tries again, moving closer to him but Jimin scoots away. “Jimin, I’m so sorry. I-I just panic and confuse—“

“Am I that low to you? That I will find you are disgusting for having a baby by mistake?”

“No! Jimin, no, I never think like---“ A loud cry from another room startles them. Haru has woken up alone with no one beside her and that freaks her out. Jungkook disappear for a second before coming back with Haru in his arm.

She hugs Jungkook’s neck tightly when Jungkook wipes her tear away. He takes the seat again while brushing a strand of hair away from Haru’s face. Jimin’s body stiffen with Haru’s presence near him.

“Haru-ah, these are my friends.”

“Flend?” She asks and Jungkook nods, answering her question.

“Jimin, this is Haru.”

Jungkook turns to face Jimin and so does Haru, turning her head to Jimin at the same time Jimin lifts his head. They stare at each other for a while, eyes wide, not knowing what to do in that state.

“Haru!” Jungkook raises his voice in panic when she wiggles out from his hold before throwing herself into Jimin’s lap. Both Jin and Namjoon gasp when she hugged Jimin, giving him not one but two kisses to his cheek before pecking Jimin’s lip with a very loud “Muaah.”

“Oppa! Jimin-oppa!”


“Haryu likes Jimin-oppa.” She kisses his cheek again. Jimin feels his face is burning hot that everyone can see his blush by now, so he turns his face to the other side but his hand is holding Haru firmly unnoticeable.

“You like Jimin, Haru-ah?” Jin asks her and he receives a very eager nod in return. “Haryu..oppa. Jimin-oppa.” Her cheeks are on Jimin’s cheek.

“Haru-ah, come, play with us. Jungkook-Grandpa needs to talk with Jimin-oppa.” Jin takes Haru from Jimin but he gets a protest for her. She starts to cry when Jin walks away from Jimin.

“Haryu want Jimin-oppa. JIMIN-OPPA! JIMIN-OPPA!” She yells for Jimin again and again, only to stop yelling when Jimin takes her from Jin. “It’s okay, Hyung. Leave her to me.”

“Okay, call us when everything is settled, okay.” Jin and Namjoon leave the house, giving all the space that obviously needed by Jungkook and Jimin.

“What is your name?”

“Haryu.” She smiles at Jimin, happy to be in his arm again.

“Do you like me?” Haru frowns a bit, trying to understand Jimin’s word. “Jimin-oppa.” She points her finger to Jimin’s nose before moving it to her own nose “Haryu oppa.”

“Haryu likes Jimin-oppa.” She keeps on rambling that, smiling brightly at Jimin, completely ignore Jungkook.

 This is the second time Jungkook sees Haru’s bright smile after two months. During the second day she at Jungkook’s house after they went home from shopping, Haru had cried, searching for her mother and refused to eat or sleep. Jungkook and Jin had a hard time to calm her down. It takes about one week for Haru to stop calling for her mother at night. That week was the most torturing moment in their life. Haru’s tantrum had drained their energy, leaving them with just two or three hours of sleeping.

But one day, Jin went home with happy news that the agency had found a nanny to take care of Haru. To celebrate the good news, he bought a big kitchen toy for Haru to play and that was the first time Haru had smiled brightly. Playing with that toy seemed to distract Haru’s attention from looking for her mother. Haru is a friendly little girl, so there is no problem in looking after her.

“She-she looked so much like you.” Jimin’s voice snaps Jungkook from his thought.


“I’m not mad at you for having a baby. I’m just sad and frustrated because you hid it from me. It’s like we still don’t trust each other.” He was playing with Haru, tickling her but Jimin did glance at Jungkook sometimes in between that.

Jungkook moves closer to Jimin. “You know that’s not true. It’s too sudden and I don’t know what to do. I’ve planned to tell you after confirming that she is really my daughter.”

“What will you do next?”

“Since Haru is my biological child, I want to register her as my daughter, officially. Is-is that alright for you?”

Jimin intertwines their finger and smiles to Jungkook. “Don’t worry about me. I’m okay with it. I’m glad you didn’t run away from your responsibility.”

Jin and Namjoon went back home to see a sleeping Jungkook on Jimin’s shoulder while Jimin is watching a video on his phone with Haru on his lap, so much like a happy family except for there is no mother or wife in that picture but no one is having an issue with that.

“Are you two okay now?”

“Yeah, we’ve discussed thing out. So, we’re good.”

“Hey Jimin, do you mind if we stay here for tonight?” A shy question from Namjoon, hoping for an approval from Jimin because it’s already late at night to drive back home. “Sure, I can spend my time with Haru tonight.”

“Okay, then goodnight.”

“Night, Hyung.” Jin and Namjoon leave them to go to Jin’s room.

After two hours, Jungkook wakes up, neck sore from sleeping in the wrong position. He stretches his stiff body before having to realize that Jimin and Haru are next to him, sleeping soundly. Haru is lying on Jimin’s lap and Jimin holds him firmly in his sleep. Phone is lying lifelessly on the floor. Jimin stirs when he feels something wet on his lip. He opens his eyes to see a smiling Jungkook.

“What time is now?”

“No idea. Let’s sleep in my room.” Jimin nods sleepily at him, yawning for the second time.


Jungkook wakes up first, feeling so happy because he has Jimin by his side. He is glad that Jimin can accept Haru and having no problem with Haru leaving with them. If he knows that Jimin is that accepting, for sure Jungkook will expose everything from the day Haru came into his life. Jungkook regrets his lack of trust in Jimin but he vowed to never have any insecurity in him, ever again in the future.

Jimin gets a kiss again on his forehead as a morning call. “Good morning. Wake up, it’s morning already.”

“I’m sleepy.” Jimin’s groggy voice sends a shiver to Jungkook’s spine and he was trying hard not to lose control. Jimin, oblivious of his little problem, moved closer before nuzzling his face at Jungkook’s neck. One kiss to his neck before a proper kiss to Jungkook’s lip, well, at least that’s what Jimin is about to do when suddenly, they feel something or someone is trying to separate their entangled body.

“Jimin-oppa is mine.” She pushes Jungkook away from Jimin.

Jungkook groans at that harsh treatment. “What? Already found my replacement?” Jimin laughs while taking Haru to sit beside him. “For your information young lady, he is my boyfriend and mine, okay?” But Haru ignores him, smiling at Jimin’s laughing face.

“You know, she reminds me of someone. Crazily falling in love with me.” Jungkook, not amused at that statement, just rolled his eyes, giving his back to Jimin.  

“But I love that someone, so much.” Jungkook is smiling but Jimin doesn’t need to see to know it because he can feel it, the smile and the reply I love you too from him.


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mxv0109 #1
Chapter 7: YAAAAY this is art, I really liked the last part *wiggles eyebrow*
affgaga #2
Chapter 7: yeayy!! da bisch kicked out at last! the ending is kind of rushing but still I enjoyed reading it! can't wait for another exciting story from u authornim! hwaiting!!
mxv0109 #3
Chapter 5: ohh ...
Wmh_chim #4
Chapter 6: Thts woman must get out from jungkook's house. Jimin ah pls open your eyes. :')
affgaga #5
Chapter 6: no wonder jungkook was very angry when jimin let mina to stay in their house bcoz he knew the real mina.. yeah get lost mina! jungkook, just tell jimin about her advances!
Wmh_chim #6
Chapter 5: Oh pls can u make jikook happy with haru? :((
affgaga #7
Chapter 5: jimin is asking for trouble.. sigh.. never ending problems..